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SECP Policy Board approved amendments to the Modaraba Ordinance, 1980

ISLAMABAD, March 01, 2025: The Policy Board of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has approved the proposed amendments to the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980 (the “Modaraba Ordinance”). The proposed amendments were originally introduced in the National Assembly in July 2020 through the Modaraba Ordinance (Amendments) Bill, 2020 (the “2020 Bill”). They received approval from the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue and were presented to the National Assembly for consideration. However, due to the expiration of the National Assembly’s term in August 2023, the proposal lapsed.

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  01/01/2016 - 05/03/2016
Date Title Download
25/01/1999 Lahore High Court accepts the plea of SECP for winding up of Capital Bank Limited
04/03/1999 Senate approves amendments in the Companies Ordinance, 1984
08/03/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan announces new rules for closed-end mutual funds and investment companies
13/03/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan issues advertisement in the press advising the general public to be careful in depositing funds in response to the advertisement appearing in the press and the electronic media on behalf Pakland Housing (Pvt.) Limited
15/03/1999 Committee constituted to examine tax, accounting and regulatory issues of the leasing companies
15/03/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan appoints Inspector under section 263 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 to investigate into the affairs of Pakland Housing (Pvt.) Limited, Karachi and SSR & Company (Pvt.) Limited, Islamabad
21/03/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan issues show-cause notice to Dadabhoy Leasing Company, Limited and its Chief Executive for violation of provisions of various laws
31/03/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan takes up complaints of shareholders with management of the listed companies
02/04/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan moves an application in the Supreme Court of Pakistan for early hearing of the case of Taj Company Limited
05/04/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan issues directive to the management of Fidelity Investment Bank Limited to dis-invest its inter-corporate investment of Rs. 10 million in Security General Insurance Co., Limited
07/04/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan reminds companies to ensure “Year 2000 Compliance” of their existing and future computer systems and disclose status of the compliance in their annual reports
13/04/1999 SECP issues directive to the management of RRP Limited to stop dispatch of the machinery and sale of assets
17/04/1999 Committee constituted by SECP to examine problems of Issuers on Joining the Central Depository System (CDS) holds meeting at Karachi
19/04/1999 Leasing Companies asked not to effect changes in the Memorandum of Association and the Board of Directors without prior approval from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)
23/04/1999 SECP advises Habib Bank Limited to postpone Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on April 24, 1999
06/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan reminds Modaraba companies to seek approval from Registrar Modaraba before changing directors/chief executive and replacing major shareholders
10/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan asks companies to hold Annual General Meeting (AGM) after 21 days of re-opening of register of members
12/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan initiates proceedings against M/s. Reliance Weaving Mills, Limited with regard to making investment in a business not authorized by its Memorandum of Association
17/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan holds a seminar to elicit comments from users on the proposed National Clearing and Settlement System (NCSS)
17/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan agrees, in principle, to the merger of Al-Ata Management Services (Pvt.) Limited with Crescent Business Management (Pvt.) Limited
19/05/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) directs M/s. Umer Shani Enterprises (Pvt.) Limited to stop forthwith unauthorized and unlawful business activities
09/06/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan allows a period of 90 days to M/s. Searle Pakistan Limited and Fidelity Investment Bank Limited to un-do investment in their associated companies
10/06/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan advises the companies and other concerned persons to deposit fees etc in the account of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan from July 01, 1999
12/06/1999 Explanation of Salient Features of Changes in Corporate Laws and Capital Market Related Announcements in the Federal Budget
14/06/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan imposes penalties on Chief Executives of three listed companies for delaying their Annual General Meetings
26/06/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan issues a Public Notice conveying its account numbers and designated branches of Habib Bank Limited for depositing fees etc. by companies and other concerned persons
01/07/1999 The National Assembly passes a bill to amend the Companies Ordinance, 1984
26/07/1999 Appointment of inspector to make inquiry into the alleged manipulation in the election by the management of EXIDE PAKISTAN LIMITED
27/07/1999 Rejection of application for deferment of payment of dividend by ZAINAB TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED
11/08/1999 SECP orders initiation of prosecution proceedings against present and former Chief Executives of Dadabhoy Leasing Company Limited for default in timely payment of dividend and in timely holding of AGM
11/08/1999 SECP imposes penalties on Chief Executives of M/S Tri-Star Power Limited and M/S Quality Steel Works Limited for default in timely holding of AGM
19/08/1999 SECP Orders Investigations into the affairs of M/S. Ados Pakistan Limited under Section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
20/08/1999 Inspectors appointed by SECP to investigate into the proceedings of AGM of M/s Exide Pakistan Limited held on June 16, 1999, have reported that no irregularity was found in the election of directors
16/09/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has given notice under section 472 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 to M/s pak Land Cement Limited to cancel extra-ordinary general meeting scheduled on 24th September, 1999 for holding election of directors
16/09/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has turned down application of M/s Dadabhoy Leasing company limited for approval of the appointment of Mr. Abdul Rehamn Dadabhoy as its cheif executive
19/09/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan today issued Circular 16/99 with the objective of facilitating compliance of leasing companies with the revised International Accounting Standards-12
23/09/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan imposes penalty on Chief Executives of M/s. Tawakkal Polyester Industries Limited and M/s. Libaas Textile Limited for delaying AGM
25/09/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan asks directors to deposit Rs. 17,325 million from their personal resources with the Pioneer Cement Limited.
19/10/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan orders Chief Executive and Directors of M/s Ghandhara Leasing Company Limited to deposit into the company’s accounts an amount of Rs. 4.698 million paid to its Ex-Chairman/Chief Executive as “separation benefits”
30/11/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan imposes penalties on Chief Executives of five companies for delaying their Annual General Meetings
03/12/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan orders directors of First Al-Noor Modaraba to personally assume the obligation arising out of purchase of six lac shares of Shahmurad Sugar Mills Limited
04/12/1999 Lahore High Court allows merger of M/s Al-Ata Management Service (Pvt.) Limited and the Al-Ata Leasing Modaraba with the First Crescent Modaraba
18/12/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan orders M/s Dadabhoy Leasing Company Ltd to appoint its Chief Executive
18/12/1999 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Extraction (Pakistan) Ltd under Section 263 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
07/01/2000 First Al-Noor Modaraba reports to SECP that directions of Registrar Modaraba for reversing transaction of purchase of 6 lacks shares of M/s Shahmurad Sugar Mills Ltd from family members of directors of modaraba management company have been complied
07/01/2000 SECP imposes further penalties on Chief Executives of five companies for delaying for delaying their Annual General Meetings
17/01/2000 SECP appoints M/s. A. F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants, State Life Building, 1-C, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi, to act as inspectors to investigate into the affairs of M/s Naya Daur Motors (Pvt) Limited
07/02/2000 SECP directs the ex-Directors of M/s Asim Textile Mills Limited to deposit an amount of Rs. 27.805 million on account of loss suffered by the Company due to their fraudulent deal in regard to the sale of land to the company
03/03/2000 SECP issues notice to M/s Dewan Salman Fibres Limited under section 472 read with section 208 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
15/03/2000 SECP imposes penalties on Chief Executives of twenty-eight listed companies for non/late filing of half-yearly accounts
03/04/2000 SECP orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Services Industries Textile Ltd, under section 263 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
05/04/2000 SECP issues a notice under section 472 read with section 496 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, to directors of M/s Sitara Energy Limited to deposit into Company�s account an amount of Rs. 57,619,979/=
08/04/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of M/s Saitex Spinning Mills Limited under section 263 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
18/04/2000 SECP holds, in the case of M/s. National Fibres Limited, that a person appointed as Chief Executive of the company by Court on the petition under section 290 ibid; is responsible to run the affairs of the company strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Ordinance
25/04/2000 Prudential Regulations for Modarabas
05/05/2000 SECP cancels the registration of M/s Chartered Management Services (Pvt) Limited for mis-appropriation of funds of Unicap Modaraba
10/05/2000 SECP orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Pakistan PVC Limited under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
22/05/2000 Constitution of Modaraba Tribunals
25/05/2000 SECP orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Sarhad Ghee Mills Limited under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
26/05/2000 SECP withdraws permission earlier given to M/s Asian Leasing Corporation Limited for issuance of Certificates of Investment (COIs)
01/06/2000 SECP orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Sind Alkalis Limited under section 263 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
05/06/2000 SECP imposes penalties on Chief Executives of four companies for delaying their AGMs
05/06/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of M/s Abson Industries Limited, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
05/06/2000 SECP issues a notice to Gulistan Spinning Mills Limited under section 472 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, directing the company to reverse a transaction of purchase of immovable property from an associated company
06/06/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of M/s Diamond Industries Limited, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
13/06/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of Tri-Star Shipping Lines Limited
19/06/2000 SECP directs the directors of M/s Nazir Cotton Mills Limited, under section 472 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, to bear the loss on sale of shares of Silver Fibre Spinning Mills Limited
28/06/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of Universal Leasing Corporation Ltd, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
26/07/2000 SECP allows merger of Atlas Lease Limited and Atlas Investment Bank Limited
01/08/2000 SECP imposes penalties on Chief Executives of five companies for delaying their Annual General Meetings
16/08/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of M/s UDL Industries Limited, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
28/09/2000 SECP initiates proceedings against M/s Karim Silk Mills Ltd., under section 305 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, and directs the company not to sell its assets
20/10/2000 SECP orders an investigation into the affairs of M/s Diamond Industries Limited, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
23/10/2000 SECP imposes a penalty of Rupees seven million on the Chief Executive and Directors of M/s Nafees Cotton Mills for violating the provisions of section 208 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
27/10/2000 SECP brings back Rs. 9.6 million into the company’s account of M/s Ghani Textile Mills Limited
06/11/2000 SECP accedes to the offer of sponsors of M/s Bari Rice Mills Limited to compensate minority shareholders by purchasing their shares at the price of Rs. 16/- against prevailing market price of Rs. 3/-
07/11/2000 SECP brings back Rs. 11 million into the company’s account of M/s Pioneer Cement Limited
06/12/2000 SECP issues Notification No. SRO 865 (1)/2000- dated December 6, 2000
21/12/2000 SECP imposes penalty for violation of section 208 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, in the case of M/s Elahi Cotton Mills Limited
31/01/2001 SEC orders investigation in the case of M/s Umer Fabrics Limited under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
02/02/2001 SEC orders investigation into the affairs of M/s Chakwal Cement Company Limited, under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
03/02/2001 SEC grants registration to M/s Faysal Management Services (Pvt.) Limited as Modaraba Company under section 6 of the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980
19/03/2001 SEC imposes a penalty of Rs. 30,000/- on the Chief Executive of M/s Mubarak Textile Mills Limited, under sections 158 and 245 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
28/03/2001 Disinvestment of the shares of M/s Tariq Industries Limited held by M/s Husein Sugar Mills Limited
30/03/2001 SEC issues Listed Companies (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Guidelines
10/04/2001 Annual general meeting of Haji Muhammad Ismail Mills Limited
11/04/2001 Investment in associated companies by Dewan group of companies
13/04/2001 SEC imposes a penalty of Rs. 10,000 on the chief executive of M/s J.A. Textile Mills Limited
18/04/2001 Sale of assets ny National Tanneries of Pakistan Limited
02/08/2001 Reduction of rates of stamp duty on Memorandum and Articles of Association by the Government of Sindh
20/08/2001 SEC takes legal action against M/s Quality Steel Mills Limited
08/10/2001 SEC imposes penalty of Rs. 2,500 on Chief Executive of M/s Muslim Ghee Mills Limited
09/10/2001 SEC brings back Rupees 45 million into M/s Associated Industries Limited
11/10/2001 SEC imposes penalty of Rs. 5,000 on Chief Executive of M/s Pakistan House International Limited
23/10/2001 SEC appoints inspector to investigate into the affairs of M/s Sunshine Cotton Mills Limited
30/10/2001 SEC imposes fine on two practicing Chartered Accountants for professional misconduct and wilful default of the provisions of section 257 of Companies Ordinance, 1984
29/11/2001 Clarification regarding quarterly accounts
28/12/2001 SEC restrains M/S Haji Muhammad Ismail Mills Ltd to sell its investments at throw away price
31/12/2001 SEC has Launched a Scheme Called “Companies Regularization Scheme” to Provide an Opportunity to Non-listed Public and Private Limited Companies to Regularize their Defaults of Filing of Statutory Returns under the Companies Ordinance, 1984
03/01/2002 SEC relaxes rules regarding submission of Quarterly Accounts by the Listed Companies
03/01/2002 SEC restrains the management of M/S Universal Leather and Footwear Industries Limited from making advances of Rs. 30 million to its associated company M/S MIMA Cotton Mills Limited
07/01/2002 SEC imposes fine on Mr. Mohammad Kaleem Rathor, CA, for negligence in the performance of his duties as an auditor.
10/01/2002 A delegation led by Chairman SEC to visit UAE, Saudi Arabia and UK to create awareness about the investment climate in Pakistan
10/01/2002 SEC approves names of seven outside Directors on the Board of Lahore Stock Exchange
16/01/2002 SEC directs Insurance Companies to provide evidence of compliance of section 12 of the Insurance Ordinance, 2000
21/01/2002 SEC Chairman urges Pakistani Expatriates to avail investment opportunities at home
22/01/2002 SEC decides to prosecute Directors of M/s Quality Steel Works Limited
24/01/2002 SEC decides to prosecute Directors of M/s Tri-Star Shipping Lines
30/01/2002 SEC Nominates Non-member Directors for Stock Exchanges
31/01/2002 SEC imposes fine on Mr Moosa Yusuf Lulat, CA, and member of ICAP for negligence in the performance of his duties as an auditor
01/02/2002 SEC has provided further relaxation to non-listed public and private companies to regularize their default in filing of statutory returns under the Companies Ordinance, 1984
06/02/2002 SEC Notifies Amendments in Leasing Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2000
07/02/2002 US Delegation Visits SEC
08/02/2002 SEC Issues Directive to Stock Exchanges to Ensure Transparent Audit of Listed Companies
11/02/2002 SEC Prosecutes M/S Pak Fibre Industries Limited
13/02/2002 SEC Launches its New Website
18/02/2002 EXIM Bank Delegation Visits SEC
18/02/2002 SEC has Launched a Scheme Called “Companies Regularization Scheme” to Provide an Opportunity to Non-listed Public and Private Limited Companies to Regularize their Defaults of Filing of Statutory Returns under the Companies Ordinance, 1984
21/02/2002 SEC Chairman Presides Over Seminar Titled “The Enron Case – Revising the Auditor’s Independence”
26/02/2002 SEC Fines Mr. Muhammad Zakaria Loya, CA, for Negligence in Performance of Duties
27/02/2002 Chairman Holds Press Conference in Islamabad
28/02/2002 Chairman Inaugurates Investor Account Services at Central Depository Company, Islamabad.
01/03/2002 The appellate bench of the SEC has dismissed an appeal filed by Mr. Mehmood Ali Khan and Mr. Nasim Akhter, chartered accountants, against the order of Executive Director(E & M), SEC.
04/03/2002 Listed Companies Directed to Enforce Code of Corporate Governance.
11/03/2002 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Notifies Characteristics of “Venture Project” under the Venture Capital Companies and Venture Capital Funds Rules, 2001
12/03/2002 SEC Issues Show-cause Notices to 19 Insurance Companies Failing to Implement Provisions of the Insurance Ordinance 2000 Pertaining to Adequate and Sound Reinsurance Arrangement
13/03/2002 Companies Regularization Scheme
14/03/2002 SEC Finalizes Recommendations for Amendments in Companies Ordinance, 1984
15/03/2002 SEC Prepares “Investor’s Guide”.
20/03/2002 ADB Delegation Visits SEC
21/03/2002 SEC Arranges Three-day Training Programme on Insurance in Consultation with ADB.
27/03/2002 SEC Meeting with Issuers of Prospectus, Advisors and Arrangers to the Issue, and Stock Exchanges
11/04/2002 Sajjad Saifuddin Safri, a Practicing Chartered Accountant Based in Karachi, Fined for Negligence in the Performance of his Duties
15/04/2002 SEC Successfully Persuades Government of Baluchistan to Bring Down Rates of Stamp Duty Levied on the Companies
16/04/2002 SEC Imposes Fine on Mr. Abdul Ghafoor, a Practicing Chartered Accountant, for Violation of Mandatory Requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
29/04/2002 SEC Extends the Period of the “Companies Easy Exit Scheme” (CEES) upto May 15, 2002
14/05/2002 SEC Invites Opinion from the General Public on the Proposed Amendments in the Companies (Invitation and Acceptance of Deposits) Rules 1987
16/05/2002 SEC extends the period of the ‘Companies Easy Exit Scheme’ (CEES) upto May 31, 2002
16/10/2002 Adjudication of defaults of late filing of statutory returns filed prior to January 01, 2002.
15/04/2003 Warning Against Unauthorized Stock Brokers.
07/07/2003 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SEC) with the Approval of the Federal Government has Notified Further Amendments Made in the Companies (General Provision and Forms) Rules, 1985.
17/07/2003 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SEC) Initiates Action Against so-called International Brokerage Companies.
20/08/2003 Update on Action Against Unauthorised and Illegal Activities of so-called Forex and Brokerage Companies.
06/01/2004 Honrable Lahore High Court Dismisses Petition Against an Order of the SEC
07/01/2004 SEC Introduces Manual of Corporate Governance
08/01/2004 Workshop on Winning With Leasing
08/01/2004 Launch of Crosby Dragon Fund
09/01/2004 SEC Chairman Meets Newly Elected KSE Boar
12/01/2004 Seminar on International Education Standards
15/01/2004 E-business 2004 Conference
15/01/2004 Maximum Illustrative Return by Life Insurance Companies Capped at Eight Percent
17/01/2004 International Conference on Investment Banking
18/01/2004 Seminar in Regional Cooperation for Economic Development
19/01/2004 Chairman SEC Meets Representatives of Insurance Companies
23/01/2004 Chairman SEC Visits NCCPL and CDC
28/01/2004 Prudential Regulations for Modarabas Revised
09/02/2004 Meeting of the EMC Advisory Board IOSCO
16/02/2004 9th Meeting of the SEC-SBP Coordination Committee
19/02/2004 SEC Restrains Punjab Cotton Mills Limited from Passing Special Resolution to Dispose of the Assets of the Company
24/02/2004 Update on Action Against Unauthorised and Illegal Activities of so-called Forex and Brokerage Companies.
