List of Prohibited Words

  1. Al
  2. Askari
  3. Asset Management
  4. Association
  5. Assurance
  6. Assurer
  7. Authority
  8. Bahria
  9. Banking Company
  10. Banks
  11. Benevolent
  12. Board
  13. Bourse
  14. Bureau
  15. Cadet
  16. Chamber of Commerce
  17. Charter
  18. Chartered
  19. Co-operative
  20. Council
  21. Division
  22. Exchange
  23. Fazaiya
  24. Federal
  25. Federation
  26. Fouji
  27. Foundation
  28. Fund
  29. Group
  30. Holding
  31. Housing Finance
  32. IMF
  33. Institution
  34. Insurance
  35. Insurer
  36. Investment
  37. Investment Advisory
  38. Investment Finance
  39. Leasing
  40. Modern
  41. New
  42. Re-Assurance
  43. Re-Assurer
  44. Re-Insurance
  45. Re-Insurer
  46. Red Crecent
  47. Red Cross
  48. Register
  49. Registered
  50. Society
  51. State
  52. The
  53. Trust
  54. UNO
  55. University
  56. World Bank


  • Name of Company containing country name or nationality other than Pakistan.

    These names are not allowed unless sufficient justification is provided.

  • Name of Company containing name of two countries i.e. Pakistan/Pak and any other foreign

    These words may be included in the name of companies where documentary evidence is provided in
    support of the fact that the company is a Joint Venture of two Governments or companies of two

  • Patronage of past or present, Pakistani or Foreign, Head of State/ any connection with Federal or Provincial Government, Department or authority/any connection with corporation set up by or under Federal/Provisional Law/ the patronage of, or any connection with, any Foreign Government or any International Organization.

    These words may be included in the name of companies with the approval of the Commission
    provided sufficient justification is furnished.

  • Important Note Regarding Spellings of Proposed Names.

    It is pertinent to mention here that the application for availability of name will be considered only if
    the spelling of proposed name is according to dictionary. Any deviation in dictionary spellings will
    not be accepted and the name will be rejected.