01/01/2016 - 05/03/2016
تاریخ عنوان ڈاؤن لوڈ
10/11/2016 Draft Securities and Futures Advisers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
10/11/2016 Draft Securities and Futures Advisers Regulations 2016
02/12/2016 Listed companies (substantial acquisition of voting shares and takeovers) Regulations, 2016
07/12/2016 SRO 1144(I)/2016 Collateral management and warehousing (establishment and operations) regulations, 2016
09/12/2016 SRO 1146(I)/2016 (Draft amendments in VPS rules, 2005)
20/02/2017 SRO 102 (I)/2017 (Amendments in Securities Brokers Regulations, 2016)
11/04/2017 Draft Sukuk (Amendments) Regulations, 2017
03/08/2017 SRO 754 (I)/2017 Draft Futures Brokers (Licensing & Operation) Regulations, 2017
17/08/2017 SRO 832 (I)/2017 Licensing of Accredited Representatives Regulations, 2017
10/01/2020 Draft amendments to the Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities Licensing) Regulations, 2017
10/01/2020 Draft amendments to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
10/01/2020 Draft amendments to the Securities and Futures Advisers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
20/01/2020 Draft the Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
27/01/2020 Draft amendment to Associations with Charitable and Not for Profit Objects Regulations, 2018
28/01/2020 Draft Amendments to AML/CFT Regulations, 2018
10/02/2020 Draft amendments to the Limited Liability Partnership Regulations, 2018
10/02/2020 Draft amendments to the Companies (Incorporation) Regulations, 2017
10/02/2020 Draft amendments to Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Regulations, 2018
10/02/2020 Draft amendments to Foreign Companies Regulations, 2018
10/02/2020 Draft amendments in the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba Rules, 1981
18/02/2020 Draft Amendments to Private Funds Regulations2015
18/02/2020 Draft Amendments to REITs Regulations2015
04/03/2020 SRO 141 (I)/2020 Draft amendments in the Auditors (Reporting Obligations) Regulations, 2018
09/03/2020 SRO 173 (I)/2020 Draft amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2015
30/03/2020 SRO 267 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
02/04/2020 SRO 275 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments in the Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2008
14/04/2020 SRO 304 (I)/2020 – Draft Amendments to the Companies (Distribution of Dividend) Regulations, 2017
15/04/2020 SRO 311 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Central Depositories (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
15/04/2020 SRO 312 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Clearing Houses (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
15/04/2020 SRO 313 (I)/2020- Draft amendments to Securities Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
15/04/2020 SRO 314 (I)/2020- Draft amendments to Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
24/04/2020 SRO 345 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Credit and Suretyship (Conduct of Business) Rules, 2018
28/04/2020 SRO 343 (I)/2020 – Draft Corporate Insurance Agents Regulations 2020
28/04/2020 SRO 347 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Collateral Management Companies Regulations, 2019
28/04/2020 SRO 345 (I)/2020 – Draft of amendments to the Credit and Suretyship (Conduct of Business) Rules, 2018
20/05/2020 Draft Amendments to the Credit Rating Companies Regulation, 2016
20/05/2020 Draft amendments to Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities) Regulations 2017
20/05/2020 Draft amendments to Public Offering Regulations 2017
10/06/2020 SRO 510 (I)/2020- Draft amendments to Shariah Governance Regulations, 2018
30/06/2020 SRO 594 (I)/2020 – Draft Professional Clearing Members Regulations, 2020
30/06/2020 Draft amendments in NBFC Regulations 2008
30/06/2020 Draft amendments in VPS Rules 2005 with MoL changes for PC
01/07/2020 CRA Regulations 2016 (Ammended up till June 29 2020)
03/07/2020 Draft Professional Clearing Members Regulations, 2020
03/08/2020 Draft Amendments to the Securities and Futures Advisers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
10/08/2020 ”Draft Amendments in Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulations) Rules 2003”
24/08/2020 Comments solicited on amendments in the licensing regulations of Securities Exchanges, Central Depositories and Clearing Houses notified on June 11, 2020
02/09/2020 NBFC Regulations 2008 ( updated up to July 7, 2020)