26/02/2004 President and Chief Executive of Afghan Investment Agency Visits SEC
03/03/2004 SEC Imposes Penalty Amounting to Rs.100,000 on the Directors of J.K. Spinning Mills Limited
04/03/2004 SEC Restrains Haji Dossa Limited from Passing Special Resolution
08/03/2004 Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee of IOSCO
10/03/2004 Chairman SEC Meets Representatives of Insurance Companies in Lahore
12/03/2004 Task Force on Rotation of Auditors Constituted
16/03/2004 SEC Imposes Penalty Amounting to Rs.32,000 on the Directors of Pangrio Sugar Mills Limited
17/03/2004 SEC Appoints Inspector to Conduct Investigation into the Affairs of Amin Spinning Mills Limited
18/03/2004 CEES Re-introduced
26/03/2004 SEC Policy Board Meets
27/03/2004 Seminar on KSE 100 Index – Current Scenario and Future Trends
01/04/2004 Penalties Imposed on Chief Executives of Three Listed Companies
01/04/2004 Beware of Pyramid and MLM Schemes
02/04/2004 Penalties Imposed for Failure to Hold Annual General Meeting
02/04/2004 Third Conference on Private Pensions in Asia
06/04/2004 Chairman CBR Visits SEC
12/04/2004 FTO Visits SEC
14/04/2004 Coordination Meeting Between SEC and Management of NCCPL and CDC
15/04/2004 Coordination Meeting between and SEC and Stock Exchanges
15/04/2004 Listed Companies Allowed to Place their Quarterly Accounts on their Websites
16/04/2004 Chairman SEC Visits KCA
21/04/2004 SEC Imposes Penalty on Business Department Manager and Marketing Manager of Xianle Health Products
22/04/2004 Task Force for Formulation of Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Takaful
23/04/2004 SEC Imposes Penalties on Chief Executives of Al-Jadeed Textile Mills Limited and Climax Engineering Company Limited
26/04/2004 SEC Imposes Penalties on Wali Oil Mills Limited, Khyber Tobacco Company Limited, Bela Automotives Limited and Pakistan PVC Limited
06/05/2004 Seminar on Corporate Governance Beyond Listed Companies
10/05/2004 ACCA Centenary Conference
11/05/2004 Seminar on Developing Anti-Money Laundering Measures
12/05/2004 Head of Corporate Governance and Risk Management, ACCA Delivers Lecture at SEC
20/05/2004 IOSCO Annual Conference 2004
25/05/2004 Inauguration ceremony of the Investment Services Centre of Escorts Investment Bank
29/05/2004 Conference on Corporate Governance in Pakistan: Regulation, Supervision and Performance
31/05/2004 Dr. Philip Pillai, Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore Addresses Concluding Session of Conference on Corporate Governance in Pakistan: Regulation, Supervision and Performance
01/06/2004 SEC Attains Membership of IAIS and INPRS
15/06/2004 10th Meeting of the SEC-SBP Coordination Committee
17/06/2004 Leading Commercial Banks Offer Support for Margin Financing Mechanism
22/06/2004 Directives Issues to 14 Insurance Companies
22/06/2004 Government of NWFP and Punjab Propose to Abolish Stamp Duty on Memorandum and Articles of Association of Companies
28/06/2004 Chairman SEC Visits Faisalabad Chambers of Commerce and Industry
08/07/2004 SEC Introduces Complaint Registration Form
09/07/2004 MoU Signed to Establish Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance
13/07/2004 Chairman SEC Proposes Establishment of Emerging Markets Committee
16/07/2004 SEC Issues Guidelines for Issue of Shares at a Discount
27/07/2004 SEC Notifies Revised Fourth Schedule to the Companies Ordinance
29/07/2004 Chairman SEC Presents Report on Draft Principles of Outsourcing of Financial Services by Financial Intermediaries to SC3
03/08/2004 SEC Registers 239 New Companies in July
04/08/2004 SEC Penalizes Two Companies
06/08/2004 SEC to Participate in ITCN-Asia 2004
10/08/2004 Revised Fourth Schedule not Applicable to Companies whose Financial Year Closes on June 30
16/08/2004 SEC Penalises Ms Farooq Habib Textile Mills
16/08/2004 SEC Penalises Three Listed Companies
19/08/2004 SEC Chairman launches AKD Trade’s Financial Portal
30/08/2004 SEC Chairman proposes three-pronged approach to achieve regional capital market integration in SAARC
01/09/2004 Working Group on Legal and Regulatory Framework’s Report
29/09/2004 Federal Cabinet Amends Companies Ordinance, 1984
29/09/2004 Task Force Submits Report to SEC on Takaful Business
29/09/2004 SEC Chairman asks NBFCs to Comply with NBFC Rules, Prudential Regulations
01/10/2004 SEC to Provide Electronic Services to Companies
15/10/2004 SEC, Bourses Chiefs discuss Report of Expert Committee on Demutualization and Integration of Stock Exchanges
15/10/2004 SEC-ICAP Coordination Committee Meeting held
21/10/2004 SEC Restrains Climax Engineering Company from Passing Special Resolution
25/10/2004 SEC Restrains Latif Jute Mills from Disposing Of Assets
26/10/2004 SEC Fines M/s Dawood Fibre Mills
01/11/2004 SEC Chairman Presents Report to IOSCO
02/11/2004 SEC Registers 202 Companies during October
04/11/2004 SEC Imposes Fine on Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills
05/11/2004 SEC Penalises Moonlite (Pak) Ltd
05/11/2004 SEC Imposes Rs50,000 Fine on Hala Enterprises
12/11/2004 SEC Imposes Rs.6,50,000 Fine on ABL
19/11/2004 SEC Imposes Fine on Zahur Textile Mills
02/12/2004 Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance Established
03/12/2004 SEC Registers 198 Companies in November 2004
03/12/2004 SEC Notifies Voluntary Pension System Rules, 2004
06/12/2004 SEC Publishes Single Member Company Guide in Urdu
08/12/2004 SEC-SBP to Form Task Force for Consolidated Supervision of Financial Sector
13/12/2004 SEC Penalizes Punjab Oil Mills
14/12/2004 SEC Chairman Elected as IOPS Technical Committee’s Vice Chairman
17/12/2004 SEC To Undertake Investor Education Programme
20/12/2004 SEC, Bourses Discuss Demutualization and Integration of Stock Exchanges
23/12/2004 SECP To Establish Facilitation Desk at RCCI
24/12/2004 SEC Penalizes M/s Usman Textile Mills
27/12/2004 SEC Penalizes Zafara International Limited, Mandviwalla Mausar Plastic Industries
27/12/2004 SEC, CBR Constitute Task Force to Formulate Corporate Tax Policy
29/12/2004 SEC Issues Draft Clearing Companies (Registration & Regulation) Rules
30/12/2004 SEC Prepares Draft Commodity Exchange and Futures Contract Rules
04/01/2005 SEC Imposes Rs. 0.5 million Fine on PICIC
05/01/2005 SEC Orders Investigation into Affairs of Dawood Fibre Mills
05/01/2005 Chairman SEC Addresses ICAP Seminar at Lahore
06/01/2005 SEC Penalizes Pak Elektron Limited
06/01/2005 SEC Registers 233 Companies during December 2004
06/01/2005 Nepalese Capital Market Experts Visits SEC Head Office
11/01/2005 PRESS RELEASE – Corporate Tax Policy
12/01/2005 First Meeting of Task Force on Corporate Tax Policy held at SEC Head Office
18/01/2005 Mr. Rashid Malik Joins SEC as Commissioner
18/01/2005 SEC holds Training Workshop for Registrars at Karachi
19/01/2005 SEC Issues Necessary Clarification to Remove Difficulties of Listed Companies
19/01/2005 Round Table Conference held at SEC Head Office
26/01/2005 The Task Force on Corporate Tax Policy
26/01/2005 Chairman SEC Visits Islamabad Stock Exchange
26/01/2005 Companies Easy Exit Scheme Concludes
28/01/2005 SEC Clarifies News Item
01/02/2005 Task Force on Corporate Tax Policy holds meeting with Corporate Bodies
10/02/2005 SEC Penalises Hyder Bhimji & Co. Chartered Accountants
16/02/2005 Chairman SEC Proposes to declare 2005 as Year of Development of Insurance Sector
16/02/2005 Chairman Sec For Stakeholders’ Proactive Role to Foster Debt Market’s Development
17/02/2005 SEC Maintains Strict Vigilance of Listed Companies
18/02/2005 SEC Penalises Acquirers, Managers to Offer of Essa Cement Industries (Pvt) Limited
18/02/2005 Mr. Slaman Shah, Umar Ayub visit SEC head office
23/02/2005 Chairman SEC stresses need for Consolidation, Mergers in Modaraba Sector
24/02/2005 SEC Clarifies News Item
25/02/2005 SEC Notifies Voluntary Pension System Rules
01/03/2005 SEC issues Code of Conduct for Credit Rating Companies
03/03/2005 SEC Registers 224 Companies during February 2005
04/03/2005 SEC Penalises ART Modaraba Management Private Limited
04/03/2005 Presentation on Draft Futures Trading Act, 2005 held at SEC head office
14/03/2005 SEC Penalises Dadabhoy Modaraba Management Private Limited
15/03/2005 SEC Notifies Amendment in Sixth Schedule to Companies Ordinance
18/03/2005 SEC-CBR Task Force Finalises recommendations for Corporate Tax Policy
28/03/2005 SEC Establishes Special Complaint Cell for Investors
29/03/2005 SEC Starts Legal Proceedings against 15 COs
01/04/2005 Meeting at SEC Reviews Stock Market Situation
02/04/2005 SEC Constitutes Task Force to Investigate Stock Market Crisis
05/04/2005 SEC Notifies Draft Takaful Rules
08/04/2005 SEC Registers 295 Companies during March 2005
15/04/2005 SEC Starts Action against 34 Companies during March 2005
29/04/2005 Meeting of Religious Board for Modaraba held
04/05/2005 SEC Registers 28 Companies during April 2005
11/05/2005 SEC Advises Companies to Obey Rules, Regulations
12/05/2005 Empowers CROs to Accept Petitions
13/05/2005 MoU Signed to Set-Up South Asian Securities Regulators Forum
17/05/2005 Dr. Tariq Hassan elected Chairman of SASRF
18/05/2005 SEC Take Action against 15 Companies during April
23/05/2005 Company Mortgages and Charges Guide Published
24/05/2005 Final Rules for Takaful within 2-3 Weeks
29/05/2005 SEC Relaxes Qualification Requirement for Company Secretary
02/06/2005 Meeting between SEC and BoD of three stock exchanges held
03/06/2005 SEC Preparing Code of Conduct for Fund Managers
06/06/2005 SEC Imhposes Rs. 750,000 Penalty on First Islamic Modaraba
07/06/2005 SEC Registers 366 Companies during May 2005
07/06/2005 SEC-CBR Task Force Recommendations included in Finance Bill 2005-06
10/06/2005 SEC-ICAP Coordination Committee Meeting held
15/06/2005 SEC, ASIC Sign MoU in Canberra
17/06/2005 SEC Chairman Addresses American Business Council of Pakistan
22/06/2005 Dr. Tariq Hassan Represents Pakistan at Kuala Lumpur Moot
05/07/2005 SEC Website Upgraded to Facilitate Registration of Companies
13/07/2005 SEC Chairman addresses Quetta Chamber of Commerce and Industry
14/07/2005 SEC Penalises 168 Companies during June 2005
15/07/2005 SEC Identifies 25 Cases of Violations of Legal Requirements during June 2005
18/07/2005 Stock Market Task Force Submits Report to SEC
20/07/2005 SECP defers transfer pricing till December 3, 2005
22/07/2005 Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan says Badla is not back
22/07/2005 SEC Develops Corporate Scorecard
29/07/2005 Norwegian Ambassador Visits SEC Head Office
30/07/2005 Chairman Addresses CFA Association of Pakistan
02/08/2005 Chairman for Adoption of IFRS in True Spirit
04/08/2005 Report of the Taskforce to Review the Stock Market Situation
05/08/2005 SEC Relaxes Disclosures Requirement
05/08/2005 SEC Registers Record Number of Companies in July 2005
08/08/2005 SEC Sets Up Advisory Committee to Formulate Medium Term Strategy for Regulation and Development of Corporate and Non-Banking Financial Sector
10/08/2005 Alfalah Securities Penalised for Insider Trading
10/08/2005 SEC Chairman Inaugurates National Leasing Register and Defaulters Database
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 4
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 6
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 1
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 2
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 3
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 7
12/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 8
15/08/2005 SEC Gives Presentation to NA Committee on Finance and Revenue about Stock Market Situation
17/08/2005 IMF Delegation Visits SEC Head Office
18/08/2005 SEC holds Conference to Launch Voluntary Pension System: Download Presentation 5
19/08/2005 SEC and International Finance Corporation Signs MoU to Strengthen Corporate Governance Reforms in Pakistan
19/08/2005 Committee to Conduct Feasibility of Exchange-Traded Derivatives Market in Pakistan
21/08/2005 SEC Defeats Combined Stock Exchanges Team in One Day Cricket Match: View Pictures
21/08/2005 SEC Defeats Combined Stock Exchanges Team in One Day Cricket Match
22/08/2005 SEC Takes Action against 25 Companies in July 2005
24/08/2005 Adhesive Stamps Made Available at Quetta, Islamabad CROs
29/08/2005 Registrars of Companies Adjudicate 192 Companies during July 2005
30/08/2005 SEC Penalises Nine KSE Brokerages Firms
02/09/2005 SEC Sets up Registration Camp Office at RCCI
05/09/2005 Company Registration on the Rise in Balochistan
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 2
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 4
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 5
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 3
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 6
05/09/2005 The SECP organizes a one-day conference to launch Voluntary Pension System- VPS: download Presentation 7
06/09/2005 SECP takes action against fictitious applications for shares
06/09/2005 SEC Notifies New Islamic Financial Accounting Standards
07/09/2005 Final Takaful Rules, 2005 Notified
08/09/2005 SEC Registers 410 Companies during August 2005
10/09/2005 SEC, Stock Exchanges Meeting held to discuss Demutualization
14/09/2005 Company Director Prosecuted on Complaint of SEC
14/09/2005 Licences Granted to Associations Not For Profit
15/09/2005 EC Grants Exemptions to Facilitate Non-Banking Finance Companies
22/09/2005 No Increase in Funding Cap for CFS Beyond Rs. 25 Billion
23/09/2005 SEC Chairman Addresses Sahiwal, Multan Chambers
26/09/2005 SEC Organises Apex Consultation on CSR Strategy in Lahore
27/09/2005 SEC, CBR Constitute Joint Task Force on Transfer Pricing
30/09/2005 SECP Reviews Employees’ Provident Fund (Investment in Listed Securities) Rules
07/10/2005 Nine Brokerages Houses Penalised
07/10/2005 Company Registrars Conference held at SEC Head Office
07/10/2005 SEC Penalizes Nine Brokerages Houses
11/10/2005 SEC Establishes Fund to Raise Finances for Reconstruction of Quake-hit areas
17/10/2005 SEC Takes Action against 108 Companies during September 2005
18/10/2005 319 Companies Registered during September 2005
25/10/2005 Disclosure of Comparative Figures for the Textile Industry
28/10/2005 Changes in Prudential Regulations for NBFCs dealing in Housing Finance
29/10/2005 Brokers, Stock Exchanges Asked to Implement New Measures
02/11/2005 Foreign Collaboration not a Condition for Open-end Mutual Funds
08/11/2005 Gammon Board Directors Election Conflict Resolved
11/11/2005 SEC Chairman to Inaugurate Facilitation Desk at Lahore CRO
11/11/2005 SEC Launches Two New Online Systems
16/11/2005 Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance Organises Workshop in Karachi
18/11/2005 SEC Holds Seminar on Reinsurance in Karachi, Lahore
25/11/2005 SEC Continues Monitoring of Corporate Sector
25/11/2005 264 Companies Registered during October 2005
26/11/2005 Corporate Law Review Commission Setup to Review Companies Ordinance 1984
30/11/2005 SECP KSE Discuss Demutualisation of Stock Exchanges
01/12/2005 FPCCI President Visits SECP Head Office
02/12/2005 SECP Unveiled Its New-Look, Revamped Website
06/12/2005 First Meeting of Corporate Law Review Commission held at SECP Head Office.
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 6:
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 3:
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 4:
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 1:
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 2:
09/12/2005 Seminar on Voluntary Pension System held in Islamabad: Download Presentation 5:
13/12/2005 Religious Board for Modarabas clears two Modarabas for floatation
16/12/2005 SECP Represented in IOPS Meetings in Paris
21/12/2005 SECP Asks Listed Firms to Comply with International Standards on Auditing
21/12/2005 Dr. Tariq Hassan Addresses Investment Banks Association of Pakistan
24/12/2005 SECP Penalizes Four Companies for Violation of Legal Provisions in November 2005
24/12/2005 268 Companies Registered during November 2005
26/12/2005 Listed Companies Asked to Provide Adequate Information to Shareholders
28/12/2005 Regulations Made for Election of Non-member Director as Chairmen of Karachi, Lahore Stock Exchanges
30/12/2005 Draft Rules Prepared for Real Estate Investment Trusts
30/12/2005 Draft Rules Prepared for Real Estate Investment Trusts. Download Draft Rules
30/12/2005 Draft Rules Prepared for Real Estate Investment Trusts. Download Research Paper
04/01/2006 SECP-CBR Task Force on Transfer Pricing Furnishes Recommendations
07/01/2006 SECP Registers 315 Companies during December 2005
09/01/2006 New Prudential Regulations For Consumer Financing For Non-Banking Finance Companies (“NBFCs”)
18/01/2006 SECP Takes Action Against 19 Companies during December 2005
31/01/2006 SECP, KSE Agree Over Roadmap for Demutualization of KSE
05/02/2006 SECP Decides: Continuous Funding System (CFS) to continue
06/02/2006 CLRC Deliberates Upon Draft Concept Paper for Development of Corporate Sector
07/02/2006 Feasibility Study of Exchange-traded Derivatives Completed
01/03/2006 SECP Nominates Four Non-member Directors on KSE Board
17/03/2006 SECP Nominates Four Non-member Directors on LSE Board
17/03/2006 SECP Launches Two Guide Booklets
22/03/2006 SECP holds Consultative Seminar on CSR Strategy in Karachi
05/04/2006 SECP Approves Reduction in CDS Tariff Structure
07/04/2006 ISO 9001:2000 Certification of IS&T Department of SECP
28/04/2006 Draft Amendments To The Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003
02/05/2006 SECP Working on New Product to Replace CFS
14/05/2006 SECP Extends the Date for Review of CFS
16/05/2006 Enabling Of SECP E-Services Initiative in Pakistan
23/05/2006 SECP Releases “Foreign Companies Guide”
25/05/2006 CLRC Presents Concept Paper to SECP
02/06/2006 SECP Step Forward to Facilitate Haj and Umrah Companies
08/06/2006 SECP Registers 1,135 Companies during May 2006
09/06/2006 SECP Launches Investigation in Stock Market Manipulation
13/06/2006 SECP Constitutes Committee for Debt Capital Market Development
15/06/2006 Conditions Applicable to Promoters/Majority Shareholders of NBFCs
23/06/2006 Two more Member included in Debt Capital Market Committee
23/06/2006 Committee Formed to address Issues Relating to CFS Mk II
29/06/2006 SECP Circulates Revised Paper on CFS Mk II
01/08/2006 Presentation on Corporate Governance held at SECP
07/08/2006 SECP Agrees to Raise Minimum Paid-up Capital Requirement for Insurance Companies Phase-wise
08/08/2006 SECP-KSE Meeting Held in Karachi
21/08/2006 Meeting of the Board of Directors of Karachi Stock Exchange Held on August 17, 2006
30/08/2006 SECP appoints Administrator for CSIBL
12/09/2006 Draft Amendments to NBFC (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003 Notified
28/09/2006 SECP-KSE Meeting Discuss Risk Management Measures
12/10/2006 SECP Presents Draft Report to Emerging Markets Countries Conference in Shanghai
17/10/2006 SECP Registers 920 Companies during First Quarter of FY-2006-07
02/11/2006 Revised Draft of REIT Rules Prepared
02/11/2006 SECP-KSE Meeting Held in Islamabad
10/11/2006 SECP Informed by Ministry of Finance about Postponement of NA Standing Committee Meeting
16/11/2006 Balochistan Assembly Abolishes Stamp Duty on Memorandum and Articles of Association of Companies
16/11/2006 SECP-KSE Meeting in Islamabad Discuss Various Issues
21/11/2006 Forensic Report Placed on SECP website
28/11/2006 Companies Asked to File Annual Returns with Registrars
05/12/2006 Draft of Proposed Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund Rules sent to MOF
14/12/2006 Diligence was Appointed to Investigate March 2005 Stock Market Events
02/01/2007 SECP Clarifies Callmate Regulatory Issues
05/01/2007 Registration of Companies for the Quarter ended 31st December, 2006
08/01/2007 SECP Grants Certificate of Registration to Four Asset Management Companies to Act as Pension Fund Managers
25/01/2007 SECP Conducts Annual General Meetings of Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited
25/01/2007 SECP Constitutes CFS Mk II – Implementation Committee
14/02/2007 CLRC Starts Redrafting Companies Ordinance, 1984
03/04/2007 SECP Directs Brokers to Ensure Compliance to Regulations
25/04/2007 Pakistan elected as a member of the Executive Committee of CRF
02/05/2007 Pakistan Re-Elected Chair Of IOSCO’s Working Group
23/06/2007 The National Assembly has passed the Finance Act, 2007
11/07/2007 SECP restarts Companies Easy Exit Scheme
12/07/2007 SECP Registers 1733 Companies During Quarter April-June 2007
19/07/2007 Period For Holding AGM Reduced From Four To Three Months
26/07/2007 SECP To Establish A Robust System Of Occupational Savings
26/07/2007 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Regulations, 2007 Drafted
31/07/2007 Draft Code of Conduct for Brokers
06/08/2007 Capital Market Reforms To Continue: SECP Chairman
13/08/2007 SECP invites Comments On Draft PE&VCF Regulations 2007
29/08/2007 Codes of Conduct for Analysts & Asset Managers and Brokerage Houses
03/09/2007 SECP Appoints Administrator to Manage Trust Modarbas
29/09/2007 SECP Clarification
25/10/2007 SECP Registers 1,135 New Companies
05/11/2007 SECP Takes Congnzance of Market Volatility
07/11/2007 Class of Companies Exempted From Requirement Of Section 208 Notified
07/11/2007 SECP Withdraws Nomination Of Mr. Hamesh Khan, Islamabad
13/11/2007 Chambers To Collect Annual Returns From Companies
15/11/2007 SECP Re-elected Member of IOPS Executive Committee
21/11/2007 SECP Modernizes NBFC Framework: Amended NBFC Rules Issued
29/11/2007 SECP Offices To Remain Open Till 9 P.M. On 30 November To Collect Returns
30/11/2007 Secp Imposes Fine On Firm
11/12/2007 SECP Extends Compnies Easy Exit Scheme Till January 31, 2008
01/01/2008 SECP Appoints Non-Member Directors On Boards Of Three Stock Exchanges
08/01/2008 SECP Registers 836 Companies During Quarter Oct-Dec 2007
11/01/2008 SECP Reviews Insurance Arrangements
18/01/2008 Pakistan Market Returns To FTSE Watch List (Presentation)
18/01/2008 Payment by Insurance Companies of Insured Losses in the Province of Sindh following Tragic Incident of 27 December 2007
23/01/2008 SECP Senior Management Meeting Held In Islamabad photographs
23/01/2008 SECP Senior Management Meeting Held In Islamabad
23/01/2008 Press Statement as Read Out by the SECP Chairman, Razi-Ur-Rehman Khan during Press Conference
29/01/2008 SECP, Securities and Exchange Board of India INDIA (SEBI) Sign MOU
11/02/2008 SECP Facilitates Queries On REITs
13/02/2008 SECP Panel Of Auditors
14/02/2008 Pakistan Institute Of Capital Markets (PICM)
14/02/2008 SECP Officials Participate In Training On Anti-Money Laundering & Fraud Prevention
14/02/2008 SECP Eliminates Bogus Motor Third Party Insurance Certificates
14/02/2008 CFS MK-II To Go-Live On April 7, 2008
20/02/2008 SECP Suspends CEO, BOD Of NLRL, Appoints New Administrator
23/02/2008 SECP Senior Management Meeting Held In Islamabad | Event Photographs
27/02/2008 SECP Sets Up Free Medical Camp For Employees, Families
28/02/2008 SECP Places Models Memorandum Of Association For Various Sectors On Its Website
03/03/2008 Imran Ghaznavi Joins SECP as Head Internal & External Communications
03/03/2008 Foreign Portfolio Investment In Pakistan Stock Market
06/03/2008 SECP Approves Book Building Process
07/03/2008 SECP Spring Gala For Employees Families
12/03/2008 SECP Statement on NIB Bank Matter
20/03/2008 SECP’S Religious Board For Modarbas Approves Model Islamic Financing Agreements
25/03/2008 Information regarding Foreign Portfolio Investment
25/03/2008 Decisions to discuss the issues being faced by the market participants in various Markets
25/03/2008 Seminar Held On Demutulization Of Stock Exchanges
27/03/2008 SECP’S Website Ranked Among Top 5 Pakistani Websites
31/03/2008 SECP Declares “NLRL” a sick company
08/04/2008 SECP Elected As Member Of APREA Management Board
15/04/2008 SECP Re-Elected CRF’s Executive Committee Member
18/04/2008 SECP Acquires Market Surveillance System From Local Vendor
25/04/2008 Seminar on e-Services/e-Governance Project
13/05/2008 SECP Places Further Model Memorandum of Association
16/05/2008 Pakistan Equity Roundtable Held In London
22/05/2008 SECP Signs Agreement With MCB Bank
23/06/2008 Guidelines to Companies Easy Exit Scheme (CEES) Year 2007
23/06/2008 Measures For Market Stabilization
25/06/2008 SECP Introduces Requirements To Facilitates Merger Of Open End Mutual Funds
30/06/2008 SECP Facilitates Associated Companies Of Fund Managers To Invest In Mutual Funds
01/07/2008 SECP Issues “FIT AND PROPER CRITERIA” For Modarbas
02/07/2008 SECP Issues Criteria For Modarbas And Their Management Companies
02/07/2008 SECP Implements International Valuation Standards For REITS
08/07/2008 Review Of Market Stabilization Measures
10/07/2008 Equity Market Opportunity Fund (DMOF) Discussed
11/07/2008 Launch Of Analyst Certification Program In Collaboration With CFA Institute And CFAAP
11/07/2008 Measures For Market Stabilizations
16/07/2008 SECP, KSE Meet FIs To Discuss Equity Market Opportunity Fund
24/07/2008 “Market Opportunity Fund” To Be Launched On July 25 Under Management Of NIT
29/07/2008 Revised Period For Holding AGM
08/08/2008 SECP Seeks Comments On Draft Listed Companies Regulations, 2008
19/08/2008 Draft Stock Exchanges Rules, 2008 Placed On SECP Website
19/08/2008 SECP’s Major Initiative – Private Equity & Venture Capital Fund Regulations, 2008
25/08/2008 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has launched eServices Project
29/08/2008 Draft of Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities, Regulations, 2008.
25/09/2008 Draft Group Companies Registration Regulations, 2008 Issued.
14/10/2008 SECP has issued the Companies Cost Accounting Records (General Order), 2008.
