List of Prohibited Words
- Al
- Askari
- Asset Management
- Association
- Assurance
- Assurer
- Authority
- Bahria
- Banking Company
- Banks
- Benevolent
- Board
- Bourse
- Bureau
- Cadet
- Chamber of Commerce
- Charter
- Chartered
- Co-operative
- Council
- Division
- Exchange
- Fazaiya
- Federal
- Federation
- Fouji
- Foundation
- Fund
- Group
- Holding
- Housing Finance
- Institution
- Insurance
- Insurer
- Investment
- Investment Advisory
- Investment Finance
- Leasing
- Modern
- New
- Re-Assurance
- Re-Assurer
- Re-Insurance
- Re-Insurer
- Red Crecent
- Red Cross
- Register
- Registered
- Society
- State
- The
- Trust
- University
- World Bank
Name of Company containing country name or nationality other than Pakistan.
These names are not allowed unless sufficient justification is provided.
Name of Company containing name of two countries i.e. Pakistan/Pak and any other foreign
companyThese words may be included in the name of companies where documentary evidence is provided in
support of the fact that the company is a Joint Venture of two Governments or companies of two
countries. -
Patronage of past or present, Pakistani or Foreign, Head of State/ any connection with Federal or Provincial Government, Department or authority/any connection with corporation set up by or under Federal/Provisional Law/ the patronage of, or any connection with, any Foreign Government or any International Organization.
These words may be included in the name of companies with the approval of the Commission
provided sufficient justification is furnished. -
Important Note Regarding Spellings of Proposed Names.
It is pertinent to mention here that the application for availability of name will be considered only if
the spelling of proposed name is according to dictionary. Any deviation in dictionary spellings will
not be accepted and the name will be rejected.