02/09/2020 Draft amendment to the Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
14/09/2020 Draft amendments to Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Regulations, 2018
14/09/2020 Draft amendments to Foreign Companies Regulations, 2018
14/09/2020 Draft amendments to Companies (Incorporation) Regulations, 2017
14/09/2020 Draft amendments to Limited Liability Partnership Regulations, 2018
21/09/2020 Draft Companies (Audit of Cost Accounts) Regulations, 2020
21/10/2020 Draft amendments to the Code of Corporate Governance for Insurers, 2016
29/10/2020 SRO 1113(I)/2020 Draft amendment to the Companies (Distribution of Dividends) Regulations, 2017
06/11/2020 SRO 1202 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Central Depositories (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
06/11/2020 SRO 1201 (I)/2020 – Draft amendments to Securities Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
06/11/2020 SRO 1203 (I)/2020- Draft amendments to Clearing Houses (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
06/11/2020 Position Paper Regulation of Digital Asset Trading Platforms
17/11/2020 SRO 1227 (I)/2020- Draft amendment to Central Depository (Licensing & Operations) Regulations 2016
18/11/2020 Draft amendments in Debt Securities Trustees Regulations 2017
18/11/2020 Draft Amendments to Public Offering Regulations 2017
08/01/2021 S.R.O. 16 (I)/2021 Draft Self Regulatory Organizations (Registration) Regulations 2021
01/02/2021 SRO 107 (I)/2021 2nd Draft amendments in the Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2008
23/02/2021 Draft amendment in the Companies (Distribution of Dividends) Regulations, 2017
08/04/2021 SRO 455 (I)/ 2021 Draft amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2015
20/04/2021 Draft Amendments to Centralized Customer Protection Compensation Fund Regulations, 2017 dated April 19, 2021
22/04/2021 Draft amendments, Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
28/04/2021 Draft Amendments in Public Offering Regulations, 2017
06/05/2021 Draft Amendments in the Insurance Rules, 2017
25/05/2021 SRO 582 (I)/2021- Draft Amendments to NBFC & Notified Entities Regulations, 2008
28/05/2021 SRO 604(I)/2021 – Draft amendments in the Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Regulations, 2018
16/06/2021 Position Paper – Registration Regime for Digital-only Insurer and Dedicated Microinsurer
16/06/2021 S.R.O 755(I)/2021 – Draft amendments to the Insurance Rules, 2017
16/06/2021 S.R.O.37/(I)/2020 – Draft amendments in Regulation of Associations with Charitable and Not for Profit Objects Regulations, 2018
08/07/2021 Draft Amendments to the Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities Licensing) Regulations, 2017
30/07/2021 Draft amendment in the Companies (Distribution of Dividends) Regulations, 2017
11/08/2021 A – S.R.O 1004(I)/2021 – Draft amendments in the Unit Linked Product and Fund Rules, 2015
11/08/2021 B – Proposal for changes in the Directive for Life Insurance and Family Takaful Illustration, 2016
11/08/2021 C – S.R.O 1003(I)/2021 – Draft amendments in the Insurance Rules, 2017
11/08/2021 Concept Paper – Proposal for review of Unit Linked Framework and Regulatory Changes in the existing Unit Linked Regime
16/08/2021 S.R.O 1020(I)/2021 – Draft amendments in the Insurance rules, 2017 (Exchange Traded Fund)
07/09/2021 Draft Amendments in the Companies (Asset Backed Securitization) Rules, 1999
17/09/2021 Draft Amendments in Buy Back Regulations, 2019
21/09/2021 Amendments to Public Offering Regulations, 2017 – Special Purpose Acquisition Company
02/11/2021 SRO 1408 (I) 2021-Draft Amendments to NBFC & NE Regulations – Premature Redemption – for public comments
23/11/2021 S.R.O. 1493(I)2021 – Draft Amendments to the Companies (Incorporation) Regulations, 2017.pdf
26/11/2021 S.R.O.1512(I)/2021-Draft Amendments to the Companies (Registration Office) Regulations, 2018
17/01/2022 Draft Amendments in Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities Licensing) Regulations, 2017
17/01/2022 Draft amendments in the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations 2016
28/01/2022 Draft amendments in the Companies (Distribution of Dividends) Regulations, 2017
21/02/2022 Draft Amendments in Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
21/02/2022 Draft Amendments in Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities Licensing) Regulations 2017
21/02/2022 Concept Note – Online Only Brokers ( for Public Comments)