22/10/2008 Meeting between Chairman SECP and the Board of Directors of KSE, LSE & ISE
30/10/2008 Seminar To Raise Awareness On e-Services Held
24/11/2008 New NBFC Regulations issued to facilitate the growth of Industry in prevalant market conditions
26/11/2008 SECP’s Regulatory Policies Result In Increased Compliance
03/12/2008 Facilitating Submission Of Annual Returns At Karachi
05/12/2008 SECP To Allow Only Associations Not-For-Profit For The Promotion Of A Single Object, Instead Of Multiple Objects
11/12/2008 Lifting Of Floor At The Stock Exchanges
17/12/2008 Liquidation Of First Interfund Modaraba
02/01/2009 Secp Registers 4,461 Companies During Calendar Year 2008
05/01/2009 SECP has promulgated the Group Companies Registration Regulations, 2008
09/01/2009 Secp Prescribes Valuation Methodology And Provisioning Criteria For Debt Securities Held By CIS
10/01/2009 Section 95A Of Companies Ordinance, 1984 Amended
16/01/2009 SECP Appoints Four Non Member Directors On ISE Board, One Director On NCCPL Board
22/01/2009 Secp Approves Draft Companies (Buy-Back Shares) Regulations, 2009 For Soliciting Public Opinion
29/01/2009 Clarification Regarding The Use Of Market Price As Quoted On The SE As Fair Value Of Securities.
29/01/2009 Daily Market Report
03/02/2009 Mr. Salman Ali Shaikh To Head Committee On Draft Corporate Rehabilitation Act
10/02/2009 SECP Amends Sixth Schedule To The Companies Ordinance 1984
13/02/2009 Secp Grants Relaxation In Accounting Treatment For Equity Securities Held By Compenies Under He Head ‘Available For Sale’
24/02/2009 Daily Market Report
24/02/2009 Secp Revives A Sick Modaraba To Safeguard Certificate Holders’ Interest
25/02/2009 Secp In Pursuit Of Excellence By Implementing Organizational Development Strategy
28/02/2009 Secp Organised Training Workshop For Journalists
17/03/2009 Revision in Fees Structure by SECP
18/03/2009 SECP Notifies Proposed Amendments/Modifications In Insurance Surveying Rules
26/03/2009 Secp Issues Circular To Introduce Measures To Facilitate Mutual Funds Industry
26/03/2009 Secp Condoles Death Of Mr. Sabihuddin Ghousi
03/04/2009 Meeting With Ifc Expert On Corporate Rehabilitation Act
07/04/2009 Secp Registers 653 Companies During The First Quarter Of Calendar Year 2009
07/04/2009 SECP Decides To Discontinue Cfs Mk-Ii And Deliverable Futures Products
13/04/2009 Mr. Salman Ali Shaikh Appointed As Chairman SECP
15/04/2009 CFS MK-II REVIEW: Discontinuation of CFS and Deliverable Futures
16/04/2009 SECP Appoints Mr. Anjum Zahoor Iqbal As A Director On The Board Of The CDC
24/04/2009 Non Filers Of Statutory Returns To Face Legal Action
28/04/2009 Committee To Review Corporate Rehabilitation Act Meets
30/04/2009 SECP Condoles Death Of Senior Journalist Azhar Mehmood
30/04/2009 SECP Proposes Amendments In The Group Companies Registration Regulations, 2008
04/05/2009 SECP Introduces Transparent, Comprehensive Procedure For Closed-End Scheme To Buy-Back Its Own Certificates
05/05/2009 Committee Members Meet Representatives Of PBA To Discuss Draft Corporate Rehabilitation Act
05/05/2009 SECP Revives The Consultative Group On Capital Markets
14/05/2009 Secp Re-Launches Companies Regularization Scheme
02/06/2009 Consultative Group On Capital Markets To Share Its Recommendations With Wider Range Of Stakeholders
03/06/2009 SECP Registers 296 Companies During May 2009
04/06/2009 SECP Proposes Amendments In Takeovers Regulation
09/06/2009 Consultative Group On Capital Markets Present First Report On Margin Financing
18/06/2009 Last Date Of Companies Regularization Scheme Is June 30, 2009: SECP Islamabad
19/06/2009 SECP Seeks Feedback On Report On Margin Financing Till June 25
19/06/2009 SECP CROs To Remain Open On Saturday, June 20 To Collect Overdue Returns
22/06/2009 SECP Defers Application Of Ifric 4 And Ifric 12 To Facilitate Corporate Sector
24/06/2009 SECP Lowers Mandatory Offer Size From 90% Of Voting Shares Of Target Company To 62.5% To Help Revive The National Economy Through Facilitating The Rehabilitation Of Sick Units
26/06/2009 SECP Suspends Registration Of Five Brokerage Houses
26/06/2009 SECP CROs To Remain Open On Saturday, June 27 To Collect Overdue Returns
01/07/2009 SECP Extends Companies Regularization Scheme Up To July 31, 2009
17/07/2009 Initiation Of Enquiry Against 5 Suspended Members Of Karachi Stock Exchange (Guaranteed) Limited
27/07/2009 SECP Addressed Regarding The Misconception Of The Real Estate In General Public
30/07/2009 After The Expiry Of Companies Regularization Scheme On 31st July, 2009, Strict Legal Action Will Be Initiated Against The Non-Compliant Companies
03/08/2009 Companies Regularization Scheme ended on 31st July 2009
10/08/2009 Registration of Companies in July 2009
13/08/2009 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) after taking into consideration the views and suggestions of a wide range of stakeholders finalized the Concept Paper on ‘Margin Financing’.
01/09/2009 SECP Amended The Companies (Invitation And Acceptance Of Deposits) Rules, 1987
07/09/2009 The Securities And Exchange Commission Of Pakistan Has Approved Amendments In The Group Companies Registration Regulations, 2008
09/09/2009 Registration of Companies in August 2009.
14/09/2009 Filing of Annual Return on Form-A and Returns of Beneficial Ownership on Forms 31 and 32
05/10/2009 SECP and SEO, Iran signed an MOU for exchange of information and cooperation
06/10/2009 Registration of Companies in September 2009
12/10/2009 Minimum Requirements For NBFCs To Undertake Discretionary And Non Discretionary Portfolio Management
13/10/2009 SECP Contributed To Improve Pakistan’s Ranking In The World Bank Starting A Business’ Indicator
13/10/2009 Mr.Salman Ali Sheikh addresses Pakistan Insurance Institute Conference
17/10/2009 Companies Having Foreign Collaboration Registered In September 2009
29/10/2009 Seminar On eServices/eGovernance Held At Rawalpindi Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
02/11/2009 Mandatory Certification Requirements for Sales Agents of AMCs / PFMs and Brokers
11/11/2009 SECP Restricts Withdrawal Of Decision For Right Issue Of Shares
12/11/2009 Seminar on eRegistration of Companies and eFiling of Statements/ Returns/ Forms, by SECP
13/11/2009 Company Registration Offices of SECP, shall Remain Open on Saturday Nov. 14 to Facilitate Companies in Submission of Statutory Returns
18/11/2009 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has promulgated the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) General Order, 2009
23/11/2009 SECP Designs Fit & Proper Criteria For Directors On The Boards Of The Stock And Commodity Exchanges And Depository And Clearing Company
23/11/2009 SECP has extended the last date of filing of Annual Returns (FormA/B) upto Dec 4, 2009, on account of Eid Holidays
24/11/2009 SECP Implements Criteria To Enhance The Integrity And Transparency Of The Pakistani Capital Markets
25/11/2009 SECP Extends Last Date Of Filing Of Annual Accounts Upto December 4, 2009
07/12/2009 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 189 companies during the month of Nov., 2009.
07/01/2010 Registration of Companies in December 2009
28/01/2010 SECP Appoints Administrator For Innovative Investment Bank Limited (IIBL)
01/02/2010 SECP’s Geared Up Efforts to Revamp the Insurance Industry
08/02/2010 SECP registered 254 companies during the month of January, 2010.
09/02/2010 Proposed Amendments In The NBFC (Establishment And Regulation) Rules, 2003
12/02/2010 Meeting of the Management of SECP with the members of the Board of Directors of KSE.
16/02/2010 Seminar On eServices By SECP, Held In Collaboration With Income Tax Bar Association, Karachi.
01/03/2010 Frauds in Respect of Beema Pakistan Company Limited
09/03/2010 SECP registered 270 companies during the month of February, 2010.
19/03/2010 SECP has directed the companies listed on Stock Exchanges of Pakistan about buy back of shares.
07/04/2010 Seminar on eServices by SECP, held at Lahore in collaboration with Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP)
08/04/2010 Registration of Companies in March 2010
13/04/2010 Mr. Salman Ali Sheikh addresses Pakistan Insurance Institute Conference
16/04/2010 List of companies which have not appointed Legal Advisors
16/04/2010 List of companies which have not appointed Legal Advisors
28/04/2010 SECP Amends NBFC Rules to Facilitate the Non-Banking Financial Sector
03/05/2010 SECP amends REITS Regulations 2008 to facilitate development of REITs.
10/05/2010 Registration of Companies in April 2010.
17/05/2010 Initiation Of Criminal Proceedings Against Capital One Equities Ltd., Ex-Member Of KSE.
03/06/2010 The draft Securities (Margin Financing, Lending, Borrowing and Pledging) Rules, 2010.
08/06/2010 Registration of Companies in May, 2010.
16/06/2010 Companies Having Foreign Collaboration Registered in SECP
17/06/2010 SECP Amends Regulations to Facilitate Development of REITs
18/06/2010 Meeting on June 22, 2010 between the SECP, BOD of KSE and prominent market participants to discuss the draft Securities (Margin Financing, Lending, Borrowing and Pledging) Rules, 2010.
21/06/2010 Mr. Khalid Sherwani to Continue to act as Administrator of Innovative Investment Bank
08/07/2010 SECP granted licenses to 16 associations not for profit under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
09/07/2010 SECP starts online survey on services provided by Company Registration Offices.
13/07/2010 SECP registered 3,027 companies during financial year 2009-10.
14/07/2010 SECP in the process of compiling its recommendations on the KSE proposal on Margin Trading.
15/07/2010 SECP takes Brokerage House to Court for Fraud.
16/07/2010 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has re-launched the Companies Regularization Scheme (CRS) and Companies Easy Exit Scheme (CEES).
17/07/2010 19 companies having foreign investment registered in June 2010.
22/07/2010 Finance Secretary chairs SECP Policy Board meeting.
04/08/2010 SECP registered 232 Companies in July 2010.
05/08/2010 SECP takes Legal Action against Brokerage Firms, issues Warning Letters
11/08/2010 14 companies having foreign investment registered in July 2010.
15/08/2010 40 companies suspended from stock markets.
27/08/2010 Second phase of SECP amnesty schemes to close on Tuesday.
06/09/2010 SECP receives positive response to second phase of amnesty schemes.
06/09/2010 Return of Pension Funds during the six month period ended June 30, 2010
07/09/2010 Five SECP-licensed managers set up nine pension funds
08/09/2010 Amendments in the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996.
15/09/2010 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) approved the concept of Margin Trading System (MTS).
29/09/2010 The Companies Regularization Scheme (CRS) and Companies Easy Exit Scheme (CEES) are coming to an end today, i.e.Thursday.
30/09/2010 SECP has provided a final opportunity to all listed companies, their directors and more than 10% shareholders to file their overdue annual returns.
01/10/2010 SECP extends amnesty schemes for a month.
01/10/2010 SECP officials in separate meetings with KSE and other stakeholders have reviewed the draft amendments to the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 already notified on September 8, for soliciting public opinion.
06/10/2010 SECP launches consultation process on Code of Corporate Governance.
11/10/2010 SECP registered 206 companies in September.
12/10/2010 SECP registered 4 foreign companies and 17 companies having foreign investment in September.
19/10/2010 SECP registered nine associations in 2010’s third quarter.
21/10/2010 SECP actively monitors the trading in the stock market for potential violations of securities’ laws.
25/10/2010 IOSCO publishes SECP’s Report on Regulation of Market Intermediaries’ Conflicts of Interest.
01/11/2010 SECP extends the CRS and CEES for another month.
03/11/2010 SECP reduces fees.
04/11/2010 Senior officers from National Management College visit SECP.
04/11/2010 Seminars on eServices by SECP in collaboration with Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan.
05/11/2010 SECP registered 247 companies in October.
10/11/2010 SECP registered 18 companies having foreign investment and 3 foreign companies in October.
11/11/2010 SECP extends deadline on corporate governance code
11/11/2010 Annual returns and accounts: SECP Company Registration Offices extend facilitation to corporate sector.
11/11/2010 SECP fines 34 defaulting companies
12/11/2010 SECP issues show-cause notices and warning letters
13/11/2010 SECP extends deadline for filing Form 29 to Monday.
15/11/2010 SECP puts fraudulent company out of business.
23/11/2010 SECP publishes guides for investor education
23/11/2010 SECP publishes guides for investor education
29/11/2010 SECP CROs to remain open till 8 pm on Tuesday.
01/12/2010 SECP extends CRS and CEES for another month
03/12/2010 SECP fines 8 defaulting insurance companies
06/12/2010 SECP committed to developing microinsurance
06/12/2010 SECP issues 21 orders, 36 show-cause notices
09/12/2010 SECP fines two brokerage firms
10/12/2010 SECP registered 179 companies in November
13/12/2010 Automation of Securities Settlement Project Launched
14/12/2010 KSE: SECP approves regulations for market makers
15/12/2010 SECP approves amendments to the CDC regulations
16/12/2010 SECP registered 8 companies having foreign investment and 3 foreign companies in November
18/12/2010 SECP and the China Securities Regulatory Commission sign MOU
24/12/2010 SECP offices get ISO certification
28/12/2010 SECP’s amnesty schemes to close on Friday
30/12/2010 Last day of SECP’s amnesty schemes
31/12/2010 SECP extends amnesty schemes to Monday
01/01/2011 SECP, KSE resolve outstanding issues amicably
04/01/2011 SECP fines 37 defaulting companies
05/01/2011 SECP briefs Senate Finance Committee on amendments to Code of Corporate Governance
06/01/2011 SECP issues Orders and Warning Letters
07/01/2011 SECP fines 3 insurance companies
12/01/2011 SECP takes brokerage house to court, warrants issued
13/01/2011 Microinsurance to alleviate poverty
14/01/2011 SECP registered 3,151 companies in 2010
18/01/2011 SECP granted licensed 12 non-profit associations during last quarter
19/01/2011 SECP registered 23 companies having foreign investment and 3 foreign companies in December
21/01/2011 SECP has nominated high profiled and experienced professionals from the financial market as directors on the Board of KSE
21/01/2011 SECP revises investment policy for pension funds
22/01/2011 SECP secures concessional tax regime for REITs
26/01/2011 Kudos to SECP officer
02/02/2011 SECP holds seminar on corporatization and e-Services
07/02/2011 SECP becomes signatory to Appendix A of IOSCO MMoU
08/02/2011 SECP fines 29 defaulting companies
09/02/2011 SECP issues 11 warning letters
11/02/2011 SECP registered 323 companies in January
15/02/2011 SECP makes report on BATS public
18/02/2011 SECP registered 19 companies having foreign investment and 4 foreign companies in January
18/02/2011 SECP Promulgates Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging) Rules, 2011
24/02/2011 SECP about to take penal action against defaulter companies
02/03/2011 SECP fines six defaulting companies
08/03/2011 SECP takes actions against 7 companies
10/03/2011 SECP registered 324 companies in February
11/03/2011 Mufti Munib joins Modarba religious board
14/03/2011 SECP registered 23 companies having foreign investment in February
18/03/2011 SECP nominates LSE directors
22/03/2011 SECP revises maximum management expense limits
28/03/2011 SECP initiates legal proceedings against defaulter companies
05/04/2011 SECP fines 24 defaulting companies
08/04/2011 SECP issued orders for recovery of Rs79 million
09/04/2011 SECP amends the format of Statement in Lieu of Prospectus
11/04/2011 SECP registered 342 companies in March
16/04/2011 Management by Objectives – SECP sets the pace for The Way Forward
21/04/2011 Publication of Performance of Pension Funds Set Up under Voluntary Pension System Rules, 2005 (For the Period Ended December 31, 2010)
21/04/2011 SECP has become the first Pakistani regulatory organization to win ISO/IEC 27001: 2005 certification
26/04/2011 SECP’s eServices project wins international award
29/04/2011 SECP granted licences to 25 non-profit associations in four months
03/05/2011 SECP registered 338 companies in April
04/05/2011 SECP issues 34 orders, 20 shows-cause notices
04/05/2011 SECP approves futures contract in sugar for the commodities market
05/05/2011 SECP proposes changes in NBFC Regulations, 2008
06/05/2011 SECP approves futures contract in cotton for commodities market
09/05/2011 SECP defers the applicability of Companies Cost Accounting Records (General Order), 2008
11/05/2011 SECP takes action against non-compliant market participants
12/05/2011 SECP registered 20 companies having foreign investment and 3 foreign companies in April
27/05/2011 SECP officer gives presentation at OECD meeting in Seoul
02/06/2011 SECP rebuts criticism on cotton futures contract
06/06/2011 SECP issues 26 orders, 60 show cause notices
07/06/2011 SECP registered 344 companies in May
08/06/2011 SECP issues orders and warning letters
10/06/2011 SECP undergoes internal restructuring
11/06/2011 SECP registered 21 companies having foreign investment and 1 foreign company in May
13/06/2011 SECP ensures better functioning of regional offices
23/06/2011 SECP tells holding companies to enhance public disclosure
28/06/2011 SECP deplores incorrect reports, comments
04/07/2011 SECP gets taxation regime reformed
05/07/2011 Imtiaz Haider, Asif Arif join the SECP as commissioners
08/07/2011 SECP amends the format of Statement in Lieu of Prospectus issued by a private company on its conversion into a public company
12/07/2011 SECP registered 344 companies in June
13/07/2011 Section 208 of Companies Ordinance: SECP removes practical difficulties
15/07/2011 SECP to take measures to curb front-running
18/07/2011 SECP extends certification timeline for listed companies
19/07/2011 SECP okays measures for derivates and leverage segments
20/07/2011 SECP approves Debt Securities Trustee regulations
21/07/2011 SECP approves amendments to streamline the process of capital issue
23/07/2011 SECP granted licences to 15 not-for-profit associations from April to June, 2011
25/07/2011 SECP to conduct stakeholder consultation on the revisions in the Code of Corporate Governance
26/07/2011 SECP to engage stakeholders in dialogue to develop financial markets and corporate sector
28/07/2011 Experts compare notes on developing corporate sector at SECP Forum
29/07/2011 Balochistan witnesses record corporate growth
30/07/2011 Second modaraba tribunal formed in Karachi
01/08/2011 Stakeholders review amendments to the Code of Corporate Governance
03/08/2011 SECP relaxes conditions for grant of licenses to non-profit associations
04/08/2011 SECP acts to discourage benaami transactions in shares
05/08/2011 SECP employees awarded 10 CFAI scholarships
09/08/2011 SECP to start on-site inspection of brokerage houses
10/08/2011 SECP registered 284 companies in July
11/08/2011 SECP revises eligibility criteria for securities for Margin Financing
15/08/2011 SECP issues warning letters to stock exchanges’ members
22/08/2011 SECP takes brokerage houses to court for fraud
23/08/2011 SECP issues industry-specific cost orders with specialized guidelines
05/09/2011 Imtiaz Haider, Asif Arif join the SECP as commissioners
06/09/2011 SECP makes regulatory framework conducive to mutual funds growth
07/09/2011 Iranian team compares notes at SECP
08/09/2011 Amendments to the Code of Corporate Governance reviewed
09/09/2011 SECP’s Faisalabad office moved to new location
12/09/2011 PM’s directive: SECP to facilitate corporate sector in Bahawalpur
13/09/2011 Key stakeholders engaged in the SECP Financial Markets and Corporate Sector Development Forum held in Lahore.
