As per the preamble to provide for the Right to Information transparently and effectively, the Government believes in improved access to all the information held by public bodies.
To ensure that everyone shall have the fundamental right of access to information and promote the purpose of making the Government more accountable to its people, and of improving participation by the people in public affairs and promoting good governance.
Subject only to the reasonable restriction as provided under the law.
Right of Access to Information Act, 2017
Note: In case of record related to statutory returns or any other document filed pursuant to any provision of the Companies Act, 2017 (Act) and in case of filing of applications under the Act, the fee prescribed under the Seventh Schedule to the Act, as amended from time to time, pursuant to sections 462 and 469 of the Act shall be applicable.
Cash payments are not accepted, please use the link to General Challan Manually
Designated Official Name: Mr. Muzzafar Ahmed Mirza
Designation: Executive Director
Profile: HOD Legal Affairs Division
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