03/03/2022 SRO 369(I)/2022 – Draft Amendments in Insurance Companies (Sound & Prudent Management) Regulations, 2012
28/03/2022 Draft Amendments in NBFC & NE Regulations, 2008 – P2P Lending
29/03/2022 Draft Amendments in NBFC & NE Regulations, 2008
26/04/2022 SECP’s Concept Paper on Regulatory Sandbox
27/04/2022 S.R.O. 558 (I)/2022 dated April 22, 2022 Draft Amendment to Rule 34 of Insurance Rules, 2017 – Qualification required of insurance agents
27/04/2022 Concept Note – Asset Fractionalization (for Public Comments)
30/04/2022 Concept Note – Revamping of Companies (Further Issue of Capital) Regulations, 2020
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 569 (I)/2022 Draft amendment to the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 570 (I)/2022 Draft amendment to the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 573 (I)/2022 Draft amendments to the Securities Exchanges(Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 571 (I)/2022 Draft amendments to the Clearing House (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 572 (I)/2022 draft amendments to the Central Depositories (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
09/05/2022 S.R.O. 569 (I)/2022 draft amendment to the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018
23/05/2022 S.R.O.599(I)/2022 Draft amendment to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations 2016
23/05/2022 S.R.O.600(I)/2022 draft amendment to the Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations 2017
23/05/2022 S.R.O.601(I)/2022 Draft amendment to the Futures Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations 2018
23/05/2022 SRO 603 (I) 2022-Draft Amendments to the NBFC & NE Regulations, 2008
17/06/2022 Notification- Draft amendments in Credit Rating Companies Regulations, 2016
17/06/2022 Notification- Draft Amendments in Listed Companies (Buy Back of Shares) Regulations, 2019
17/06/2022 Summary – Proposed amendments in Listed Companies (Buy Back of Shares) Regulations, 2019.
20/06/2022 Summary of Draft Amendments in Credit Rating Companies Regulations, 2016
21/06/2022 Draft amendments to Securities and Futures Advisors Regulations, 2017 for public comments
21/06/2022 Notification – Draft Amendments in Credit Rating Companies Regulations, 2016
21/06/2022 Notification – Draft Asset Backed Securitization Regulations, 2022
22/06/2022 Summary of Draft Asset Backed Securitization Regulations, 2022
23/06/2022 Notification – Draft Asset Backed Securitization Regulations, 2022
24/06/2022 Concept Paper-Issuance of Convertible Debt Securities through Right Offer
24/06/2022 Notification-Draft Issuance of Convertible Debt Securities through Right Offer Regulations, 2022
30/06/2022 SRO 935 (I)2022-Draft Amendments to VPS Rules, 2005
30/06/2022 SRO 936 (I)2022-Draft amendments to NBFC & NE Regulations 2008
07/07/2022 S.R.O. 979 (I)/2022 – Draft amendments to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
22/07/2022 SRO 1119 (I)2022–Draft Companies Regulations, 2022
01/08/2022 Concept Note – Digital Asset Management Companies
04/08/2022 Draft Amendments to the Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
19/08/2022 Review of Landscape & Revamping Framework-Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
26/08/2022 Notification for draft amendments in NBFC Rules for Public Consultation
06/09/2022 Notification-Draft Amendments to the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
23/09/2022 S.R.O.1766(I)2022 – Draft Amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2015
18/10/2022 Draft amendments to the Collateral Management Companies Regulations, 2019
11/11/2022 S.R.O 2006(I)/2022 – Draft amendments in the Insurance Rules, 2017
30/11/2022 SRO 2066 (I)/2022 – Draft Unlisted Companies (Buy-Back of Shares) Regulations, 2022
02/12/2022 SRO 2131(I)/2022- Draft amendments to Clearing Houses (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
02/12/2022 SRO 2133 (I)/2022 – Draft amendment to the Central Depository (Licensing & Operations) Regulations 2016
02/12/2022 SRO 2130 (I)/2022- Draft Amendments to Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
02/12/2022 SRO 2134(I)/2022 – Draft amendments to the Securities Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
02/12/2022 Draft amendments to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016,
05/12/2022 Consultation Paper on Introduction of Panel of Auditors for SECP Regulated Entities dated December 02, 2022.