13/09/2011 SECP organizes investor feedback programme
15/09/2011 SECP signs MOU with Turkish counterpart
15/09/2011 SECP imposes Rs5 million penalty
16/09/2011 SECP registered 277 companies in August
19/09/2011 SECP issues 12 orders, 34 show-cause notices
21/09/2011 SECP, Business Council compare notes on Code of Corporate Governance
26/09/2011 SECP: Capital Market Development Plan
27/09/2011 SECP Team meets Modarabas’ chief executives
03/10/2011 SECP seeks comments on draft Fertilizer Industry Cost Accounting Records Order
06/10/2011 SECP holds roundtable on Companies Regulations
06/10/2011 SMEs are the backbone of corporate sector
07/10/2011 SECP seeks feedback on changes to Securities Rules
10/10/2011 SECP to partner in development of insurance industry
11/10/2011 SECP holds dialogue for development of financial markets and corporate sector
12/10/2011 SECP takes punitive action against non-compliant market participants
13/10/2011 SECP registered 245 companies in September
14/10/2011 SECP sets up facilitation counters in Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan
21/10/2011 SECP directs listed companies to deliver unclaimed shares
22/10/2011 SECP for sound and prudent management in insurance companies
23/10/2011 SECP approves futures contract in wheat for commodities market
25/10/2011 SECP publishes guide for companies’ listing through IPOs
27/10/2011 IOSCO approves SECP’s report on Nominee Accounts in Emerging Markets
28/10/2011 SECP for sound and prudent management in insurance companies
31/10/2011 SECP finalizes revisions to the Code of Corporate Governance
01/11/2011 SECP holds roundtables on Capital Issue Rules and DST Regulations
01/11/2011 SECP holds roundtables on Companies Rues and DST Regulations
02/11/2011 SECP holds roundtable on Takeover Regulations
03/11/2011 SECP discourages wasteful expenditure on board meetings abroad
04/11/2011 SECP to finalize revisions to Companies Regulations soon
05/11/2011 SECP registered 257 companies during October, 2011
11/11/2011 Company Registration Offices of SECP extends facilitation to the corporate sector in collection of annual returns and accounts
14/11/2011 SECP extends the last date for filing Form 29
15/11/2011 SECP revamping regulatory regime for brokers
16/11/2011 SECP renames its Registration Department
23/11/2011 SECP seeks feedback on amendments to Voluntary Pension System Rules
24/11/2011 SECP develops databases on equity and debt markets
28/11/2011 SECP facilitating corporate sector in collection of annual returns and accounts
29/11/2011 Microinsurance a must for poverty alleviation
02/12/2011 SECP seeks comments on draft Thermal Energy (Cost Accounting Records) Order
03/12/2011 Modaraba companies allowed to charge management fee out of the net annual profit
08/12/2011 SECP registered 248 companies in November
09/12/2011 Tax incentives to be sought for listed companies
12/12/2011 SECP, KSE compare notes on new broker registration regime
13/12/2011 SECP holds roundtable on Takeover Regulations
27/12/2011 SECP approves reporting of trades in unlisted term finance certificates
28/12/2011 SECP allows relief to the MTS market with relaxed cash margin requirements and participation of individual investors as financiers
02/01/2012 The SECP enables automatic verification of e-Challans for payment of fee
05/01/2012 The SECP registered 271 companies during December 2011
09/01/2012 SECP issues orders and warning letters
11/01/2012 KSE Board: SECP names independent directors
12/01/2012 Insurance companies directed to combat money laundering
12/01/2012 SECP briefs NA body on its functions and performance
13/01/2012 Investments in associated undertakings � SECP approves regulations to ensure transparency
17/01/2012 Updated website declared mandatory for all listed companies
18/01/2012 SECP to consult public on new takaful rules
19/01/2012 SECP relaxes condition of license to non-profit associations under Section 42
21/01/2012 Finance Minister appreciates SECP�s initiatives
24/01/2012 Seminar on corporate compliance and eServices
26/01/2012 SECP Chairman meets KSE Board of Directors
31/01/2012 SECP approves regulations governing market-making for Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited
01/02/2012 SECP introduces anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism regime in the capital market
05/02/2012 SECP approves regulations for exchange traded funds for KSE
07/02/2012 SECP holds stakeholders conference on cost accounting for the fertilizer industry
09/02/2012 SECP holds seminar on online incorporation, eServices
10/02/2012 SECP registered 356 companies in January
13/02/2012 SECP takes action against unfair practices
14/02/2012 Senior FBR official visits NCCPL
14/02/2012 SECP introduces Shariah audit mechanism for Modarabas
16/02/2012 Guarantee companies required to ensure 3-years term of office for their directors: SECP
21/02/2012 SECP takes action against Directors and Auditors of Companies
23/02/2012 SECP introduces Fast Track Registration Services
01/03/2012 SECP chosen vice-chair of international regulatory standard setting committee
06/03/2012 Fast Track Registration gets healthy response
09/03/2012 SECP registered 353 companies in February
13/03/2012 Regulations governing system audit of KSE brokers revamped
16/03/2012 Broker-to-broker functionality at bonds automated trading system approved
17/03/2012 Economically significant companies told to appoint QCR-rated auditors
20/03/2012 SECP acts against directors and auditors of companies for breaches of law
21/03/2012 SECP makes electronic filing of returns mandatory for companies to be incorporated online from May 16 onwards
22/03/2012 SECP and leading fund managers agree on reforms to promote the capital market
22/03/2012 Fee for CDC�s SMS alerts waived
24/03/2012 SECP frames code of corporate governance for public sector companies
27/03/2012 Stock Exchanges (Corporatization, Demutualization and Integration) Law approved by the Parliament
29/03/2012 Faisalabad CRO holds seminar on e-governance regime and corporatization
29/03/2012 SECP seeks comments on draft Electric Power Industry (Cost Accounting Records) Order, 2012
30/03/2012 Faisalabad CRO holds seminar on e-governance regime and corporatization
03/04/2012 Regulatory framework for modaraba sector strengthened
10/04/2012 Launch of Code of Corporate Governance, 2012
12/04/2012 Government fully backs corporate governance framework: Finance Minister
13/04/2012 SECP registered 370 companies in March
16/04/2012 SECP granted licences to 10 non-profit associations in 3 months
18/04/2012 SECP seeks comments on draft Synthetic and Rayon Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Order
19/04/2012 Seminar on Corporatization, Corporate Compliance and eServices
24/04/2012 Seminar on Corporatization, Corporate Compliance and eServices
24/04/2012 SECP organizes awareness session for journalists
25/04/2012 SECP approves regulations for index option contracts at KSE
26/04/2012 Pakistani capital markets offer best opportunities for foreign investors
03/05/2012 SECP facilitates Hajj, Umra operators
03/05/2012 SECP Commissioner meets LSE Board of Directors
04/05/2012 SECP launches inter-Company Registration Office electronic inspection service
08/05/2012 SECP approves regulatory requirements for exchange traded funds
10/05/2012 SECP to support insurance reforms
10/05/2012 SECP facilitates Hajj and Umra operating companies
10/05/2012 Seminar on e-Governance Regime and Corporatization
11/05/2012 SECP registered 422 companies in April
14/05/2012 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and Capital Market Authority Sultanate of Oman signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Exchange of Information and Cooperation
15/05/2012 Pakistan Elected to the Global Securities Regulatory Board
16/05/2012 SECP signs MOU with Moroccan counterpart
17/05/2012 SECP signs MOU with Jordanian counterpart
19/05/2012 SECP issues the Debt Securities Trustee Regulations, 2012
21/05/2012 SECP gives nod to CSR guidelines
24/05/2012 SECP takes action against companies� directors, auditors
26/05/2012 SECP outlines its vision for Pakistan Incorporated
07/06/2012 SECP penalizes non-compliant market participants
10/06/2012 SECP penalizes non-compliant market participants
14/06/2012 Seminar on e-Governance Regime, Corporatisation
15/06/2012 SECP holds seminar on e services
22/06/2012 SECP about to introduce e-IPO
30/06/2012 SECP re-launching amnesty schemes for two months
09/07/2012 Savings culture a must to support long term infrastructure projects
13/07/2012 SECP launches new takaful rules
13/07/2012 SECP in collaboration with key stakeholders launches a Nationwide Investor Education Program
13/07/2012 SECP, KSE take steps to boost capital market
16/07/2012 SECP granted licences to 9 non-profit associations in 3 months
16/07/2012 ICM launches training of trainers programme
17/07/2012 SECP registered 3,923 in one year
19/07/2012 SECP takes enforcement action against directors and auditors
23/07/2012 Demutualization: SECP approves documents submitted by stock exchanges
25/07/2012 SECP holds awareness session on brokers� inspection regime
02/08/2012 SECP to support Islamic finance summit
08/08/2012 SECP registered 315 companies in July
17/08/2012 Zafar Abdullah made SECP Commissioner
27/08/2012 Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges re-registered as public companies limited by shares
31/08/2012 SECP extends CRS and CEES for one month
07/09/2012 World Economic Forum appreciates SECP
20/09/2012 IMRAN Ghaznavi appointed in SECP as spokesperson
01/10/2012 SECP extends the deadline of CRS and CEES up to October 31
04/10/2012 SECP conducts awareness Session on Code of Corporate Governance at Karachi Stock Exchange
05/10/2012 SECP registered 244 companies with authorized capital of Rs3.74 billion in September
08/10/2012 SECP facilitates companies on AGMs
12/10/2012 Considerable growth in the registration of non-profit associations in third quarter of 2012
12/10/2012 All directors of J K Spinning Mills Ltd vs. Commissioner (CLD)
15/10/2012 SECP�s microinsurance roundtable on Tuesday
16/10/2012 SECP to issue regulation policy for microinsurance
23/10/2012 SECP allows funds managers to offer commodity schemes
24/10/2012 Over 2800 companies benefited from SECP�s amnesty schemes
25/10/2012 Strong regulatory environment needed for Corporatization of economy: SECP Chairman
01/11/2012 SECP�s ranking improved by 5 points in World Financial Development Index 2012
02/11/2012 SECP extends deadline for amnesty schemes
07/11/2012 SECP registered 320 companies in October 2012
15/11/2012 SECP, KCDR signed MoU to encourage Alternative Dispute Resolution
16/11/2012 Punjab Judicial Academy organized Symposium on �Role and Jurisdiction of Courts under laws Governing Corporate Sector�
23/11/2012 SECP supports SEO Iran in establishing Credit Rating Agencies
29/11/2012 SECP extends facilitation to the corporate sector
06/12/2012 SECP witnessed 35 % growth in company registration during November 2012
11/12/2012 A well-informed investor is a well-protected investor: SECP makes functional website mandatory for non-listed companies
13/12/2012 SECP takes action against companies� directors, auditors
14/12/2012 SECP�s Working Group to develop Microinsurance
21/12/2012 SECP further extends deadline for amnesty schemes up to December 31, 2012
21/12/2012 SECP conducts awareness session on new Code of Corporate Governance
24/12/2012 Compliance culture a must for economic growth
26/12/2012 Transparency a must for CSR activities: SECP
27/12/2012 SECP imposes penalties on non-compliant companies
31/12/2012 Facilitation a must for corporate growth
04/01/2013 SECP registered 332 companies during December, 2012
07/01/2013 SECP, law enforcing, probing bodies to combat business scams
08/01/2013 SECP, experts for new strategy to combat fraudulent businesses
10/01/2013 SECP acts against directors, auditors for breaches of law
21/01/2013 SECP seeks to cut fees for late filing of returns, accounts
24/01/2013 SECP to increase its enforcement capacity by 200%
28/01/2013 SECP sets up task force for better protection of minority shareholders
29/01/2013 SECP implementing XBRL to transform corporate financial
31/01/2013 SECP asks NCCPL to function as Centralized KYC Organization
31/01/2013 Governance rules for public sector companies approved by SECP Policy Board
07/02/2013 SECP registered 329 companies in January; 11 non-profit associations granted licenses in 2012�s last quarter
08/02/2013 Sindh Judicial Academy�s symposium on �Role and Jurisdiction of Courts under laws Governing Corporate Sector�
13/02/2013 SECP positions itself better to prosecute insider traders
18/02/2013 SECP takes punitive measures against companies� high-ups
04/03/2013 SECP unveils roadmap for diversification of non-bank financial sector
08/03/2013 Governance Rules for Public Sector Companies To Result In More Transparency, Finance Minister
12/03/2013 Security clearance procedure relaxed for foreign investors
13/03/2013 SECP amends first schedule to Companies Ordinance 1984
14/03/2013 Intellectual exchange: SECP launches web consultation forum
18/03/2013 SECP launches web based Insurance Surveyors� Licensing & Registration System
20/03/2013 SECP makes online filing of returns mandatory
30/03/2013 Chairman SECP rejuvenates the corporate law review project
04/04/2013 SECP issues 7 show-cause notices to insurance companies
08/04/2013 SECP initiated inquiry against illegal investment schemes
09/04/2013 SECP frames draft licensing and corporate governance regulations for NGOs
10/04/2013 SECP straightens out public sector insurance entities
10/04/2013 Pakistan to host SAARC insurance regulators` conference
15/04/2013 SECP: Corporatization upbeat rate continues
17/04/2013 SECP reviews rules to develop capital market
18/04/2013 SECP initiates criminal proceedings against Ahmed Nadeem Securities Pvt ltd.
19/04/2013 SECP introduces Online Financial Reporting System for TREC Holders/Brokers
20/04/2013 SECP issues draft principles of corporate governance for non-listed firms
23/04/2013 SECP proposes amendments to the Single Member Companies Rules
24/04/2013 SECP Approves Draft Pharmaceutical Industry (Cost Accounting Records) Order, 2013
25/04/2013 SECP to Promote National Awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility
25/04/2013 SECP Extends Date for Submission of Public Opinion on Draft Associations Not-for-Profit Licencing & Corporate Regulations to June 30, 2013
26/04/2013 SECP Takes Punitive Measures Against Companies´ Higher-ups
02/05/2013 SECP to make listing regulations less cumbersome: Imtiaz Haider
02/05/2013 SECP Invites Public Opinion on, “Draft Companies (Distribution of Specie Dividend) Regulations, 2013”
06/05/2013 Golden Opportunity for the Companies to clear their backlog cases
07/05/2013 SECP facilitates attendance at hearings through video conferencing link
07/05/2013 SECP passes orders against Takaful and Insurance companies, also issues show cause notices and warnings
08/05/2013 SECP makes Online Filing of returns mandatory
08/05/2013 SECP announces the establishment of Shariah Advisory
09/05/2013 SECP actions against noncompliant market participants
10/05/2013 SECP holds seminar on “Mandatory Online Filing of Statutory Returns” in CRO Faisalabad
16/05/2013 SECP corporatization drive is in full swing
22/05/2013 SECP issues license to non-life insurance company
27/05/2013 SECP endeavours to rationalize fiscal incentive system
05/06/2013 SECP and ICMAP hold round table conference on draft licencing and corporate governance regulations for NGOs
06/06/2013 SECP takes action against non-compliant market participants
10/06/2013 Implementation date of Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules extended
11/06/2013 SECP registers 375 companies in May
13/06/2013 SECP takes non-compliant companies to task
13/06/2013 Code of Corporate Governance a must for the protection of minority shareholders
17/06/2013 SECP decries smear campaign against insurance commissioner
18/06/2013 SECP doubles the minimum premium limit required for actuarial certification for group life insurance
28/06/2013 Corporate governance rules for NGOs discussed
04/07/2013 SECP registered 366 new companies in June
05/07/2013 SECP acts against Takaful operators
08/07/2013 Experts compare notes on draft regulations for NGOs
09/07/2013 Reporting Net Capital Balance: SECP issues guidelines for brokers
11/07/2013 SECP holds seminar on online filing of returns
24/07/2013 Implementation date of Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules, 2013 extended
05/08/2013 SECP issues draft Regulations for Third Party Administrators
23/08/2013 SECP forms Shariah Advisory Board
30/08/2013 SECP deposits Rs2.368 billion in national exchequer
06/09/2013 SECP registered 275 new companies and licensed 3 nonprofits in August
09/09/2013 SECP revising NBF sector regulatory framework
17/09/2013 SECP issues new mortality table
17/09/2013 SECP starts 73 show-cause proceedings against CEOs, directors and auditors
18/09/2013 SECP to amend Single-Member Companies Rules
24/09/2013 SECP drafts voluntary code for the pharmaceutical industry
24/09/2013 SECP issues Draft Bancassurance Regulations
27/09/2013 SECP to improve regime for insurance brokers
02/10/2013 SECP to join hands with Turkey for insurance supervision
07/10/2013 SECP facilitates companies on election of directors
09/10/2013 SECP registered 332 new companies and licensed 5 non-profits in September
12/11/2013 SECP to organize workshop on Islamic financial products and risk management
13/11/2013 SECP extends filing date of Form-29 to November 18
19/11/2013 SECP initiates 56 show-cause proceedings
21/11/2013 SECP organizes workshop on Islamic financial products
28/11/2013 SECP extends filing date of annual returns and annual accounts
02/12/2013 SECP approves SME regulation
03/12/2013 SECP submits its self-assessment to IOSCO Assessment Committee
19/12/2013 SECP outlines mechanism for outsourcing by AMCs
30/12/2013 SECP and EOBI ink MOU for increased cooperation
02/01/2014 SECP cautions listed companies
03/01/2014 SECP takes punitive actions against insurance companies
08/01/2014 SECP specifies growth rate scenarios for life insurance and family takaful illustration for the year 2014
09/01/2014 SECP to develop a new corporate culture
10/01/2014 SECP approves first ever listing of Sukuk
13/01/2014 SECP amends Code of Corporate Governance
15/01/2014 SECP revises Code of Conduct for credit rating agencies
16/01/2014 SECP steps up enforcement efforts against corporate and market fraud
03/02/2014 SECP issues draft Unit Linked Products and Funds Rules
04/02/2014 SECP to resolve the outstanding insurance premium issue
07/02/2014 SECP takes action against non-compliant companies
11/02/2014 SECP: January witnessed 20% growth in corporatization
12/02/2014 Criminal proceedings against YS Securities initiated
17/02/2014 SECP drafts new provident fund rules
19/02/2014 SECP revises list of auditors for insurance industry
20/02/2014 SECP Policy Board approves microinsurance rules
27/02/2014 SECP unveils insurance reform roadmap
28/02/2014 SECP represents Pakistan at IOSCO meetings in Malaysia
03/03/2014 SECP takes enforcement action against non-compliant companies
13/03/2014 SECP issues Third Party Administrator for Health Insurance Regulations
15/03/2014 SECP directs life insurers to enter into CISSII participation agreement before May 1
26/03/2014 SECP, CDC organize investor awareness seminars
03/04/2014 SECP, American Business Council compare notes on Corporate Law Reforms
03/04/2014 SECP to introduce e-voting
07/04/2014 SECP to transform regulatory culture in Pakistan: Tahir Mahmood
08/04/2014 SECP registered 420 companies in March
09/04/2014 SECP to ensure insurance companies� compliance with law
10/04/2014 SECP approves Rule Book for Karachi Stock Exchange
10/04/2014 SECP takes action against non-compliant market participants
11/04/2014 SECP launches online payment facility for its stakeholders
17/04/2014 Listed companies allowed to hold meetings through videoconferencing
22/04/2014 SECP initiates 86 show-cause proceedings
24/04/2014 SECP holds seminar on online fund transfer facility
29/04/2014 SECP facilitates CISSII agreement between life insurance companies and CDC
19/05/2014 SECP ensures payment of unclaimed insurance benefits
04/07/2014 Online filing of returns made mandatory for certain companies
07/07/2014 SECP seeks comments on draft Companies (Easy Exit and Restoration) Regulations
08/07/2014 SECP actions against non-compliant market participants
09/07/2014 SECP: 16% growth in company registrations in FY2013-14
09/07/2014 SECP actions against non-compliant market participants
24/07/2014 SECP�s vigilance: 448 show cause proceedings started
12/08/2014 SECP registered 348 companies in July
28/08/2014 SECP to introduce concept of limited liability partnership
10/09/2014 Companies allowed circulation of annual reports via e-mail
11/09/2014 SECP to ease regulatory compliance regime
03/10/2014 SECP actions against non-compliant market participants
10/10/2014 Company registrations witnessed 22% growth in September
21/10/2014 LLP to lead to documentation of economy
23/10/2014 SECP completes consultation process on LLP
31/10/2014 SECP welcomes SRB decision to defer sales tax on life and health insurance
18/11/2014 SECP halts trading facilities of KASB Securities
20/11/2014 All outstanding trades of KSL in ready market segment were settled successfully: SECP
28/11/2014 SECP extends filing date of Form A and annual accounts up to December 2
01/12/2014 SECP seeks comments to amend the manner of calculating tenderable gain
05/12/2014 SECP issues guidelines on maintaining websites
10/12/2014 SECP approves Commercial Papers’ Regulations
11/12/2014 SECP to organize corporate rehabilitation roundtable conference
19/12/2014 No compromise on investors interests, says SECP chief
01/01/2015 SECP to expedite appellate bench hearings
02/01/2015 Cost-cutting steps: SECP Chairman rationalizes entitlements of senior officers
02/01/2015 SECP tells NGOs to get their licenses renewed or face legal action
05/01/2015 SECP specifies growth rate for life insurance and family takaful
05/01/2015 IOSCO team to review SECP�s self-assessment report
06/01/2015 SECP to strengthen insurance regulatory framework
07/01/2015 12 % growth seen in companies registrations in first half of FY-2014-15: SECP
07/01/2015 SECP action against non-compliant market participants
08/01/2015 Government is contemplating law to regulate INGOs/NGOs receiving foreign contribution
09/01/2015 SECP extends public dealing hours
13/01/2015 SECP’s vigilance: 67 show cause proceedings started
14/01/2015 SECP approves first ever REIT proposal
14/01/2015 SECP initiates examination of Prospectuses
15/01/2015 ICAP urged to expedite development of accounting standards for NGOs
16/01/2015 SECP verified FBR data of compliant companies
19/01/2015 SECP tells listed companies not to spend too much on annual reports
21/01/2015 Trade organizations: DGTO asked to confirm legal status of TOs
22/01/2015 SECP recommends to Law Division to establish exclusive insurance tribunals
22/01/2015 SECP extends the applicability of Cost Accounting Records Order 2012
23/01/2015 A regulator should watch interests for the man in street: Khalid Mirza
24/01/2015 SECP organizing seminars for investor awareness
29/01/2015 SECP extends NGO renewal deadline to February 16
29/01/2015 Senate committee reviews Draft Securities Bill 2015
30/01/2015 SECP facilitates NGOs
04/02/2015 SECP registered 414 companies in January
09/02/2015 SECP organizes investor awareness seminars in Islamabad
11/02/2015 SECP sets up specialized department to regulate Islamic finance companies
11/02/2015 SECP rolls out vision for commodities trading
12/02/2015 SECP initiated 94 show cause proceedings
12/02/2015 SECP adopts stringent measures for market surveillance
16/02/2015 Ishaq Dar asks SECP to take strict action against inside trading to set a precedent
19/02/2015 SECP plans to be more creative, assertive
24/02/2015 Senate Committee discuss draft Securities Bill 2015
25/02/2015 SECP organizes investor awareness seminar in Karachi
26/02/2015 SECP appoints prominent professionals on boards of the bourses
27/02/2015 SECP warns public about defunct companies
