These companies are licensed by the Commission and are responsible for providing housing finance services.
Incorporation of NBFC and Grant of License
Non-Banking Finance Company licensed by the SECP to carry out Investment Finance Services, Leasing Business, or Housing Finance Services(“HFS”) in accordance with Part VIII- A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the Non-Banking Finance Companies & Notified Entities Regulations, 2008. The NBFC is to be incorporated under the Ordinance read with provision of the Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003.
Following is the suggested chronological methodology for Incorporation of NBFC and licensing as Investment Finance Service, Leasing Business or Housing Finance Service.
NOC for Formation of NBFC
Application should be submitted to Specialized Companies Division, SECP Headquarter Islamabad for obtaining permission to form a NBFC along with the following documents:
- Form I of the NBFC Rules along with all relevant supporting documents as per Annexure
Incorporation of NBFC
Incorporation of NBFC as a public limited company, at concerned Company Registration Office, as per the existing procedures, forms and fees.
Licensing as IFS, LB or HFS
Application should be submitted to Specialized Companies Division, SECP Headquarter Islamabad for grant of license to carry out business as Investment Finance Services, Leasing Business or Housing Finance Services.
- Form II of the NBFC Rules along with all relevant supporting documents
NBFC for carrying business as IFS, LB or HFS is ESTABLISHED
The information contained on this page is for general guidance on formation of a Non-Banking Finance Company and grant of license as IFS, LB and HFS. Accordingly, the information on this page is provided with the understanding that the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is not herein engaged in rendering legal or otherwise professional advice and services. All information on this page is provided “as is”, with no assurance of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to assurance of providing a permission to form a NBFC and a license to carry out any one or more of the following forms of business in accordance with Part VIII-A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. In no event will the Commission or its officers be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information contained on this page or for any consequential damage.