05/12/2022 SRO 2191 (I)/2022- Draft Amendments to Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
05/12/2022 SRO 2132(I)/2022- Draft Amendments to Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
06/12/2022 SRO 2190 (I)/2022 – Draft Amendments to Public Offering (Regulated Securities Activities Licensing) Regulations, 2017
08/12/2022 Concept Paper – Proposed Risk Based Capital Regime for Insurance Sector
13/12/2022 Consultation Paper on Amendments in Securities Brokers’ Ratings Regime
25/01/2023 Draft CRC Rules Amendments with MOL changes for PO
27/01/2023 S.R.O. 66(I)/2023- Draft Amendments to the Companies (Registration Offices) Regulations, 2018
07/02/2023 Draft Notification Amendments in Eighth Schedule to the Companies Act, 2017
28/02/2023 Draft Amendments to the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018
28/02/2023 Draft Amendments to the Listed Companeis (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
28/02/2023 Concept Paper – Sequential Voting (28-2-2023)
03/03/2023 Consultation Paper – Proposed Shariah Governance Regulations 2023
05/04/2023 S.R.O 423(I)/2023 – Amendments in NBFC Regulations, 2008
18/04/2023 S.R.O. 468 (I)2023 dated 10th April 2022 Notification Draft Amendments Incorporation Regulations, 2017
18/04/2023 S.R.O. 472 (I)2023 dated 10th April 2023 Notification draft Amendments Foreign Companies Regulations, 2018
18/04/2023 S.R.O. 471 (I)2023 dated 10th April 2023 Notification draft amendments General Provision and Forms Regulations, 2018
05/06/2023 S.R.O.651(I)/2023 Draft amendments to the Clearing Houses (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
05/06/2023 S.R.O.652(I)/2023. Draft amendments to the Securities Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
05/06/2023 S.R.O.653(I)/2023- Draft amendments to the Central Depository (Licensing & Operations) Regulations 2016
05/06/2023 S.R.O.654(I)/2023- Draft amendments to the Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations 2017
21/06/2023 Notification for Draft Amendments in AML/CFT Regulations 2020
27/06/2023 S.R.O. 770 (I)/2023 – Draft Amendments to the Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
18/08/2023 S.R.O. 1086 (I) 2023 – Draft Amendments to the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
18/08/2023 Consultation Paper-Draft Amendments to the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
26/09/2023 S.R.O. 1355 (I)/2023- Draft amendments to the Associations with Charitable and Not for Profit Objects Regulations, 2018
27/09/2023 Notification – Draft amendments to the Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
27/09/2023 Consultation Paper on Draft Amendments to the Companies (Further Issue of Shares) Regulations, 2020
26/10/2023 S.R.O. 1481 (I)/2023- Draft amendments to the Auditors (Reporting Obligations) Regulations, 2018
30/10/2023 Draft Guidelines on ESG Disclosures for Listed Companies
06/11/2023 S.R.O 1514(I)-2023 Amendments in Insurance Rules, 2017 (Treatment of Advance Tax)
06/11/2023 Concept Paper- Issuance of Subordinated Debt Securities by Insurance Companies
06/11/2023 S.R.O 1515(I)2023- Amendments to Insurance Rules, 2017 (Subordinated Debt)
06/11/2023 S.R.O 1516(I)-2023- Amendments in Insurance Accounting Regulations, 2017 (Treatment of Advance Tax)
18/12/2023 Draft amendments to the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
29/01/2024 Draft Amendment in Auditors (Reporting Obligations) Regulations, 2018