03/03/2015 SECP implements manuals to strengthen its enforcement, adjudication and litigation functions
09/03/2015 SECP introduces online payment facility through credit cards
10/03/2015 SECP registers 454 new companies in February 2015
12/03/2015 SECP propose changes in the regulatory framework for NBFC sector
12/03/2015 State Life and CDC sign agreement for centralized information sharing solution
13/03/2015 Chairman SECP vision is to make Pakistan’s capital more vibrant, transparent
16/03/2015 New REIT regulations aimed at removing bottlenecks for new entrants: SECP
19/03/2015 SECP Chairman expresses confidence in stock markets’ soundness
20/03/2015 SECP constitute committee to recommend the way forward in term of infrastructure landscape of the Pakistan Stock market
30/03/2015 Chairman SECP asks stock markets to immediately dispel rumors
01/04/2015 Promotions and transfers in the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
04/04/2015 SECP recommends to provinces to amend the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Schemes
05/04/2015 SECP measures for the promotion of Islamic finance
06/04/2015 SECP revokes licenses of 108 not for profit companies
07/04/2015 SECP approves the draft Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2015
08/04/2015 SECP forwards the Futures Trading Bill to Finance Ministry
09/04/2015 SECP registered 521 companies in March 2015
10/04/2015 SECP employees adopt a resolution and make a commitment
14/04/2015 SECP promulgated new rules for Underwriters, Balloters and Transfer Agents
14/04/2015 SECP implements strict code of conduct for employees
15/04/2015 SECP issues 33 show cause notices
15/04/2015 SECP constitutes consultative group for capital markets
16/04/2015 SECP allows floatation of Awwal Modaraba
17/04/2015 SECP’s online payment facility through credit cards gaining popularity abroad
20/04/2015 SECP introduces new Regulatory framework for REITs in Pakistan
21/04/2015 SECP asks stock exchanges to get futuristic
23/04/2015 SECP�s Consultative Group agrees to various structural reforms
24/04/2015 SECP to set up insurance repository
27/04/2015 SECP registers foreign broker as Pakistan’s first mobile technology-based insurance distributor
29/04/2015 SECP issues Unit Linked Products and Funds Rules for insurance sector
29/04/2015 SECP decides to take stern action against directors of ACE Securities
29/04/2015 National Assembly passes Securities Bill 2015
30/04/2015 SECP suspends trading in the shares of KASB Bank Limited
01/05/2015 SECP to host South Asian Securities Regulator�s meeting in October 2015
07/05/2015 Brokers escape abroad: assistance of international agency required, Chairman SECP
08/05/2015 SECP registers 512 companies
14/05/2015 SECP forms committees to resolve insurance-related disputes
15/05/2015 SECP expanding eServices to encourage corporatization
18/05/2015 Equity oriented mutual funds are eligible to invest in REITs: SECP
19/05/2015 SECP introduces guidelines for CPPI-based mutual funds to ensure consistent practices
21/05/2015 SECP initiates four show-cause proceedings for non-compliance
01/06/2015 New securities law promulgated
02/06/2015 SECP issues draft of the revised Audit Report Formats
08/06/2015 The proposal Tax on Undistributed Reserves to be reviewed
08/06/2015 Ishaq Dar inaugurates SECP’s web portal
09/06/2015 Board set up for Shariah-compliant market
11/06/2015 SECP registered 426 companies in May
11/06/2015 Reforms in regulatory framework of non-bank financial sector
12/06/2015 Committee formed to suggest ways to minimize corporate disputes
15/06/2015 SECP salutes Pakistan armed forces
16/06/2015 Regulators need to be uncompromisingly honest and bold
24/06/2015 SECP to open facilitation center in Sialkot
29/06/2015 SECP approves the 2015 Book Building Regulations
01/07/2015 SECP will ensure transparent IPOs (Clarification)
02/07/2015 Brokers to maintain mandatory websites for investor awareness
06/07/2015 SECP reinforces financial reporting system, conducts training sessions
07/07/2015 Beneficial owners of listed companies should follow Securities Act to file returns
08/07/2015 9% growth in corporatization during fiscal year 2014-15
09/07/2015 SECP taking measures to prevent corporate disputes
09/07/2015 SECP revokes licences of another 100 NGOs
12/07/2015 PSCs� compliance with SECP�s corporate governance rules improves by 23%
13/07/2015 SECP initiates action against defaulting INGOs
14/07/2015 SECP initiates 14 show cause proceedings
27/07/2015 SECP asks PICG to play its due role
28/07/2015 SECP issues research analyst regulations
29/07/2015 Senate body okays the concept of treasury shares
29/07/2015 Senate Standing Committee on Finance approve ammendmnets in section 95-A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984
30/07/2015 IOSCO confirms SECP�s enhanced compliance with international securities regulatory standards
31/07/2015 SECP caps sales load on mutual funds at 3%
01/08/2015 SECP amends KSE regulations to protect investors
04/08/2015 Abbottabad to have capital market business hub
05/08/2015 SECP promoting microinsurance
06/08/2015 Qamar Zaman for sustainable relationship between NAB and SECP to eliminate corruption
07/08/2015 SECP taking action against 23 INGOs
07/08/2015 SECP not to tolerate misuse of investors’ assets
10/08/2015 SECP registered 386 companies in July
11/08/2015 2008 stock market crisis: committee blames abrupt and ad hoc policy shifts
11/08/2015 recommendations of study of 2008 stock market crisis
13/08/2015 23rd Meeting of the SECP-SBP Coordination Committee Islamabad
15/08/2015 SECP Policy Board meeting held
19/08/2015 SECP to spread investor education message
21/08/2015 SECP opens facilitation centre in Sialkot
22/08/2015 SECP constitutes dispute resolution committees for insurance sector
24/08/2015 SECP approves Red Chilli futures contracts on PMEX
25/08/2015 SECP increases minimum paid-up capital requirement for insurers
25/08/2015 Pakistan Stock Exchange to replace existing bourses
30/08/2015 SECP notified Draft Electric Power Generation Industry (Cost Accounting Records) Order 2015 for comments
01/09/2015 SECP approves new inspection regime for brokers
01/09/2015 SECP to conduct investor education seminars at QAU
03/09/2015 SECP tells 77 companies to rectify default of listing regulations
03/09/2015 SECP issue draft Reporting and Disclosure Regulations for public comments
04/09/2015 SECP launches survey to evaluate the benefits of the portal JamaPunji
07/09/2015 SECP asks government to implement group insurance
08/09/2015 SECP approves foundation course and curriculum for insurance agents
09/09/2015 SECP to organize investor education seminars at Riphah University
09/09/2015 SECP directs listed companies to have message of JamaPunji in annual accounts
11/09/2015 SECP approved comprehensive framework to enforce Urdu as official language
11/09/2015 Chairman SECP emphasis the use of alternative methods of resolving dispute resolution
12/09/2015 Increasing financial inclusion is high priority of government: Chairman SECP
15/09/2015 SECP appoints members for small dispute resolution committees
17/09/2015 SECP signs MoU with the University of Lahore to collaborate on investor education
21/09/2015 SECP and COMSATS sign MoU to collaborate for investor education
23/09/2015 SECP Notified Electric Power Generation Industry (Cost Accounting Records) Order 2015
29/09/2015 SECP revises format of Review Report on Statement of Compliance by Public Sector Companies
02/10/2015 Financial literacy: SECP organizes awareness seminar
05/10/2015 Amendments in the Single Member Companies Rules
06/10/2015 Jamapunji: SECP to promote understanding of the financial markets among the youth
07/10/2015 SECP to conduct investor education seminars at Air University
07/10/2015 SECP registers 480 companies in September 2015
12/10/2015 Financial literacy: SECP organizes awareness seminar
14/10/2015 SECP’s new companies law in the offing
15/10/2015 SECP directs 38 listed companies to maintain mandatory functional websites
16/10/2015 SECP introduces substantial reforms in Non-Bank Financial (NBF) Sector
16/10/2015 Financial literacy: SECP organizes awareness seminar in QAU
17/10/2015 SECP, Bahria University sign MoU for investor education
19/10/2015 SECP registers 19 Underwriters
21/10/2015 SECP Policy Board meets
22/10/2015 SECP organizes awareness seminar on financial literacy
22/10/2015 SECP Chairman for promptly responding to investors’ complaints
26/10/2015 Zafar Hijazi assures enhanced corporate governance at PSE
27/10/2015 SECP considering consolidation of insurance rules
29/10/2015 Investor Protection and strong capital is key to SECP’s regulatory regime
30/10/2015 SECP takes action against the defaulter companies
02/11/2015 SECP directs to appoint only QCR rated firms as external auditors
02/11/2015 SECP grants in principle approval to the formation of PSE
02/11/2015 SECP organizes seminar on investment avenues in Pakistan
03/11/2015 SECP’s awareness session for ICAP members
04/11/2015 SECP directs non listed company to maintain websites by December positively
06/11/2015 SECP approves new rules and regulations for the capital market
09/11/2015 SECP extends last date for filing annual returns
09/11/2015 SECP wants LSE and ISE to ensure protection of rights of their employees amidst integration
10/11/2015 SECP suspends UINs for market manipulation, directs NCCPL to ensure settlement
11/11/2015 SECP issued draft Reinsurance Brokers Regulation 2015 for eliciting public opinion
11/11/2015 SECP to ensure fair and transparent capital market to safeguard investors interest
12/11/2015 Enhancing capital market outreach: Zafar Hijazi inaugurates capital market business hub in Abbottabad
13/11/2015 SECP adopting Urdu as official language at fast pace
14/11/2015 SECP extends filing date of Form 29 till November 18
14/11/2015 SECP issues guidelines for quality companies
16/11/2015 Jamapunji launches 8181 SMS services for investors
17/11/2015 SECP registers first third party administrator (TPA) for health insurance in Pakistan
18/11/2015 SECP organizes awareness seminar at NUST Business School, Islamabad
19/11/2015 SECP and NAB organize seminar to spread slogan “Say No to Corruption”
20/11/2015 SECP conducts investment awareness seminar at COMSATS
23/11/2015 SECP proposes new regulatory regime for credit rating companies
24/11/2015 SECP holds briefing sessions for Brokers on draft Brokers Regulations, 2015
25/11/2015 SECP conducted Investor Awareness Session at Ufone
25/11/2015 SECP directs companies to publish the proxy form both in Urdu and English Language
26/11/2015 SECP launches incorporation brochure
27/11/2015 SECP launches official Twitter account
27/11/2015 ICAP committee on independent audit oversight for public interest company auditors reconstituted
30/11/2015 SECP revamps regulatory framework for NBFCs
03/12/2015 SECP-ICAP deliberate on independent audit oversight in Pakistan
03/12/2015 SECP, KSE Board consider stock exchanges integration to be effective from Jan 1st
07/12/2015 SECP announce measures for sustainable growth of fund management industry
08/12/2015 SECP approves new regulations for licensing and operation of central depository
10/12/2015 SECP becomes member of the Islamic Financial Services Board, Malaysia
10/12/2015 SECP seeks comments of general public on draft Companies Bill, 2015
11/12/2015 SECP organizes awareness seminar at International Islamic University, Islamabad
11/12/2015 SECP registers 494 companies in November
14/12/2015 Hijazi chairs first meeting of the consultative group on insurance
16/12/2015 SECP discusses roadmap for smooth transition of existing MFIs into NBMFCs
17/12/2015 SECP, KSE jointly organizes seminar on financial literacy under its “Youth Program”
17/12/2015 SECP modifies conditions of licence to NGOs to plug loopholes
22/12/2015 SECP organized investor education seminar in Peshawar
22/12/2015 SECP-ICAP Joint Committee agrees on draft audit oversight framework
02/01/2016 SECP issues directive to protect insurance policyholders
07/01/2016 SECP registered seven book runners under the Book Building Regulations, 2015
08/01/2016 SECP conducts Consultative Session on draft Companies Bill at LCCI
13/01/2016 Non-Bank Financial Sector and Capital Markets Conference Inaugurated
14/01/2016 SECP conducts Consultative Session on draft Companies Bill at MCCI
14/01/2016 SECP witnessed 25 % growth in company registration during first half of FY-2015-16
15/01/2016 SECP issued 48 orders for non-compliances
15/01/2016 SECP organizes awareness seminar for the students of University of Sargodha
15/01/2016 SECP three days “Non-Bank Financial Sector and Capital Markets Conference” concludes
18/01/2016 Joint Task Force of SECP and FIA on Capital Market formed
18/01/2016 SECP organizes Consultative Session on draft Companies Bill at FPCCI
19/01/2016 SECP publishes glossary
19/01/2016 SECP De-registered non-compliant Modaraba Management Companies
20/01/2016 Pakistan’s mutual fund industry managing funds worth Rs500 billion, Chairman SECP expresses satisfaction on the strong growth
20/01/2016 SECP-ICAP agrees to establish an independent Audit Oversight Board
20/01/2016 SECP PIDE sign MoU for investor education
25/01/2016 SECP introduces e-voting
26/01/2016 SECP introduces complaint drop box facilities
27/01/2016 SECP adopts 4 international Shari�ah Standards
28/01/2016 Small disputes resolution committees resolved seven complaints of insurance
29/01/2016 SECP exempts mutual funds from IFRS-10
30/01/2016 SECP sets additional regulatory requirements for AMCs
02/02/2016 SECP holds seminar on financial literacy
02/02/2016 SECP starts 68 show cause proceedings
04/02/2016 SECP publishes Access to Inside Information Regulations 2016 to seek public opinion
05/02/2016 SECP translates laws in Urdu
06/02/2016 SECP notifies Licensed Persons Regulation 2016
08/02/2016 SECP appellate bench achieve zero pendency of appeals
11/02/2016 SECP Registers 514 Companies in January
12/02/2016 SECP starts company registration under VOSS
15/02/2016 SECP implements quality control mechanism for cost auditors
16/02/2016 SECP tells companies to report compliance with licensing conditions
20/02/2016 SECP amends regulatory framework for NBFCs: public comments sought
22/02/2016 SECP takes action against credit rating companies
25/02/2016 SECP holds investor awareness seminar for PIDE students
27/02/2016 SECP in collaboration with Foundation University organizes awareness seminar
29/02/2016 CCI Okays SECP (Amendments) Bill 2016
01/03/2016 SECP notifies committee for divestment of PSX shares
02/03/2016 SECP issues draft amendment in regulatory framework for modarabas for feedback
02/03/2016 Chairman SECP visits PMEX, meets PSX Divestment Committee
03/03/2016 SECP organizes roundtable on Principles of Corporate Governance for Non Listed
04/03/2016 SECP holds roundtable on Employees Provident Fund
04/03/2016 NA body approves Corporate Restructuring Companies Bill
07/03/2016 Students of IM Sciences Peshawar visited SECP Head Office
07/03/2016 SECP initiated 38 show cause proceedings
10/03/2016 SECP issues guidelines for estimation of IBNRs
16/03/2016 SECP registered 490 companies in February
17/03/2016 SECP amended investment parameters for Islamic mutual fund industry
19/03/2016 SECP strives to strengthen regulatory framework
22/03/2016 SECP revamps regulatory regime for non-bank microfinance companies
24/03/2016 SECPs seminar on Draft Companies Bill, 2016 on Saturday
25/03/2016 SECP initiates action against non-performing modarabas
26/03/2016 SECP-ICAP Joint Committee on audit oversight board submits it report
29/03/2016 SECP organizes workshop on eService at Hailey College
30/03/2016 SECP issues directive on life insurance and family takaful product illustrations
31/03/2016 Investor Awareness: SECP organizes awareness seminar at Mari Petroleum Company
31/03/2016 SECP, CFA Society Pakistan to sign MOU
04/04/2016 CNIC Mandatory for Dividend payment
04/04/2016 SECP, CFA Society Pakistan Join Forces in Investor Rights Education
04/04/2016 SECP chief committed to reforming agricultural commodity trading
06/04/2016 SECP seeks feedback on revised draft of Companies Bill 2016
07/04/2016 SECP organizes roundtable on Principles of Corporate Governance
08/04/2016 SECP initiated 35 show cause proceedings
08/04/2016 SECP takes action against defaulter companies
09/04/2016 SECP notifies draft Private Placement of Securities Rules for public comments
09/04/2016 SECP organizes roundtable on employees provident fund rules, 2016
13/04/2016 SECP, ICAP hold session to raise the standards of audit profession
23/04/2016 SECP introduces disclosure requirements for Islamic capital market
26/04/2016 SECP issues draft Valuers Registration and Governance Regulations, 2016 for public comments
27/04/2016 SECP notified draft Advisers and Consultants to the Issue of Securities Rules for public opinion
27/04/2016 Special Assistant to PM on revenue discusses tax proposals with SECP chairman
28/04/2016 A vibrant insurance sector essential for economic and social progress: Zafar Hijazi
29/04/2016 SECP to facilitate information sharing mechanism for health insurance sector
30/04/2016 SECP issues Guidelines for Structuring and Offering of Employees Stock Option Schemes
02/05/2016 SECP approves “First Sehat Tahafuz Plan” microinsurance product
03/05/2016 SECP disposes of 36 show-cause proceedings
05/05/2016 SECP holds session about electronic filing, VOSS in Gujranwala
05/05/2016 FPCCI delegation praises SECPs reforms and initiatives
09/05/2016 SECP holds session on eService in Sialkot
14/05/2016 SECP registered 625 companies in April
16/05/2016 SECP holds awareness seminar on voluntary pension system for HR professionals
20/05/2016 SECP standardizes criteria for financial soundness and integrity of REITs
21/05/2016 Savings culture a must to support long term infrastructure projects
22/05/2016 Dar offers charter of economy to political opponents
24/05/2016 SECP substantially reduces its fee and provides free certified copies
30/05/2016 SECP amends rules to minimize corporate disputes
31/05/2016 SECP organizes seminar on VPS for HR professionals
02/06/2016 NIFT introduces online procurement of digital signatures for e-filing at SECP
03/06/2016 SECP sanctioned amalgamation of Standard Chartered Leasing Limited with and Into ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited
03/06/2016 SECP conducts Faculty Development Program
06/06/2016 SECP disposed of 84 show-cause proceedings in May
07/06/2016 SECP, HEC launch faculty develop program for universities
07/06/2016 SECP seeks comments on Regulatory Framework for Customer Protection Compensation Fund
08/06/2016 SECP holds events on corporate governance and Companies Bill
08/06/2016 SECP issued 29 show-cause notices and 17 orders against insurance companies
09/06/2016 SECP issued first Invest Finance Services license to Punjab Rural Support Program as a Non-Bank Microfinance Company
09/06/2016 SECP Invites comments on framework for guarantee business
14/06/2016 SECP amends NBFC Rules and NBFCs & Notified Entities Regulations
15/06/2016 Government to focus on achieving high economic target: Ishaq Dar
16/06/2016 Senate passes Corporate Restructuring Companies Bill, 2016
16/06/2016 SECP registered 641 new companies in May
22/06/2016 SECP launches swift incorporation scheme
23/06/2016 SECP seeks to amend Modaraba Ordinance
24/06/2016 SECP holds a roundtable on group health insurance
24/06/2016 SECP Introduces New Regulatory Regime for Securities Brokers
01/07/2016 SECP issues draft Valuers Registration and Governance Regulations, 2016 for public comments
02/07/2016 SECP frames Capital Market Development Plan 2016-2018
05/07/2016 SECP to notify Valuers Registration and Governance Regulations after amending the SECP Act
05/07/2016 SECP to notify Valuers Registration and Governance Regulations after amending the SECP Act
11/07/2016 Government introduces 2% tax rebate for Shari’ah compliant listed manufacturing companies
12/07/2016 SECP notifies draft Share Registrars and Balloters Regulations for public comments
15/07/2016 SECP registered 6,200 new companies in last FY
18/07/2016 The Draft Companies Bill being submitted to the Finance and Law Ministries for vetting and initiation of the legislative process
19/07/2016 SECP determined to ensure investor protection and to end market abuse
20/07/2016 SECP places Draft of Companies Bill 2016 on the website and invites Public suggestions about the new provisions
20/07/2016 SECP urges MUFAP to curb misselling and expand investor base
21/07/2016 SECP introduces standardized calculation and disclosure requirements for total expense ratio of mutual funds
21/07/2016 Senate approves SECP (Amendment) Bill, 2016
25/07/2016 SECP imposes supervisory fee on listed companies
27/07/2016 SECP chairman asks his officers to be extra vigilant in implementing SECP (Amendment) Bill, 2016
28/07/2016 SECP facilitates signing of agreement between insurance/takaful companies and CDC to join centralized information sharing solution for health insurance
29/07/2016 SECP holds registrars’ conference
29/07/2016 SECP team raids illegal brokerage business in Rahimyar Khan
30/07/2016 SECP directs asset management companies to verify antecedents of jobseekers
30/07/2016 SECP for creating investor awareness and expanding outreach of capital market
30/07/2016 SECP for creating investor awareness and expanding outreach of capital market
01/08/2016 SECP and ICMAP sign MOU to promote investor education and awareness
03/08/2016 The Limited Liability Partnership Bill 2016 introduced in National Assembly
04/08/2016 SECP explains its regulatory role in the real estate sector
05/08/2016 SECP issues new regulatory regime for credit rating agencies
06/08/2016 Review of insurance companies’ websites by the SECP
11/08/2016 SECP approves amendments to regulations for licensing and operation of central depository
12/08/2016 SECP launches its new dynamic, bilingual website
12/08/2016 SECP has notified the Listed Companies (Buy-Back of Shares) Regulations, 2016
12/08/2016 SECP employees celebrate Independence Day
13/08/2016 SECP disposes of 53 show-cause proceedings against companies in July
15/08/2016 SECP registers 386 companies in July
18/08/2016 SECP places mutual funds returns on its website
22/08/2016 SECP approves principles of corporate governance for non-listed companies
23/08/2016 SECP holds investor awareness seminar
23/08/2016 SECP advises modarabas to increase outreach to small cities and towns
24/08/2016 SECP organizes seminar on voluntary pension system
25/08/2016 SECP prescribes standardized benchmarks for collective investment schemes
25/08/2016 SECP introduces non-banking microfinance regulatory framework to facilitate microfinance sector
26/08/2016 MOU inked between the SECP and the Chinese Company for investment in Gwadar
26/08/2016 SECP, ICAP sign MOU to promote investor education and awareness
27/08/2016 Corporate governance rules for public sector companies being improved
29/08/2016 SECP proposes amendments to voluntary pension system rules
01/09/2016 SECP prepares strategic framework for microinsurance development
03/09/2016 Dar to chair SECP’s seminar on Companies Bill
05/09/2016 Government grants tax neutrality to sukuk
05/09/2016 SECPs awareness seminar on Draft Companies Bill, 2016 salient features explained
06/09/2016 SECP initiates 45 show-cause proceedings in August
07/09/2016 SECP holds seminar on investor awareness and financial literacy
08/09/2016 SECP issues promotors’ guides in six international languages
15/09/2016 SECP registered 613 companies in August
21/09/2016 SECP, SBP chiefs meet
22/09/2016 SECP introduces cooling-off rights for individual unitholders of collective investment schemes
24/09/2016 SECP’s “Youth Investment Week” at PSX to promote investor education
02/10/2016 Hijazi briefs Dar on amending insurance regulatory framework
04/10/2016 SECP urges for increasing retail penetration of mutual funds
05/10/2016 SECP initiated 22 show-cause proceedings in September
06/10/2016 CFA Society gives away excellence awards to best institutions and individuals
13/10/2016 SECP enhanced compliance with global securities regulatory standards
19/10/2016 SECP approves first license under new Private Funds Regulations
19/10/2016 SECP overhauling modarabas’ regulatory framework
