SECP embarks on digital transformation, launches LEAP

ISLAMABAD, May 29: The Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), Farrukh Sabzwari, has said that SECP is embarking on digital transformation, end-to-end process automation and enabling user environment for all its regulatees.

The SECP’s project for end-to-end digital transformation and automation is called “Leading Efficiency through Automation Prowess (LEAP). Sabazwari said the SECP’s digital transformation would improve service quality, promote transparency and enable efficient interaction for its customers.He was speaking at digital transformation workshop, organized jointly by the SECP and SAP here on Wednesday.  The objective of the workshop was to spread awareness among market participants about SECP’s initiative and to get feedback and ideas from the stakeholders.“The digital transformation is now a public sector imperative. Today’s citizens expect public services to be as personalized and responsive as the services they get from the private sector”, said Sabzwari and added that automation enhances the level of public trust in government, and drives better citizen outcomes.