29/01/2024 Draft-Amendments-to-the-Listed-Companies-Code-of-Corporate-Governance-regulations-2019
29/02/2024 Committee Report on “Enhancing Transparency, Efficiency, and Shareholder-friendliness of Shareholder Meetings in Pakistan”
06/03/2024 Concept Paper | Shariah Compliant Brokerage Services
19/03/2024 Draft Amendments to the Companies Regulations, 2024
19/03/2024 Draft Amendments to Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
22/03/2024 SRO 427(I)/2024 – Draft Amendments to Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2016
16/04/2024 S.R.O 569 -2024 – Draft Amendments in General Takaful Accounting Regulations 2019
16/05/2024 Consultation Paper-Proposal for Listing of SECP Licensed Companies
24/05/2024 Draft Securities Managers Regulations, 2024
24/05/2024 Consultation Paper Securities Managers Regulation
29/05/2024 Draft amendments to the Companies Regulations, 2024
24/06/2024 Consultation Paper – Improvement in Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Regulations, 2022
02/07/2024 Consultation Paper on Certification Requirements and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for Professional working in Financial Services Sector
29/07/2024 SRO-1087(I)/2024-Draft-Amendments-to-the-Code-of-Corporate-Governance-for-Insurers-2016
29/07/2024 Mutual Fund for Masses – Consultation Paper
07/08/2024 S.R.O. 1136(I)/2024: Draft amendments in the Companies (Maintenance and Audit of Cost Accounts) Regulations, 2020
09/08/2024 Concept Paper – Listing of Short-Term Corporate Sukuk at Stock Exchange
09/08/2024 Concept Paper – Listing of Short-Term Sovereign Sukuk
06/09/2024 Consultation Paper – Improvements in Public Offering Regime
16/09/2024 SECP Strategic Action Plan, 2024-2026
01/10/2024 S.R.O1501(I)/2024 Draft Notification Directive for Sale of Life Insurance Savings Products through Technology-Based Distribution Channels, 2024
08/10/2024 Consultation Paper – Transformation of the Regulatory Framework for section 42 Companies
10/10/2024 Draft Amendments to the Insurance Rules 2017- Increase in minimum Paid-up capital Requirments
22/10/2024 S.R.O.1640(I)/2024 Draft Amendments to the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018
22/10/2024 S.R.O.1639(I)/2024 Draft Amendments to the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
31/12/2024 Draft Amendments to the Futures Exchange (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017
02/01/2025 Consultation Paper on Coporate Briefing Session
07/01/2025 Consultation paper- Cost Audit Regime in Pakistan
08/01/2025 Consultation Paper – Proposed Draft Amendments to the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 2017
22/01/2025 Consultation Paper- Launch of Registration and Trading Platform (RTP) at PSX
27/01/2025 Consultation Paper – Review of Research Analyst Regulations
30/01/2025 S.R.O.77(I)/2025 – Draft amendments to the Real Estate Investment Trust(REIT) Regulations, 2022
19/02/2025 S.R.O.42(I)2025 – Amendments to the Code of Corporate Governance for Insurers, 2016
20/02/2025 Public Consultation on Draft Capital Issue Guidelines for Unlisted Companies
20/02/2025 Public Consultation on Draft Guidelines for Employees Stock Option Schemes by Unlisted Companies
20/02/2025 Public Consultation on Draft Guidelines for Stock Split by unlisted companies
20/02/2025 Public Consultation on Intermediaries Application Submission Guidelines
28/02/2025 Draft amendments to Professional Clearing Members Regulations, 2020