20/10/2016 Drastic measures by SECP to ease corporate sector
20/10/2016 SECP arranges Interactive Session to address Problems of NBMFCs
21/10/2016 Investor Awareness: SECP organizes a day-long seminar
21/10/2016 SECP registers 481 companies in September 2016
23/10/2016 Shifting of SECP’s Sukkur office
24/10/2016 SECP consults stakeholders on reforms in insurance regulatory framework
27/10/2016 SECP places mutual funds returns on its official website
28/10/2016 SECP seminar about its recent facilitative measures
28/10/2016 SECP revamps public offering process to promote listing
29/10/2016 SECP approves new regulations for licensing and operation of securities exchanges
31/10/2016 SECP proposes amendments to the Companies (Registration Offices) Regulations, 2003
01/11/2016 SECP holds roundtable on proposed reforms in insurance regulatory framework
02/11/2016 SECP eases filing process to facilitate listed companies
02/11/2016 SECP approves paddy rice futures contracts for listing on PMEX
03/11/2016 Chairman SECP briefs newsmen on of important completion stages
04/11/2016 SECP introduces Sahulat Sarmayakari Accounts for individual investors of mutual funds
05/11/2016 SECP approves Debt Securities Trustee Regulations for comments
08/11/2016 SECP approves simplified regulatory requirements for mutual fund distributors
09/11/2016 Orientation workshop for debt securities trustees by SECP
09/11/2016 SECP highlights importance of corporatization and compliance
10/11/2016 SECP taking action to protect investors amid surge in market activity
11/11/2016 SECP seeks comments on regulations for licensing and operations of securities and futures’ advisers
12/11/2016 SECP determined to protect interests’ of modaraba certificate-holders
13/11/2016 SECP chairman thanks government for giving timely consent to Companies’ Ordinance 2016
14/11/2016 SECP extends filing date of Form A/29 and Annual Accounts
18/11/2016 SECP takes action against companies resorting to market abuse
21/11/2016 SECP’s institutes various reforms to facilitate in corporation of companies
21/11/2016 SECP highlights importance of corporatization and compliance
22/11/2016 SECP’s facilitation regarding preparation of financial statements
23/11/2016 Ishaq Dar describes the new Companies Law as historic achievement, urges its smooth implementation
29/11/2016 SECP organizes two-day investor education seminar at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
30/11/2016 SECP head to inaugurate Islamic financing facility centre in Rawalpindi
01/12/2016 Chairman SECP inaugurates Islamic Financing Facility Centre in Rawalpindi
03/12/2016 SECP directs companies to maintain functional websites without fail
06/12/2016 SECP invites comments on the draft Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2016
07/12/2016 Awareness Session of SECP Registrars on the Companies Ordinance, 2016
08/12/2016 SECP initiated 54 show-cause proceedings in October-November
09/12/2016 SECP invites comments on draft Collateral Management and Warehousing (Establishment & Operations) Regulations, 2016
10/12/2016 SECP creates email account for mandatory transmission of financial statements of listed companies
19/12/2016 SECP registers 621 companies in November 2016
26/12/2016 Government appoints Chairman and Members of the Audit Oversight Board
26/12/2016 SECP introduces further business friendly reform measures
28/12/2016 Insurance Sector in Pakistan – Eliciting Public Comments on the Draft Insurance Bill, 2016
30/12/2016 SECP will only encourage listing of quality companies on stock exchange
31/12/2016 SECP allows AMCs to charge marketing and selling expenses to increase outreach
01/01/2017 Zafar Hijazi highlights SECP’s achievements and future priorities
02/01/2017 SECP approves simplified regulatory framework for mutual funds distributors
04/01/2017 SECP, PSX and NCCPL for robust enforcement regime
05/01/2017 SECP registered 703 companies in December 2016
13/01/2017 SECP issues requirements for liquidity risk management in mutual funds
16/01/2017 SECP, CROs to remain open on Saturdays
16/01/2017 FBR Chairman visits SECP to attend the farewell reception
17/01/2017 SECP Policy Board pays glowing tributes to Dr. Waqar Masood
20/01/2017 First meeting of the Audit Oversight Board held
20/01/2017 SECP forms committee to review financing by securities brokers to clients
24/01/2017 SECP’s guidelines for capital market investors
24/01/2017 Amendments in the Companies Bill 2016, approved by the Sub-committee of the National Assembly
27/01/2017 High level British delegation visits SECP
28/01/2017 SECP-ICMAP holds Seminar to encourage corporatization
30/01/2017 SECP tightens discretionary trading requirements for PMEX Brokers
31/01/2017 Regularization scheme for Gilgit-registered companies
01/02/2017 SECP raises value of claims of insurance policy holders to be arbitrated by small dispute resolution committees
02/02/2017 UK’s body of chartered certified accountants to support SECP’s awareness campaign
06/02/2017 NA approves Companies Bill
07/02/2017 SECP and HEC collaborate to develop entrepreneurial eco-system of Pakistan
08/02/2017 SECP to use full force of law against absconding brokers
08/02/2017 SECP registers 766 companies in January
09/02/2017 SECP urges PSX to fulfill its responsibility for investor protection
09/02/2017 Awareness workshop about principles of corporate governance for non-listed companies
09/02/2017 SECP and PSX start inquiry into MR Securities’ fraud with investors
10/02/2017 SECP to prepare plan to promote investment in Gilgit-Baltistan
10/02/2017 Regulatory reforms are benefiting modaraba sector
13/02/2017 Regulatory reforms push modaraba assets to Rs41 billion
16/02/2017 SECP conducts investor education seminar for women entrepreneurs
20/02/2017 SECP nominates contact persons for provident funds, provident fund trusts
21/02/2017 SECP’s meetings with statutory external auditors of listed insurance companies
22/02/2017 SECP-SBP vow to eradicate financial scams
22/02/2017 NAB arrested stock exchange’s broker on SECP’s reference
23/02/2017 SECP files criminal case against a bank employee
23/02/2017 SECP’s Religious Board approves prospectuses of two new modarabas
23/02/2017 SECP to take strict action against brokers involved in malpractices
24/02/2017 Islamic Finance Centre successfully disbursed finances of Rs14 million
25/02/2017 Secretary Finance assures SECP full support to eradicate market abuse
28/02/2017 SECP’s ultimate objective is to make stock market transparent: Hijazi
01/03/2017 Investor education seminar: SECP and HEC collaborate for developing the entrepreneurial eco-system of Pakistan
01/03/2017 SECP vows to facilitate women entrepreneurs
02/03/2017 SECP Committee to present recommendations on extending finance to capital market
03/03/2017 SECP reports defaulting broker to international securities regulators
03/03/2017 SECP’s facilitation measures start bearing fruit
06/03/2017 Islamic banking assets raised to Rs1.6 trillion
07/03/2017 SECP organizes awareness seminar for employees of Askari Bank Limited
07/03/2017 SECP files criminal case regarding price manipulation in stock market
09/03/2017 Investor Awareness: SECP organizes awareness seminar for employees of SDPI
10/03/2017 SECP Commissioner inaugurates Islamic Finance Center in Abbottabad
10/03/2017 SECP takes notice of statutory auditors of brokerage houses
11/03/2017 Investor awareness: SECP encourages women entrepreneurs at WECON 2017
13/03/2017 SECP granted authorization to float a new modaraba of Rs300 million
14/03/2017 SECP plays its role to enable the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Gilgit, Baltistan and Chitral
16/03/2017 SECP takes notice of misleading market research reports
16/03/2017 SECP accelerates action against defaulting brokers
17/03/2017 Investor education seminar: SECP hosts awareness session for Islamabad region ORICs
17/03/2017 SECP’s another milestone in ease of doing business
18/03/2017 SECP organizes workshop on Principles of Corporate Governance
24/03/2017 Pakistan to chair important insurance body in 2017 
27/03/2017 SECP warns public about crowd funding
28/03/2017 SECP granted authorization to float new modaraba of Rs.500 million
30/03/2017 SECP files criminal case against an insider
30/03/2017 SECP sets up anti-money laundering cell
30/03/2017 Hijazi inaugurates new user registration system
31/03/2017 Hijazi inaugurates new user registration system
31/03/2017 SECP files criminal case against CEO, CCPL for manipulating share prices
31/03/2017 US regulatory body lauds SECP
06/04/2017 Senate Standing Committee approves Limited Liability Partnership Bill
06/04/2017 SECP invites comments on draft Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations
07/04/2017 SECP, Audit Oversight Board sign MOU
07/04/2017 SECP facilitating regulated microfinance to enhance financial inclusion
08/04/2017 SECP registered 819 companies in March
10/04/2017 SECP amending Sukuk Regulations to facilitate issuers
10/04/2017 Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry praises SECP
14/04/2017 SECP cracks down on illegal trading activity
18/04/2017 SECP files criminal case against Darson Securities and 3 clients of different brokerage houses
21/04/2017 SECP files criminal case regarding stock price manipulation
21/04/2017 SECP approves regulations for licensing and operations of securities and futures advisers
22/04/2017 Investor Education Seminar: SECP’s awareness drive for the NHA employees
22/04/2017 Stock market manipulators making billions now face a determined regulator
24/04/2017 SECP’s awareness drive: Seminar for the WWF employees
24/04/2017 SECP approves wheat futures contracts on PMEX
25/04/2017 SECP organizes workshop on insider trading and market manipulation
25/04/2017 SECP’s Virtual One-Stop Shop portal gets functional
26/04/2017 SECP signs MOU with Punjab IT Board
26/04/2017 SECP Organizes first-ever Pakistan Capital Market Expo in Peshawar
27/04/2017 Corporate governance rules for public sector companies amended
27/04/2017 SECP files criminal case of insider trading against a bank employee
28/04/2017 SECP approves certification for research analysts
28/04/2017 SECP signs MoU with Pakistan Expo Centres for cooperating on investor education
02/05/2017 SECP prescribes criteria for investment by mutual funds
03/05/2017 SECP formulates Collateral Management Companies (Establishment & Operations) Regulations
04/05/2017 SECP registered 884 companies in April
04/05/2017 Senate Standing Committee approves Companies Bill 2017
05/05/2017 SECP starts Jamapunji stock trading competition
09/05/2017 No financial criminal can hide from the SECP: Zafar Hijazi
11/05/2017 SECP conducts faculty development program
12/05/2017 Workshop for awareness about Principles of Corporate Governance for Non Listed Companies in Pakistan
13/05/2017 SECP, SBP join hands to introduce e-IPO and e-dividend concept for capital market
15/05/2017 Senate unanimously approves the draft Companies Bill, 2017
16/05/2017 SECP approves certification for capital market advisers
17/05/2017 SECP files fourth criminal case on insider trading by bank employees
17/05/2017 Not all Pakistanis have to declare their offshore assets
18/05/2017 New law will only apply to real estate companies registered with SECP
19/05/2017 SECP conducts Faculty Development Program
24/05/2017 SECP’s awareness drive for the trainees and employees of KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants
25/05/2017 SECP holds awareness seminar for budding entrepreneurs on company incorporation
26/05/2017 SECP Announces Winners of Inter-University Mock Trading Competition
27/05/2017 SECP, SBP set up Council of Regulators to strengthen financial stability
30/05/2017 President signs Companies Act, 2017, into law
31/05/2017 Market manipulation in book building, SECP files criminal case
31/05/2017 SECP proposes new modaraba law
01/06/2017 The SECP approves the draft Insurance Bill
02/06/2017 SECP chief inaugurates new complaint handling system
02/06/2017 SECP sets new record by registering 926 companies in a month
03/06/2017 IOSCO to assess SECP’s implementation of 2015 IOSCO review recommendations
07/06/2017 SECP notifies draft regulations under the Companies Act and Limited Liability Partnership Act
08/06/2017 SECP notifies draft regulations for charitable and non-profit associations
09/06/2017 SECP files criminal complaint on price ramping of Silver Star Insurance Limited
15/06/2017 SECP notifies Auditor’s (Reporting Obligations) Regulations, 2017
16/06/2017 SECP to continue its enforcement drive against lawbreakers with vigor
19/06/2017 SECP notifies Investor Education and Awareness Fund Rules 2017
22/06/2017 SECP notifies forms for reporting beneficial ownership
23/06/2017 SECP notifies Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
06/07/2017 Company registration with SECP grows by 34% during fiscal year 2016-17
07/07/2017 Raising capital through Sukuk: SECP and PSX conduct survey of listed companies
10/07/2017 SECP regulation: Women directors to more than double in three years
11/07/2017 SECP establishes Investor Education and Awareness Fund under Companies Act 2017
17/07/2017 HBL disburses first loans to farmers with crop as collateral
19/07/2017 SECP organises session on commodities based financial eco-system
20/07/2017 SECP issues circular to clarify preparation of financial statements
02/08/2017 SECP grants one time Relaxation Regarding Payment of cash dividends
03/08/2017 Massive 110 percent growth is witnessed during July 2017
03/08/2017 SECP releases comparative performance of private pension funds
07/08/2017 SECP notifies Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
21/08/2017 SECP to continue its vigorous enforcement drive
24/08/2017 SECP continues to take enforcement action against insurers and resolve policyholders’ complaints
30/08/2017 Investigation against Yabaite by China Securities Regulatory Commission
31/08/2017 SECP issues draft Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) 2017
06/09/2017 SECP defers notification of Whistleblowing Regulations
12/09/2017 SECP promoting ease of doing business
12/09/2017 Senate passes Corporate Rehabilitation Bill, 2017
15/09/2017 SECP extends time for comments on draft Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
18/09/2017 SECP introduces Shariah Advisors Regulations, 2017
28/09/2017 SECP approves US equity index futures contracts for trading through PMEX
06/10/2017 SECP seeks comments on Draft Regulations on Distribution of Dividends by Companies
06/10/2017 SECP celebrates World Investor Week
11/10/2017 SECP notifies Draft Companies (Compliance and Reporting) Regulations
13/10/2017 SECP hosts awareness sessions for ORICs and budding entrepreneurs
18/10/2017 SECP hosts awareness sessions for women entrepreneurs
31/10/2017 Macro-economic Environment Promoting Corporatization
01/11/2017 SECP warns life insurance companies to ensure effective implementation the anti-money laundering directive
06/11/2017 SECP holds registrars’ conference
09/11/2017 SECP amends third, fourth and fifth schedules of Companies Act
13/11/2017 SECP extends filing date of Form A/29 and annual accounts
14/11/2017 SECP approves Shariah Advisors Regulations
21/11/2017 SECP orders inquiry into leakage of trading information
22/11/2017 SECP notifies Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017
23/11/2017 Chairman-SECP meeting with Board of Directors-PSX Market Participants and TREC Holders
23/11/2017 SECP’s Shariah Advisory Board in principle Okays Shariah-compliant trading counters at PSX
29/11/2017 SECP notifies Shariah Standards No 17, 18 and 23 of AAOIFI
06/12/2017 40 percent growth witnessed in company incorporations during November 2017
15/12/2017 SECP tells listed companies to submit financial statements in PDF, MS Excel formats
29/12/2017 SECP directs PSX to elect board of directors
03/01/2018 SECP tells CFOs of listed companies to authenticate financial statements
08/01/2018 SECP amends Public Offering Regulations to promote quality IPOs
09/01/2018 Company registration: 44 percent growth witnessed in first half of current FY
15/01/2018 SECP rationalized licencing regime for securities brokers
22/01/2018 Promotion of Microinsurance through Reduction of NADRA Verification Cost under the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS)
29/01/2018 SECP amends Securities Brokers Regulations to reduce regulatory burden and promote ease of doing business
02/02/2018 SECP releases five-year comparative performance of private pension funds
03/02/2018 SECP issues additional FAQs for Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) 2017
06/02/2018 Ease of Doing Business: SECP launches single online procedure for swift company registration
15/02/2018 SECP organizes seminar on company registration
16/02/2018 SECP adopts Shariah Standards No 17, 18 and 23 of AAOIFI
23/02/2018 SECP amends Securities and Futures Advisers Regulations
27/02/2018 SECP holds sessions under ease of doing business reforms agenda
02/03/2018 SECP notifies Draft Shariah Governance Regulations
05/03/2018 1,021 new companies registered in February
08/03/2018 Senate passes Corporate Rehabilitation Bill 2018
14/03/2018 SECP, FBR launch one-window facility for company and NTN registration
16/03/2018 SECP notifies regulations on selection of independent directors
06/04/2018 Listed companies’ shareholders to submit bank accounts details in 45 days
09/04/2018 SECP’s compliance with IOSCO standards rises to 83%
10/04/2018 SECP notified new AAOIFI Shariah standards for public consultation
13/04/2018 SECP proposes to amend Chartered Accountant Ordinance
16/04/2018 SECP registers 1,125 new companies in March 2018
23/04/2018 SECP signs MOU with International Islamic University to boost financial literacy
03/05/2018 SECP re-elected to the IOSCO Board
10/05/2018 SECP and 1Link sign agreement for ease of doing business
11/05/2018 SECP organizes seminar to raise awareness
13/05/2018 Shaukat Hussain appointed SECP Chairman
14/05/2018 SECP notifies Limited Liability Partnership Regulations, 2018
31/05/2018 SECP signs MOU with Pakistan-China Institute
07/06/2018 17% growth in companies registration at SECP
12/06/2018 SECP notifies regulations for non-profit associations
13/06/2018 SECP approves Employee’s Contributory Funds (Investment In Listed Securities) Regulations, 2018
20/06/2018 SECP notifies AML and CFT Regulations, 2018
22/06/2018 SECP notifies Regulations regarding further issue of shares
27/06/2018 SECP launches SDMS mobile application
29/06/2018 SECP signs MOU with HEC recognized universities
05/07/2018 773 new companies registered in June
11/07/2018 SECP directs PSX to remove Mr. Lawai as Chairman, PSX Board
12/07/2018 SECP approves PICIC Investment Fund & PICIC Growth Fund conversion into open-end funds
13/07/2018 SECP urges companies to chip in for building of dams
16/07/2018 Independent directors’ databank gets operational
18/07/2018 SECP conclude efforts for introduction of regulatory regime for valuers
18/07/2018 SECP employees donate for dams
19/07/2018 Risk management and control guidelines by SECP for fund management industry
20/07/2018 Appointment of legal advisors: SECP achieves 85% compliance
24/07/2018 SECP, NACTA vow to combat AML/CTF through joint mechanisms
31/07/2018 SECP improves governance structure of public sector companies
03/08/2018 1,076 new companies registered in July 2018
10/08/2018 SECP for increasing claim amount for road accident victims
10/08/2018 SECP seeks comments on Draft General Takaful Accounting Regulations, 2018
11/08/2018 SECP revamps REIT Regulations, 2015
13/08/2018 SECP holds seminar on CFT measures
13/08/2018 SECP to collaborate with APTMA in its efforts to revitalize textiles units in distress
15/08/2018 SECP, Karakorum International University sign MOU
16/08/2018 SECP Amends PSX Regulations Governing Offices/Branch Offices of Brokers
17/08/2018 SECP to support foreign companies in expanding their investment portfolios in Pakistan
18/08/2018 SECP holds awareness session for Rotarians
24/08/2018 SECP releases five-year comparative performance of private pension funds
30/08/2018 SECP intensifies its efforts against money laundering and terrorist financing
31/08/2018 SECP’s Shariah Advisory Board approved Murabaha share financing product
03/09/2018 1,101 new companies registered in August 2018
05/09/2018 SECP issues AML/CFT guidelines for NPOs
11/09/2018 SECP opens facilitation center in Gwadar
13/09/2018 SECP holds awareness session for NPOs on AML/CFT obligations
14/09/2018 SECP’s seminar to raise awareness about limited liability partnership
15/09/2018 SECP signs MOUs with universities in Karachi
19/09/2018 SECP holds awareness sessions in Lahore, Peshawar on AML/CFT obligations
28/09/2018 SECP releases Annual Report for FY2017-2018
01/10/2018 SECP launches World Investor Week to promote investor education
01/10/2018 Pakistan Reinsurance Company Limited allowed to conduct window re-takaful operations
02/10/2018 SECP launches JamaPunji 4th nationwide inter-university stock trading contest
03/10/2018 SECP holds two-day awareness session on AML/CFT
04/10/2018 SECP registered 1,070 companies in September
05/10/2018 SECP holds workshop on insurance and takaful
10/10/2018 SECP proposes to expand fit and proper criteria for insurance sector
15/10/2018 SECP holds workshop on anti-money laundering, terror financing
17/10/2018 SECP continues its outreach efforts by holding training/ workshop in Karachi on AML/CFT obligations
18/10/2018 SECP holds an awareness session on the obligations under Anti-Money Laundering/ Countering Financing of Terrorism
22/10/2018 SECP holds another awareness session on AML/CFT Obligations in Islamabad
24/10/2018 SECP holds consultative session on proposed amendments to the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939
25/10/2018 National Financial Inclusion Strategy Technical Committee proposes amendments to stamp duty laws
30/10/2018 The SECP approves new insurtech-based life insurance product
05/11/2018 SECP starts winding up proceedings against two companies
05/11/2018 Breakthrough in Pakistan’s Islamic financing system; SECP enforces Shariah Governance Regulations, 2018
06/11/2018 SECP incorporated 1,395 new companies in October 2018
16/11/2018 Over 500 professionals attend SECP sessions on anti-money laundering, counter terror financing
22/11/2018 SECP to enforce world’s best legislative framework for AML/CFT
23/11/2018 SECP signs MOU for development of Islamic finance
27/11/2018 SECP issues practices guide for conducting meetings
04/12/2018 SECP revamps regulatory framework for real estate investment trusts
05/12/2018 SECP launches awareness drive about modaraba
06/12/2018 Need to connect microfinance sector with capital markets emphasized
07/12/2018 1,060 new companies registered in November
12/12/2018 Awareness session on NPOs’ AML/CFT obligations held
17/12/2018 SECP holds session on Malaysia’s capital market framework
18/12/2018 SECP tells intermediaries to ensure AML/CFT due diligence
19/12/2018 SECP Policy Board directs Commission to reduce fees
19/12/2018 SECP refutes the veracity of malicious WhatsApp circulation
19/12/2018 SECP warns public against investing in Reliable Estate
21/12/2018 SECP holds an awareness sessions on AML/CFT obligations
27/12/2018 SECP remains fully committed to mutual assistance with LEAs
29/12/2018 SECP continues its outreach to financial institutions on their AML/CFT obligations
02/01/2019 1,130 new companies registered in December
09/01/2019 SECP warns public against investing in fake entity Fine Sarmayakari Company
14/01/2019 SECP warns public against ‘National Institute of Human Resource Management’
16/01/2019 Workshop on Public Sector Corporate Governance held
18/01/2019 Chairman SECP holds meetings with PSX Board of Directors and management PSX is a viable platform for meeting the infrastructural financing needs of the government: Sabzwari
01/02/2019 Policy Board refers several laws to Finance Ministry for amendments
11/02/2019 SECP registers 1,317 new companies in January
15/02/2019 SECP defers applicability of IFRS 9
20/02/2019 SECP chairman vows to remove regulatory impediments
21/02/2019 SECP holds awareness sessions on AML/CFT obligations
26/02/2019 Insurance sector: SECP to focus on market development and structural reforms
28/02/2019 SECP honors winners of fourth inter-university trading competition
