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Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) seeks details of cases of insider trading and market manipulation from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, January 29: With regard to taking up the investigations by FIA against capital market players, as reported by certain quarters, it is clarified that Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “Commission”), has been investigating cases of insider trading and market manipulation and consequently, filing criminal complaints in relevant court of law in terms of Securities Act, 2015.

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  01/01/2016 - 05/03/2016
Date Title Download
04/01/2013 SECP registered 332 companies during December, 2012
07/01/2013 SECP, law enforcing, probing bodies to combat business scams
08/01/2013 SECP, experts for new strategy to combat fraudulent businesses
10/01/2013 SECP acts against directors, auditors for breaches of law
21/01/2013 SECP seeks to cut fees for late filing of returns, accounts
24/01/2013 SECP to increase its enforcement capacity by 200%
28/01/2013 SECP sets up task force for better protection of minority shareholders
29/01/2013 SECP implementing XBRL to transform corporate financial
31/01/2013 SECP asks NCCPL to function as Centralized KYC Organization
31/01/2013 Governance rules for public sector companies approved by SECP Policy Board
07/02/2013 SECP registered 329 companies in January; 11 non-profit associations granted licenses in 2012�s last quarter
08/02/2013 Sindh Judicial Academy�s symposium on �Role and Jurisdiction of Courts under laws Governing Corporate Sector�
13/02/2013 SECP positions itself better to prosecute insider traders
18/02/2013 SECP takes punitive measures against companies� high-ups
04/03/2013 SECP unveils roadmap for diversification of non-bank financial sector
08/03/2013 Governance Rules for Public Sector Companies To Result In More Transparency, Finance Minister
12/03/2013 Security clearance procedure relaxed for foreign investors
13/03/2013 SECP amends first schedule to Companies Ordinance 1984
14/03/2013 Intellectual exchange: SECP launches web consultation forum
18/03/2013 SECP launches web based Insurance Surveyors� Licensing & Registration System
20/03/2013 SECP makes online filing of returns mandatory
30/03/2013 Chairman SECP rejuvenates the corporate law review project
04/04/2013 SECP issues 7 show-cause notices to insurance companies
08/04/2013 SECP initiated inquiry against illegal investment schemes
09/04/2013 SECP frames draft licensing and corporate governance regulations for NGOs
10/04/2013 SECP straightens out public sector insurance entities
10/04/2013 Pakistan to host SAARC insurance regulators` conference
15/04/2013 SECP: Corporatization upbeat rate continues
17/04/2013 SECP reviews rules to develop capital market
18/04/2013 SECP initiates criminal proceedings against Ahmed Nadeem Securities Pvt ltd.
19/04/2013 SECP introduces Online Financial Reporting System for TREC Holders/Brokers
20/04/2013 SECP issues draft principles of corporate governance for non-listed firms
23/04/2013 SECP proposes amendments to the Single Member Companies Rules
24/04/2013 SECP Approves Draft Pharmaceutical Industry (Cost Accounting Records) Order, 2013
25/04/2013 SECP to Promote National Awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility
25/04/2013 SECP Extends Date for Submission of Public Opinion on Draft Associations Not-for-Profit Licencing & Corporate Regulations to June 30, 2013
26/04/2013 SECP Takes Punitive Measures Against Companies´ Higher-ups
02/05/2013 SECP to make listing regulations less cumbersome: Imtiaz Haider
02/05/2013 SECP Invites Public Opinion on, “Draft Companies (Distribution of Specie Dividend) Regulations, 2013”
06/05/2013 Golden Opportunity for the Companies to clear their backlog cases
07/05/2013 SECP facilitates attendance at hearings through video conferencing link
07/05/2013 SECP passes orders against Takaful and Insurance companies, also issues show cause notices and warnings
08/05/2013 SECP makes Online Filing of returns mandatory
08/05/2013 SECP announces the establishment of Shariah Advisory
09/05/2013 SECP actions against noncompliant market participants
10/05/2013 SECP holds seminar on “Mandatory Online Filing of Statutory Returns” in CRO Faisalabad
16/05/2013 SECP corporatization drive is in full swing
22/05/2013 SECP issues license to non-life insurance company
27/05/2013 SECP endeavours to rationalize fiscal incentive system
05/06/2013 SECP and ICMAP hold round table conference on draft licencing and corporate governance regulations for NGOs
06/06/2013 SECP takes action against non-compliant market participants
10/06/2013 Implementation date of Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules extended
11/06/2013 SECP registers 375 companies in May
13/06/2013 SECP takes non-compliant companies to task
13/06/2013 Code of Corporate Governance a must for the protection of minority shareholders
17/06/2013 SECP decries smear campaign against insurance commissioner
18/06/2013 SECP doubles the minimum premium limit required for actuarial certification for group life insurance
28/06/2013 Corporate governance rules for NGOs discussed
04/07/2013 SECP registered 366 new companies in June
05/07/2013 SECP acts against Takaful operators
08/07/2013 Experts compare notes on draft regulations for NGOs
09/07/2013 Reporting Net Capital Balance: SECP issues guidelines for brokers
11/07/2013 SECP holds seminar on online filing of returns
24/07/2013 Implementation date of Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules, 2013 extended
05/08/2013 SECP issues draft Regulations for Third Party Administrators
23/08/2013 SECP forms Shariah Advisory Board
30/08/2013 SECP deposits Rs2.368 billion in national exchequer
06/09/2013 SECP registered 275 new companies and licensed 3 nonprofits in August
09/09/2013 SECP revising NBF sector regulatory framework
17/09/2013 SECP issues new mortality table
17/09/2013 SECP starts 73 show-cause proceedings against CEOs, directors and auditors
18/09/2013 SECP to amend Single-Member Companies Rules
24/09/2013 SECP drafts voluntary code for the pharmaceutical industry
24/09/2013 SECP issues Draft Bancassurance Regulations
27/09/2013 SECP to improve regime for insurance brokers
02/10/2013 SECP to join hands with Turkey for insurance supervision
07/10/2013 SECP facilitates companies on election of directors
09/10/2013 SECP registered 332 new companies and licensed 5 non-profits in September
12/11/2013 SECP to organize workshop on Islamic financial products and risk management
13/11/2013 SECP extends filing date of Form-29 to November 18
19/11/2013 SECP initiates 56 show-cause proceedings
21/11/2013 SECP organizes workshop on Islamic financial products
28/11/2013 SECP extends filing date of annual returns and annual accounts
02/12/2013 SECP approves SME regulation
03/12/2013 SECP submits its self-assessment to IOSCO Assessment Committee
19/12/2013 SECP outlines mechanism for outsourcing by AMCs
30/12/2013 SECP and EOBI ink MOU for increased cooperation