01/03/2019 SECP temporarily relaxes condition about female directors
06/03/2019 Company registration goes up by 26 percent
12/03/2019 Finance Minister applauds global recognition of Pakistan’s enhansed compliance with International Corporate Governance Standards
20/03/2019 SECP holds awareness sessions on ease of doing business
22/03/2019 SECP holds session on AML/CFT obligations for NPOs and intermediaries
28/03/2019 SECP to close 9 companies involved in unlawful activities
29/03/2019 SECP holds session on AML/CFT obligations for NPOs
04/04/2019 SECP holds awareness sessions in Jamshoro
04/04/2019 SECP appoints Registrar, Secured Transactions Registry
05/04/2019 SECP registered 1, 401 new companies in March, number of registered companies rises to 97,916
08/04/2019 SECP warns public again against dealing with 3A Alliance
09/04/2019 SECP holds awareness session on implementation of the AML/CFT regime
19/04/2019 SECP explains AML/CFT reporting requirements
23/04/2019 SECP cuts overregulation, introduces reforms for ease of doing business, investor protection, transparency and market development
30/04/2019 SECP warns public not to trust Ms. Galaxy Typing Jobs (SMC-Private) Limited
02/05/2019 Financial literacy to become part of new curriculum: Shafqat Mahmood
03/05/2019 SECP registered 1, 460 companies in April
13/05/2019 Secured transactions registry established in SECP
17/05/2019 SECP measures for capital market stability
20/05/2019 SECP launches awareness video series
29/05/2019 SECP embarks on digital transformation, launches LEAP
14/06/2019 SECP, US Department of Justice hold workshop on securities’ fraud
15/06/2019 SECP proposes mandatory health insurance for private sector employees
18/06/2019 SECP to reduce outflow of foreign exchange pertaining to reinsurance business
20/06/2019 SECP registered 1,323 companies in May
26/06/2019 SECP prioritizes development of real estate investment trusts
27/06/2019 SECP reaffirms commitment to the development of insurance industry
28/06/2019 SECP holds awareness sessions on terrorist financing risk assessment
03/07/2019 SECP issues draft Collateral Management Companies Regulations, 2019
09/07/2019 SECP refutes press reports regarding crackdown against companies for recovery of gold and valuable properties
11/07/2019 SECP warns public about illegal activities of Galaxy Typing Jobs
18/07/2019 SECP refutes media reports regarding crackdown against companies
19/07/2019 SECP holds second Design Thinking Workshop on Digital Transformation
29/07/2019 SECP issues sanction for filing of winding-up petition under the Companies Act, 2017 in respect of Pak Memon Impex (Private) Limited and Memon Corporation (Private) Limited
01/08/2019 SECP facilitates MoU signing between CDC Pakistan and Life Insurance Companies for Launch of e- Repository for Insurance
07/08/2019 Revocation of Licenses of Not for Profit Companies
17/08/2019 Notification issued making Aamir Khan SECP Chairman
21/08/2019 1,525 new companies registered in July 2019
22/08/2019 Exemptions from application of IFRS 9: Financial Instruments and IFRS 16: Leases
29/08/2019 Inaugural Forum aims to Improve Capital Markets Development in Carec
18/09/2019 Securities & Exchange Policy Board Approves Amendments in Exchange Traded Funds Regulations and other Regulations
23/09/2019 SECP reduces regulatory tariffs to make capital market more competitive investment avenue
30/09/2019 Securities and Exchange Policy Board approves creation of Adjudication Division in SECP
02/10/2019 SECP revoke licenses of 22 not for profit companies for non-compliance
10/10/2019 SECP’s risk based approach improve STR reporting of AML/CFT
11/10/2019 SECP registers 96% companies online in September
16/10/2019 SECP proposed amendments in the Public Offering Regulations, 2017
17/10/2019 SECP conducts roundtable on Enabling Regulatory Framework for Startups
18/10/2019 SECP eases regime for credit rating companies
23/10/2019 SECP focused on rejuvenating IPOs: Chairman SECP
24/10/2019 PSX lists largest ever Sukuk issue
25/10/2019 SECP removes regulatory impediments for futures brokers
26/10/2019 SECP’s measures instrumental in Pakistan’s ease of doing business ranking
30/10/2019 SECP warns public against investing in M/s FS Links
02/11/2019 Rules notified for rehabilitation of sick companies
05/11/2019 SECP launches Startup Portal to encourage tech innovation in Pakistan
06/11/2019 SECP introduces “trading only brokers” concept for expanding investor base
12/11/2019 SECP approves Growth Enterprise Market listing regulations
13/11/2019 SECP’s easy procedures led to 19% surge in new incorporations
19/11/2019 SECP warns public against investing in fraudulent investment and ponzi schemes
25/11/2019 SECP cracks down on companies involved in illegal / unauthorized activities
26/11/2019 SECP engages industry on its Digital Transformation journey
27/11/2019 SECP organizes series of workshops on AML/CFT risk-based approach
05/12/2019 SECP, ADB organize stakeholder consultations on Financial Market Development 2020-25
11/12/2019 Misleading Opinions Inducing General Public for Stock Trading
12/12/2019 SECP introduces Regulatory Sandbox to promote innovation in financial service industry
17/12/2019 SECP, universities sign MOUs to promote financial literacy
18/12/2019 SECP witnesses 30% increase in new incorporations
20/12/2019 SECP to action against mis-selling in bancassurance
23/12/2019 SECP holds Workshop for Promotion of Digital Insurance
28/12/2019 SECP holds registrars’ conference on “Winning the Business Trust”
01/01/2020 SECP revamps IPO regime to attract new listings
02/01/2020 PMDU lauds SECP’s efforts for complaint redressal
06/01/2020 SECP notifies provisional managers and official liquidators’ regulations
10/01/2020 SECP to extend scope of its One Stop Shop to Baluchistan
20/01/2020 SECP introduced category of transgender in eServices
21/01/2020 SECP opens first cohort under the Regulatory Sandbox
29/01/2020 SECP proposed amendments in the AML/CFT Regulations, 2018
11/02/2020 SECP proposes amendments in laws to prevent misuse of corporate entities for money laundering
12/02/2020 SECP simplifies licensing regime to promote capital formation
17/02/2020 SECP organizes awareness session on Regulatory Sandbox
24/02/2020 Pakistan’s first Centralized Repository for Life Insurance Sector launched
12/03/2020 Coronavirus contingency planning for general meetings of shareholders
13/03/2020 SECP Reviews Stock Market Situation with SROs
17/03/2020 SECP Introduces Cyber Security Framework for Insurance Sector
19/03/2020 SECP linked short selling with uptick rule in future market
23/03/2020 SECP announces SROs operational including PSX, NCCPL and CDC
23/03/2020 SECP relaxed regulatory deadlines amid COVID-19 Pandemic
05/04/2020 President approves amendments to Companies Act to facilitate Startups
21/04/2020 In wake of Covid-19, SECP asks microfinance institutions to facilitate borrowers
22/04/2020 Chairman SECP meets Chairperson FBR on Tax Proposals
27/04/2020 SECP to introduce Risk Based Capital Regime for Insurance Sector
29/04/2020 SECP asks insurers to extend coverage of Motor Insurance Policies
06/05/2020 Delinking Collateral with Reinsurance for Credit and Suretyship Insurance Business
06/05/2020 Microfinance industry needs to strengthen resilience and risk management: Aamir Khan
12/05/2020 Aimed COVID-19; SECP measures to facilitate Insurers and policyholders
13/05/2020 Aimed COVID-19; SECP to continue adjudication function through online hearings
03/06/2020 SECP Constitutes Working Group to develop Risk Based Capital Regime for Insurance Sector
16/06/2020 SECP provide relief to borrowers of Non-Bank Microfinance Sector
22/06/2020 SECP re-elected to the IOSCO Board for 5th consecutive term
24/06/2020 SECP extends timeline for AMCs to complete Investor’s Suitability Assessment
25/06/2020 Chairman SECP Aamir Khan unveils NBFI & Modaraba Year Book – 2019
30/06/2020 SECP Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attack at PSX
01/07/2020 PSX Attack; SECP Chairman visits PSX, assures support
03/07/2020 SECP issues draft Reinsurance Brokers Regulations for public comments  
06/07/2020 SECP introduces Professional Clearing Member Regulations
08/07/2020 SECP issues Master Circular for Asset Management Companies
14/07/2020 2.24 million Non-Bank Microfinance borrowers provided relief
16/07/2020 SECP organizes webinar on revamping of the Securities Act and Futures Market Act
17/07/2020 SECP issues draft Insurance Ordinance (Amendment) Bill, 2020 for public consultation
23/07/2020 SECP organizes awareness session on GEM and concept of Shelf Registration
04/08/2020 SECP proposes amendments in Securities and Futures Advisors (Licensing & Operations) Regulations
05/08/2020 SECP achieves ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISMS certification
12/08/2020 SECP initiates consultative process to revamp NBFC regime
28/08/2020 SECP issues life insurer license to Postal Life Insurance Company
03/09/2020 SECP conducts a series of AML/CFT awareness sessions
04/09/2020 SECP’s additional joint director, Muhammad Sajid Gondal missing
08/09/2020 The Commission are deeply concerned on the continued disappearance of Mr. Sajid Gondal
10/09/2020 SECP Aiming in the Right Direction, said Dr. Ishrat Husain, Advisor to the PM
11/09/2020 Clarification with respect to Circular No. 27 of 2020
14/09/2020 SECP refutes allegation
23/09/2020 SECP approves disclosure framework under global principles
02/10/2020 SECP approves testing of technology driven solutions under Regulatory Sandbox
27/10/2020 SECP registered 2,365 new companies in September
27/10/2020 SECP approves first digital platform for raising capital under Regulatory Sandbox
18/11/2020 SECP approves the first P2P Lending Platform in its Regulatory Sandbox
03/12/2020 SECP approves framework for digital onboarding of investors
11/12/2020 SECP unveils Corporate Insurance Agents Regulations
15/12/2020 SECP registers 1,956 new companies in November
16/12/2020 SECP establishes first ever Business Centre for swift company registration
18/12/2020 Need to rehabilitate sick companies highlighted
24/12/2020 SECP to promote alternate financing solutions
28/12/2020 SECP releases Annual Report for FY2019-2020
30/12/2020 SECP warns public against investing in fake investment entities
01/01/2021 SECP allows digital accounts opening for mutual fund investors
06/01/2021 SECP Takes a Giant “LEAP” to Promote Ease of Doing Business
15/01/2021 SECP aims to liberalize Non-Bank financial sector through promoting self- regulation
20/01/2021 Mere registration of a company doesn’t confirm the right to collect investments
21/01/2021 SECP allows licensed individuals to act as Securities Advisors
22/01/2021 SECP’s awareness drive for promotion of Housing Finance Companies
26/01/2021 SECP’s eServices integrated with Pakistan MNP Database
30/01/2021 SECP highlights investment opportunities in ETFs
02/02/2021 SECP Issues Draft Amendments to NBFC Regulations for Public Consultation
09/02/2021 SECP Business Centre recorded 24% growth in company incorporation
11/02/2021 SECP records major progress in Information Security Standards
15/02/2021 SECP Allows Digital Onboarding of Increasing Pension Fund Penetration
17/02/2021 SECP launches portal for expeditious bank account opening of corporates
20/02/2021 SECP makes shareholders’ virtual participation in AGMs a permanent feature
24/02/2021 SECP proposes reduction in turnaround time for payment of cash dividends
25/02/2021 Chairman SECP Reaffirms Commitment to Facilitate Businesses
03/03/2021 SECP holds Webinar for Startups in collaboration with National Incubation Center
04/03/2021 SECP’s policies conform to values of objectivity, integrity and equitability: Aamir Khan
05/03/2021 SECP Commissioner Indicates Correlation Between Female Presence on Boards and Companies’ Performance
09/03/2021 SECP asks listed companies to implement gender diversity policies; issued circular
10/03/2021 Reforms by SECP lead to 39% growth in new companies’ registration
11/03/2021 SECP takes lead in promoting female entrepreneurship
13/03/2021 SECP sensitizes people to carefully read term & conditions of insurance policies
16/03/2021 Beware of Investing in Fraudulent Schemes: SECP
19/03/2021 Be Cautious of Unlawful Investment Scheme of La Ville De Paris
19/03/2021 Be Cautious of Unlawful Investment Scheme of La Ville De Paris
26/03/2021 Leading banks connect to SECP’s portal for real time access to statutory records
30/03/2021 SECP aims at facilitating corporate sector by reducing regulatory burden
01/04/2021 SECP issues Circular enabling Startups to raise Capital against Property & Other Assets
02/04/2021 SECP organizes Webinar on Venture Capital & Private Equity Investment
02/04/2021 SECP organizes Webinar on Venture Capital & Private Equity Investment
03/04/2021 SECP proposes amendments to Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations
06/04/2021 SECP Opens Second Cohort under its Regulatory Sandbox
07/04/2021 SECP enables Startups to offer Employee Stock Options Plan
08/04/2021 SECP Opens Public Consultation on Major Revamping of REIT Regulations
09/04/2021 SECP witnessed 39% growth in companies’ incorporation
13/04/2021 SECP Amends Murabaha Share Financing Regulations
14/04/2021 SECP launches Digital Certified True Copies
15/04/2021 SECP automates Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Form for companies
19/04/2021 SECP Chairman addresses Virtual Roundtable on Revamping REIT Regulations
22/04/2021 SECP Publishes Guidance Paper on Convertible Debt Securities
28/04/2021 SECP chair commits coherent industry policy to promote FinTech
29/04/2021 SECP to Introduce Concept of Special Purpose Acquisition Company
30/04/2021 SECP launches combined digital registration with provincial agencies
05/05/2021 Digitalization results in 186% growth in incorporation of new companies: SECP
07/05/2021 SECP seeks comments on conversion of shareholding into book entry form
08/05/2021 SECP organizes webinar on Growth Enterprise Board
20/05/2021 SECP – Harnessing Capital Market for Women Empowerment
29/05/2021 SECP Approves Framework for Direct Listing of Companies at PSX
03/06/2021 SECP Notifies Guidelines on Mutual Funds Digital Platform
04/06/2021 SECP witnesses over 100% growth in company’s incorporation
08/06/2021 SECP revamps REIT Regulations to promote real estate activity in organized sector
10/06/2021 Mere registration of a company doesn’t confirm the right to seek investments: SECP
17/06/2021 SECP issues draft regulatory framework for digital-only insurers and microinsurers
18/06/2021 SECP rationalizes advertisement requirements for mutual funds
19/06/2021 SECP issues Guidelines for Green Bonds Issuance in Pakistan
25/06/2021 SECP specifies regulatory framework for Debt and Hybrid ETFs
28/06/2021 SECP concludes action against B4U Group and its Sponsors
01/07/2021 SECP becomes first govt agency to offer WhatsApp Support Service
02/07/2021 SECP Approves Shariah Compliant Developmental REIT Scheme
02/07/2021 SECP grants approval for 90 days Deliverable Futures Contracts
04/07/2021 SECP approves amendments to NCCPL Regulations
08/07/2021 SECP Licensed 3 new Housing Finance Companies during FY 2020-21
10/07/2021 SECP registers 2,504 new companies in June 2021
20/07/2021 Together Against COVID-19: SECP asks companies to facilitate vaccination of employees and their families
03/08/2021 SECP issues draft Cloud Adoption Guidelines for Companies
06/08/2021 SECP asks companies to file Beneficial Ownership Declaration
08/08/2021 SECP registers 1,949 new companies in July
13/08/2021 SECP Digitalizes Filing of Biannual Returns of Employees’ Contributory Funds
14/08/2021 SECP advises companies to file UBO Declarations
20/08/2021 SECP approves various technology driven solutions under 2nd cohort of Regulatory Sandbox
02/09/2021 SECP Warns Public Against Investing in Fraudulent Investment Schemes
04/09/2021 SECP Conducts Webinar on Digital Onboarding for Capital Market Investors
07/09/2021 SECP Provides Final Opportunity to Companies to File UBO Declaration
08/09/2021 SECP Revamps Regulatory Framework for Voluntary Pension System
10/09/2021 SBP Governor inaugurates state of the art Business Center at SECP
22/09/2021 SECP introduces SPACs for capital formation through PSX
09/10/2021 SECP witnesses 20% growth in new incorporations in September 2021
12/10/2021 SECP simplifies onboarding of mutual fund investors
22/10/2021 SECP organizes training session on “Judicial Order writing”
29/10/2021 SECP Warns Public Against Investing in Fraudulent Investment Schemes
06/11/2021 SECP registers 2,017 new companies in October
18/11/2021 SECP registers first Life Insurer as Pension Fund Manager
24/11/2021 SECP amends regulations to greatly facilitate SMEs and Startups
06/12/2021 SECP facilitates MoU signing between CDC Pakistan and IAP
17/12/2021 Press Release (Dec 17) Be cautious of illegal investment schemes through fractionalization of Real Assets
22/12/2021 Significant reforms for small businesses through amendments to Companies Act
23/12/2021 SECP Facilitates Investments by Overseas Pakistanis
29/12/2021 SECP adopted method of regulatory guillotine to review old regulations: Aamir Khan
31/12/2021 SECP issues a Guidebook for formation and licensing of NBFC
12/01/2022 SECP Saved 38 Trees in 2021 by Cutting Down on Paper Usage
14/01/2022 SECP consolidated 60 insurance circulars/directives
27/01/2022 SECP Warns Public Against Trust Investment Bank Limited (TIBL)
05/02/2022 Fintech-enabled NBFCs digital lending outreach extends to 350,000 borrowers: SECP
10/02/2022 SECP geared towards creating an investment friendly ecosystem for ETFs
12/02/2022 SECP specifies Fixed Rate Mutual Fund
18/02/2022 2,448 new companies registered in January 2022
25/02/2022 Entities from ‘First Cohort’ of SECP’s Regulatory Sandbox complete testing
15/03/2022 SECP registers 2,349 new companies in February
28/03/2022 SECP authorizes Burj Modaraba to float first green energy modaraba of PKR1 Billion
07/04/2022 SECP launches online portal for easy exit of defunct companies
11/04/2022 SECP registers 2,354 new companies in March
19/04/2022 SECP announces third cohort under its Regulatory Sandbox
27/04/2022 Fractionalization – SECP makes high value illiquid assets accessible to smaller investors
29/04/2022 SECP Regulatory Sandbox fuels regulatory reforms in financial services
30/04/2022 Press Release – SECP proposes changes to bring transparency in capital formation
11/05/2022 SECP organizes second awareness session for registered intermediaries
14/05/2022 SECP registers 2,345 new companies in April
21/05/2022 SECP releases Annual Report for FY 2020-21
28/05/2022 SECP holds a Roundtable on enhancing insurance outreach by leveraging technology
01/06/2022 SECP registers 1,906 new companies in May 2022
14/06/2022 SECP expands investment opportunities for Income Funds
20/06/2022 SECP unveils ESG Regulatory Roadmap for sustainable capital markets
21/06/2022 SECP Introduces Enabling Framework for Peer-to-Peer Lending
22/06/2022 SECP invites public comments on draft amendments to Securities & Futures Advisers Regulations, 2017
22/06/2022 SECP notifies draft Asset Backed Securitization Regulations, 2022
23/06/2022 SECP to implement Business Process Re-Engineering model for LLPs
24/06/2022 SECP notifies draft regulatory framework for issuance of CDS for public consultation
28/06/2022 SECP seeks application from audit firms for placement at Panel of Auditors
29/06/2022 SECP to allow licensed investment advisors to offer Employer Pension Funds
06/07/2022 Digital Lending – SECP cautions Digital Lending NBFCs of regulatory action if fair practices not adopted
07/07/2022 SECP allows Mutual Funds to invest in ETFs
15/07/2022 SECP enhances investment limits for insurance companies to invest in ETFs
18/07/2022 SECP notifies amendments to the Credit and Suretyship (Conduct of Business) Rules, 2018
19/07/2022 SECP declares Right of Use Assets as Admissible Assets for insurers solvency
20/07/2022 SECP reconstitutes its Shariah Advisory Committee
21/07/2022 SECP unveils Self-Regulatory Organizations (Registration) Regulations, 2022
22/07/2022 SECP simplifies the approval process for CEOs/Directors of insurance companies
25/07/2022 SECP registers 26,502 companies in FY2022
27/07/2022 Webinar to promote VPS; SECP Chairman Aamir khan reaffirms commitment to expand penetration of Pension schemes
28/07/2022 SECP proposes to reduce statutory Forms from 75 to 27 under Companies Act
01/08/2022 SECP to introduce Digital Asset Management Companies
02/08/2022 SECP Launches WeChat Service to Facilitate Chinese Investors
03/08/2022 SECP’s Publishes Diagnostic Review Report on Pakistan’s Private Funds Sector
12/08/2022 SECP registers 1,691 new companies in July 2022
16/08/2022 SECP issues Master Circular for AMCs
17/08/2022 LEAP to bring accessibility efficiency and transparency SECP
18/08/2022 SECP introduces digital-only insurers and microinsurers
18/08/2022 SECP clarifies the incident of web scraping of its website
19/08/2022 SECP amends Modaraba Regulations, 2021
22/08/2022 SECP proposes revamping of REITs Regulatory Framework
23/08/2022 SECP organizes webinar on Stewardship Guidelines
29/08/2022 SECP hosts first Meeting of ECO Heads of Capital Market Supervisory Authorities
12/09/2022 SECP registers 2,362 new companies in August 2022
21/09/2022 SECP revamps Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
22/09/2022 SECP approves eight technology driven business solutions under third cohort of Regulatory Sandbox
23/09/2022 SECP allows listed companies to issue convertible debt through Right offer
28/09/2022 SECP expands auto generated MEMARTS into standalone incorporation process
29/09/2022 SECP further facilitates digital onboarding of investors
30/09/2022 SECP Publishes Insurance Industry Statistics
11/10/2022 SECP extends effective date of applicability of IFRS-9 for NBFCs (including NBMFCs) and Modarabas
12/10/2022 SECP enhances sales load limit for AMCs selling through third-party platforms
13/10/2022 SECP registers 2,434 new companies September 2022
20/10/2022 SECP emphasises need to establish sustainable AMLCFT compliance culture
20/10/2022 German Delegation visits SECP
24/10/2022 SECP allows Money Market CISs to invest in short term Sukuk
07/11/2022 SECP introduces Sample Memorandums of Association for NBFCs
11/11/2022 SECP registers 2,361 new companies in October 2022
18/11/2022 SECP releases Annual Report for FY 2021-22
08/12/2022 SECP issues concept paper on Risk Based Capital Regime for insurance sector
12/12/2022 SECP register 2,380 new companies in November
13/12/2022 SECP registers 7 new Private Funds in 2022
14/12/2022 Newly appointed Commissioners assume charges at SECP
16/12/2022 Federal Government appoints Akif Saeed as new SECP Chairman
22/12/2022 SECP Constitutes new benches for expeditious disposal of appeals
28/12/2022 SECP issues digital lending standards
02/01/2023 SECP issues Consolidated Circular for Modaraba Sector
04/01/2023 Chairman SECP for continuous engagement with market participants
05/01/2023 SECP to reform PMEX for creating linkage with rural economy: Akif Saeed
06/01/2023 SECP Chairman stresses upon improving service standards of insurance industry
07/01/2023 SECP apprised digital lenders on new regulatory requirements
11/01/2023 SECP issues Guidelines for Offering Islamic Financial Services, 2023
12/01/2023 SECP registers 2,374 new companies in December 2022
20/01/2023 SECP issues Master Circular for Mutual Funds, CISs, and IASs
24/01/2023 SECP holds premier environmental, social and governance (ESG) Symposium
25/01/2023 SECP seeks comments on draft amendments to Corporate Restructuring Companies Rules
31/01/2023 SECP for effective implementation of Motor Third Party Liability Insurance
08/02/2023 SECP registers 2,409 new companies in January 2023
13/02/2023 SECP warns public to avoid unauthorized lending apps
16/02/2023 Chairman SECP and stakeholders discuss the PSX’s New Trading System launch
22/02/2023 SECP issued diagnostic report on Islamic finance
24/02/2023 SECP holds thematic workshop on digitalization program
28/02/2023 SECP organizes financial reporting workshop on NBMF sector
01/03/2023 SECP proposes changes in regulations to facilitate election of female and independent directors
03/03/2023 SECP proposes Shariah Governance Regulations 2023
08/03/2023 SECP pledges to continue to promote gender diversity and women participation in the corporate sector
10/03/2023 SECP registers 2,414 companies in February 2023
14/03/2023 SECP seeks to align Companies Act to promote business growth
05/04/2023 SECP seeks comments on draft amendments to NBFC Regulations, 2008
07/04/2023 SECP registers 2596 companies in March 2023
12/04/2023 SECP publishes Digital Lending Applications Whitelist
20/04/2023 SECP – AAOIFI to host First International Conference on Islamic Capital Markets
28/04/2023 SECP okays Centralized Gateway Portal to facilitate digital onboarding of investors
29/04/2023 SECP announces fourth cohort under its Regulatory Sandbox
03/05/2023 SECP Introduces Regulatory Framework for Online Only Brokers
09/05/2023 SECP and ICAP hold capacity building session on Sustainability Disclosures and Reporting
11/05/2023 SECP registers 1,760 companies in April 2023
12/05/2023 First Investment Bank Ltd applies to SECP for conversion into a Shariah Compliant Entity
17/05/2023 SECP amends NBFC Regulations to adapt to new technologies
18/05/2023 SECP organizes financial reporting workshop
19/05/2023 SECP remains committed to fostering a respectful work environment
24/05/2023 SECP issues fraud alert
25/05/2023 SECP and AAOIFI all set to host the inaugural Islamic Capital Markets conference
26/05/2023 SECP Issues Requirements for Grievance Handling Mechanisms
30/05/2023 SECP Chairman unveils commemorative stamp to mark Silver Jubilee of CDC
31/05/2023 Beware of fraudulent financial activities
02/06/2023 SECP prescribes rating requirement for investment in short term instruments by CISs
06/06/2023 SECP grants NOC for launching four VPS fund schemes for KP Govt employees
09/06/2023 SECP registers 2,539 companies in May 2023
12/06/2023 Commissioner SECP met with Special Secretary Finance GoKPK
13/06/2023 SECP approves Pakistan’s first P2P Lending Platform
14/06/2023 Capacity building webinar on Sustainability Disclosures and Reporting held by SECP & ICAP
20/06/2023 SECP amends Securities & Futures Advisers Regulations to improve investor base
21/06/2023 SECP invites comments to amendments in AML- CFT Regulations 2020
23/06/2023 Two-day ‘Corporate Supervision and Regulatory Actions Symposium’ begins in Islamabad
24/06/2023 SECPs Symposium on Corporate Supervision concludes
17/07/2023 SECP amends regulations for election of independent directors and female directors
19/07/2023 SECP reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding public interests
20/07/2023 SECP registers 27,746 companies in FY2023
21/07/2023 SECP takes Actuarial Advisor on board for Insurance Division
22/07/2023 SECP and PTA foster collaboration for a safer digital ecosystem
24/07/2023 Tech-based financial innovation is inevitable for sustainable growth; SECP Commissioner Mujtaba Lodhi
27/07/2023 SECP Registers Life insurance Company as a Pension Fund Manager
31/07/2023 SECP Publishes Diagnostic Study on Status of Motor Third-Party Insurance
04/08/2023 SECP issues promoters’ guides in German and Korean
07/08/2023 SECP strengthens measures to prevent predatory lending in Digital Nano Lending
08/08/2023 SECP, FIA to collaborate for a secure digital financial system
10/08/2023 SECP Releases Promoter Guides in Balochi, Pushto, and Sindhi Languages
11/08/2023 SECP Introduces Maximum Terms Limits for CEOs and Independent Directors of Capital Market Infrastructure Institutions
11/08/2023 SECP registers 2,220 companies in July
12/08/2023 Fraudulent deposit/ investment schemes by AA Enterprises SECP Warns Public Against Investing in Fraudulent Investment Schemes
16/08/2023 SECP Strikes Down Illegal Personal Loan Applications
18/08/2023 SECP seeks public consultation on proposed amendments to Listed Companies Regulations
25/08/2023 SECP issues first certificate of Shariah compliance
06/09/2023 SECP issues Shariah Compliance Certificate to a startup
12/09/2023 SECP forms Committee with ICAP and PIDE to encourage corporatization
13/09/2023 SECP witnesses 20% growth in August incorporations
14/09/2023 SECP’s Regulatory Sandbox shifts to “Always Open”
20/09/2023 SECP, IGNITE ink MoU. Dr. Saif for setting up VC fund to support fintech
21/09/2023 SECP introduces Shariah Governance Framework 2023
22/09/2023 SECP notifies amendments to NBFC Rules 2003
25/09/2023 SECP imposes pricing caps on digital personal loans
25/09/2023 SECP warns public against investing in ISMMART Group
26/09/2023 SECP amends AML/CFT) Regulations, 2020
27/09/2023 SECP issues standardized constitutive documents for registration of Private Funds
28/09/2023 SECP Proposes Simplified Process for All Right Issues
30/09/2023 Dr Shamshad consultation with financial markets to bring investment through Private Funds
02/10/2023 SECP’s publishes latest statistics of insurance industry
03/10/2023 SECP continues crack down on illegal loan apps
05/10/2023 SECP to host International Insure-Impact Conference 2023
08/10/2023 SECP warns the public against illegal investment scheme by Meilleuretech Services
11/10/2023 PTA – SECP sign MoU to promote mutual cooperation
12/10/2023 SECP registers 2,477 new companies in September
13/10/2023 SECP raising awareness about the Islamic capital market
27/10/2023 SECP initiates consultation on voluntary ESG Disclosure Guidelines
02/11/2023 SECP Constitutes Committee to enhance transparency in the conduct of meetings of shareholders
06/11/2023 SECP, FIA sign MoU to enhance mutual cooperation
07/11/2023 SECP proposes amendments to insurance regulatory framework for recording of advance tax
08/11/2023 SECP publishes concept paper on issuance of subordinated debt securities
13/11/2023 SECP registers 2,463 new companies in October 2023
14/11/2023 SECP unveils draft 5-year Strategic Plan for Insurance Sector
15/11/2023 Committee formed for operational readiness of issuance of Govt Debt Securities at PSX
21/11/2023 SECP takes notice of surrogate ads by cryptocurrency exchanges and betting platforms
22/11/2023 KPK successfully transitioned from traditional pensions to a futuristic VPS for civil servants
23/11/2023 30th Meeting of the SECP-SBP Coordination Committee
24/11/2023 SECP revokes registration of “New Hampshire Insurance Company—Pakistan Branch”
02/12/2023 PMEX holds InvestExpo 2023
04/12/2023 United Insurance acquires the entire undertaking of SPI Insurance
05/12/2023 SECP partners with AAOIFI to establish an Islamic finance research and development centre
06/12/2023 SECP publishes its Annual Report for FY 2022–23
07/12/2023 SECP notifies time frame for implementation of IFRS 17 for insurance industry
08/12/2023 SECP Commissioner Insurance Highlights Takaful Potential at 6th Annual IIAL Conference
09/12/2023 2,234 new companies registered in November 2023
12/12/2023 SECP all set to host International InsureImpact Conference 2023
13/12/2023 Two-day ‘International InsureImpact Conference 2023’ begins in Karachi
14/12/2023 SECP’s ‘International InsureImpact Conference 2023’ concludes
15/12/2023 SECP initiates public consultation on simplifying the licensing process for Online brokers and Trading Only brokers
18/12/2023 SECP Issues FAQs on Category-wise Voting for Election of Directors
20/12/2023 SECP warns public against illegal investment schemes of Prime Zone
02/01/2024 SECP organizes workshop on capital markets
16/01/2024 SECP, UN Women Pakistan to host ESG symposium
17/01/2024 Press Release: (17-Jan ) SECP organizes workshop for Shariah scholars
17/01/2024 Press Release (17.01.2024 ) SECP organizes workshop for Shariah scholars
18/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 18) SECP register 2,095 new companies in December 2023
19/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 19) SECP, ADB to host workshop on “Women in Finance Thought Leaders”
23/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 23) SECP and UN Women Hosts its 3rd ESG Symposium to advance sustainable Development
24/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 24) SECP, ADB host workshop on “Women in Finance Thought Leaders”
25/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 25) SECP, ADB workshop on Women in Finance Thought Leaders concludes
26/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 26) ACCA and SECP Reinforces Partnership through MOU to Foster Investor Education and Sustainability
26/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 26) SECP proposes Robust Anti-Harassment Measures for Listed Companies
29/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 29) SECP issues Islamic Finance Bulletin for 2022-2023
30/01/2024 Press Release (Jan 30) SECP permits live testing of 9 innovative business models under RSB
02/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 2) SECP amends Listed Companies’ Takeovers Regulations, 2017
03/02/2024 Press Release (feb 3) SECP publishes Consultation Paper on adoption of AAOIFIs standards for Islamic finance
09/02/2024 SECP effectively enforce laws to promote compliance and transparency in corporate sector
12/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 12) SECP all set to launch “eZfile”, a new corporate registry
13/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 13) SECP prescribes fit and proper criteria for key executives of Corporate Restructuring Companies
14/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 14) SECP continues crack down on illegal personal loan apps
19/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 19) 2651 new companies incorporated in January 2024
29/02/2024 Press Release (Feb 29) SECP seeks public consultation on Report of Committees report on conduct of meetings of shareholders
01/03/2024 Press Release (March 1) SECP amends VPS framework to allow fully funded defined contribution pension schemes
04/03/2024 Press Release (March 4) SECP organizes workshop on new regulatory framework of Voluntary Pension Schemes
05/03/2024 Press Release (March 5) SECP Ministry of Federal Education Professional Training ink MoU
06/03/2024 Press Release (March 6) SECP files criminal cases against individuals involved in stock market manipulation
07/03/2024 Press Release (March 7) SECP notifies amendments to Corporate Restructuring Companies Rules, 2019
08/03/2024 Press Release (March 8) SECP issues concept paper on Shariah-compliant brokerage services
08/03/2024 Press Release (March 8) SECP celebrates International Women Day; reaffirms commitment to promote gender diversity
12/03/2024 Press Release (March 12) SECP issues clarification on Commission’s power to call meetings under section 147 of Companies Act, 2017
13/03/2024 Press Release (March 13) SECP Holds Meeting with Insurance Companies on Digitization
15/03/2024 Press Release (March 15) SECP proposes amendments to Companies Regulations to prevent fraudulent filing of statutory returns
18/03/2024 Press Release (March 18) SECP issues advertisements and call centre management guidelines for digital lenders
19/03/2024 Press Release (March 19) SECP Strengthens Corporate Governance with Focus on Sustainability and Diversity
20/03/2024 Press Release (March 20) SECP organizes financial literacy lecture at Margalla College
21/03/2024 Press Release (March 21) SECP holds industry meeting-cum-webinar on Risk Based Capital Regime for Insurance Sector
22/03/2024 Press Release (March 22) SECP stipulates procedure for payment of subscription money
25/03/2024 Press Release (March 25) SECP issues Circular regarding intimation of share transfer
28/03/2024 Press Release (March 28) Jazz Cash Becomes SECP’s Strategic Knowledge Partner to Propel Pakistan’s Fintech Ecosystem
09/04/2024 Press Release (April 9) SECP Issues Position Paper on Shariah-compliant Brokerage Services
16/04/2024 Press Release (April 16) SECP publishes report on Pakistan’s potential for micro and inclusive insurance
17/04/2024 Press Release (April 17) SECP files criminal complaint against two individuals on charges of front-running
17/04/2024 Press Release (April 17) SECP grants registration to first digital insurer
17/04/2024 Press Release (April 17) SECP directs listed companies to disclose gender gap data
24/04/2024 Press Release (April 24) SECP, IFSB Malaysia organizes Workshop on Islamic Capital Markets
25/04/2024 Press Release (April 25) SECP proposes amendments to General Takaful Accounting Regulations, 2019
26/04/2024 Press Release (April 26) SECP Introduces SECP-XS: A swift complaint resolution platform
26/04/2024 Press Release (April 26) SECP – IFSB Capacity Building Workshop on Islamic Capital Markets concludes
27/04/2024 Press Release (April 27) SECP grants license to ever first Study Now Pay Later digital platform
30/04/2024 Press Release (April 30) SECP expands its financial literacy initiative to Baluchistan
06/05/2024 Press Release (May 6) SECP approves PIA’s Scheme of Arrangement
06/05/2024 Press Release (May 6) SECP allows offering of tailored pension allocation schemes
07/05/2024 Press Release (May 7) SECP proposes enhanced disclosures for Shariah Stock Screening of listed companies
13/05/2024 Press Release (May 13) SECP issues manual for complying with regulatory framework for Modarabas
16/05/2024 SECP enters second phase of digital transformation
16/05/2024 SECP enables digital lenders to launch novel solutions
21/05/2024 SECP conducts Workshop on Collaboration with China in Capital Markets
22/05/2024 SECP Commissioner launches NBFI & Modaraba Year Book 2023
23/05/2024 SECP Introduces Self-Assessment Declaration for NBFC’s to Enroll Digital Lending Apps
31/05/2024 SECP initiates Consultation on Securities Managers Regulations
03/06/2024 SECP bootcamp to impart financial literacy to over 1500 educators concluded
04/06/2024 Women Equifin: Shaping Tomorrow’s Policy for Non-Banking Microfinance Sector
05/06/2024 Islamabad High Court Upholds SECP Penalties Against Shaukat Marwat Group of Companies
05/06/2024 Press Release (June 5) Islamabad High Court Upholds SECP Penalties Against Shaukat Marwat Group of Companies
07/06/2024 Press Release (June 7) SECP Publishes Report Crop and Livestock Insurance in Pakistan
11/06/2024 SECP’s crack down on illegal personal loan apps continues
13/06/2024 SECP issues ESG Disclosure Guidelines and strengthens the Code of Corporate Governance
14/06/2024 Press Release (June 14) SECP launches Companies Regularization Scheme
15/06/2024 SECP warns public against fraudulent car financing scheme by Etihad Auto Solutions
24/06/2024 Consultation Paper Published on the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2022
02/07/2024 SECP issues Consultation Paper on Certifications of Financial Sector Professionals
18/07/2024 SECP Management Discusses Development of Capital Market with PSX Board
18/07/2024 Insurance Companies, CDC ink MoU to establish Pakistan’s first Auto Insurance Repository
19/07/2024 SECP notifies adoption of fresh AAOIFI Shariah, Governance, and Ethics Standards
22/07/2024 Company Benches constituted in High Court of Sindh
25/07/2024 SECP briefs Pakistan’s diplomatic missions in EU on ease of registering companies
26/07/2024 Press Release (July 26) SECP Rolls out Digital Agenda for Insured Pakistan
27/07/2024 SECP registers 27,542 new companies in FY 2023-24
29/07/2024 SECP initiates consultation to revamp Mutual & Pension Fund regimes
30/07/2024 SECP issues simplified illustration format for Life Insurance & Family Takaful products
31/07/2024 SECP recommends formation of Pools to meet Insured Pakistan vision
01/08/2024 Ishaq Dar laid foundation stone of SECP Head Office Building
05/08/2024 SECP registers 2,864 new companies in July
06/08/2024 SECP alerts public to fraudulent trading platform “Aviva Investment Group”
09/08/2024 SECP Issues Concept Papers for Development of Short Term Listed Sukuk Market
12/08/2024 SECP revokes registration of M/s EFU Health Insurance Limited as an Insurer
12/08/2024 SECP interact with Pakistan’s African missions for investment facilitation
13/08/2024 SECP Roundtable on ‘Insured Pakistan Through Promoting Takaful’
23/08/2024 Clarification on registration of International Non-Governmental Organizations
23/08/2024 SECP Hosts Awareness Session on Actuarial Profession in Collaboration with the Society of Actuaries
03/09/2024 SECP Issues Warning Against Fraudulent Social Media and WhatsApp Groups
05/09/2024 SECP and U.S. CFTC organizes Training Program on Commodities Futures Market
06/09/2024 September 06, 2024 : SECP issues Consultation Paper on Areas of Improvement in the Public Offering Regime
10/09/2024 SECP and U.S. CFTC commence 2nd Training Session on Commodities Futures Market
12/09/2024 2,933 new companies registered in August 2024
12/09/2024 SECP and U.S. CFTC inaugurate third training session on Commodities Futures Market in Lahore
13/09/2024 Secp extends Companies Regularization Scheme to provide continued relief to businesses
18/09/2024 NADRA-SECP Sign MoU to Promote Mutual Cooperation
25/09/2024 Press Release- ( Sept 25, 2024) Pakistan Society of Actuaries (PSOA), in collaboration with international partners, hosted a conference titled “Insurance Landscape of Tomorrow” in Karachi
25/09/2024 Press Release- ( Sept 25, 2024) Companies to report induction and cessation of directors and CEOs through eZfile
03/10/2024 SECP issues survey on adoption of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
03/10/2024 Public Hearing for Development of Short-Term Listed Corporate Sukuk Market
04/10/2024 SECP Inaugurates World Investor Week 2024
04/10/2024 SECP Issues Warning Against Fraudulent Social Media and WhatsApp Groups
07/10/2024 2,617 new companies registered in September 2024
10/10/2024 SECP proposes increase in Paid-up Capital (‘PuC’) for Insurance Companies under Insured Pakistan Agenda
21/10/2024 SECP Expands Engagement with Provincial Governments for ‘Insured Pakistan’ Initiative
22/10/2024 SECP Alerts Public to Fraudulent Investment/ Deposit Taking Platform
23/10/2024 SECP, FPCCI and MOHR hold advocacy session on gender reforms under Prime Minister’s Women Empowerment Package 2024
24/10/2024 SECP proposes regulatory reforms regarding Code of Corporate Governance and Postal Ballot Regulations
25/10/2024 SECP Publishes Insurance Industry Statistics 2023
29/10/2024 SECP Engages with Punjab and Sindh Government to Advance “Insured Pakistan” Initiative
30/10/2024 Islamic Financial Service Law proposed in consultation paper published by SECP. Proposal will support recent 26th constitutional amendment seeking riba free financial services by 2028
31/10/2024 SECP Issues a Position Paper to Enable a Startup Friendly Ecosystem
01/11/2024 SECP Alerts Public to Surge in the Number of Fraudulent Trading Platforms promoted through Social Media
04/11/2024 SECP Conducts Startup Summit 2024 Media Briefing
05/11/2024 Minster for Finance Muhammad Aurangzeb Inaugurates SECPs Electronic Mortgage Register for Banks and Financial Institutions. Raises Curtain on New State of the Art Office in Karachi
11/11/2024 SECP Inaugurates Pakistan’s First-Ever Start-up Summit in Karachi to Empower Innovation and Economic Growth
11/11/2024 SECP extends effective date of applicability of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Model of IFRS 9 for Circular Debt
13/11/2024 SECP Reports Robust Growth with the Registration of 2,477 New Companies in October 2024
14/11/2024 SECP Notifies Regulations for Securities Managers
18/11/2024 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Holds Inaugural meeting of Islamic Capital Market Development Committee (ICMDC)
21/11/2024 SECP Rejoins IOPS as Governing Member to Strengthen Pension Sector Reforms
26/11/2024 Islamabad High Court Upholds SECP Orders Against Siddiq Moti
27/11/2024 Zeeshan Rehman Khattak appointed as Commissioner SECP
27/11/2024 Federal Minster for Finance & Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb visits SECP Head Office
28/11/2024 SECP Warns About Another Fraudulent Trading Platform “IGIL Securities”
05/12/2024 Finance Minister Launches ESG Sustain Portal Developed by SECP in collaboration with UN Women
07/12/2024 SECP Concludes Stakeholder Consultation on Insolvency and Debt Enforcement
09/12/2024 SECP registered 3,024 new companies in November 2024, marking the highest monthly number
09/12/2024 SECP has approved Strategic Action Plan 2024-2026 for the development of Islamic finance in non-bank financial sector
10/12/2024 SECP Appellate Bench handled 314 Appeals till date during the year 2024
11/12/2024 SECP successfully conducted pre-conference workshops ahead of the second international Islamic capital market conference 2024
11/12/2024 SECP Launches Women Equality in Finance Policy (WEFP), Sets Target of 70% of all new clients onboarded to be women for NBFMCs in next 5 years
12/12/2024 SECP Hosts Second International Islamic Capital Market Conference
16/12/2024 SECP Led Delegation Visits China to Discuss Market Development and Mutual Cooperation
17/12/2024 SECP Advices Public Against RAMPERS
20/12/2024 SECP Sets Standardized Performance Benchmarks for Collective Investment Schemes
23/12/2024 SECP Reasserts Compliance by Listed Companies to Publish Gender Pay Gap data
26/12/2024 SECP Ceases Guarantees Business of Crescent Star Insurance Limited
27/12/2024 SECP Approves Stock Split Guidelines
31/12/2024 Consultation Paper on Improvement in Conduct of Corporate Briefing Session
01/01/2025 SECP notifies adoption of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
03/01/2025 SECP Appellate Bench Dismisses Appeal by United Insurance and SPI Insurance
03/01/2025 ADB and SECP Collaborate to Enhance Gender Diversity in Non-Banking Microfinance Sector
06/01/2025 SECP Introduces Regulatory Framework for Investment Plans to Facilitate the Mutual Fund Industry
08/01/2025 SECP Seeks Feedback on Improvements in Takeover Regulations
09/01/2025 SECP Alerts Public against a Fraudulent Investment Scheme
13/01/2025 SECP Press Release – Jan 13, 2025 – SECP and FPCCI Host Awareness Seminar
15/01/2025 SECP Press Release – Jan 15 – Consultation Paper on Cost Audit Regime
17/01/2025 SECP Press Release-Jan 17, 2025-SECP Meeting with CMIIs – SECP Deliberates Development of Capital Market with Key Stakeholders
22/01/2025 SECP Press Release – Jan 22, 2025-SECP Issues Consultation Paper for Registration and Trading Platform (RTP) for Public Unlisted Companies at PSX
23/01/2025 SECP Press Release – Jan 23, 2025 – Public Dissemination of Financial Results by Unlisted SECP Licensed Companies
27/01/2025 SECP Press Release – Jan 27, 2025 – Consultation Paper Research Analyst Regulations, 2015
29/01/2025 Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) seeks details of cases of insider trading and market manipulation from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
29/01/2025 SECP to host the InsureImpact Conference Pakistan 2025
30/01/2025 SECP Issues Draft Amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2022
31/01/2025 SECP Clarifies its Role in Merger Process of Telecom Companies
01/02/2025 SECP achieves highest number of Company Incorporation in a Single Month
04/02/2025 SECP Participates in Investor Connect Event (ICE 2025) to Support Startup Ecosystem
04/02/2025 SECP Conducts Capacity Building Session on Electronic Mortgage Register in Karachi
06/02/2025 SECP Consults Stakeholders on Regulatory Reforms for Mutual and Pension Funds
07/02/2025 General Public Being Deceived Through Fraudulent Real Estate Investment Schemes
07/02/2025 SECP Mandates Book-Entry Shares for newly incorporated unlisted Companies
10/02/2025 SECP grants license to first digital, online only securities broker in Pakistan
12/02/2025 SECP hosts the InsureImpact Conference Pakistan 2025
13/02/2025 SECP Announces Mandatory Requirements for Non-Banking Microfinance Companies
19/02/2025 Securities & Exchange Commission Enhances Business Facilitation with Multilingual Guides and eZfile platform
19/02/2025 SECP Press Release – Feb 19, 2025 – SECP Issues Promoters Guides
21/02/2025 SECP Invites Public Feedback on Draft Guidelines for Capital Issue, ESOS, Stock Splits, and Intermediary Registration
26/02/2025 PKR 2.25 trillion raised by Government through Ijarah Sukuk since December 2023
27/02/2025 SECP Holds Online Consultation Sessions on Research Analyst Regulations and Corporate Briefing Session
28/02/2025 SECP’s Policy Board approves amendments to the insurance regulatory framework
01/03/2025 SECP Policy Board approved amendments to the Modaraba Ordinance, 1980