User should have a login (i.e. username & password) to access SECP eServices application. To get a username and password user needs to signup.
User Signup
- Click Signup button on login page, User Signup page is displayed
- Provide values for the following fields:
- User id
- Password
- Retype Password
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- CNIC/Passport No.
- Login Type
- Click SignUp button. An email containing the user activation link is sent.
- Click the link in the email to activate the user account.
User Login
- Enter user id and password
- Press enter or click Login button.
- List of available and unavailable processes is shown
Starting a new process
- Click on any available process
- An input page is displayed. Data entered on this page is used to fill the eForm(s)
- Click on the continue button
- Process Document Listing Page is displayed. It contains the following links:
- Update Form(s) Data: Click on this link to go to the input page and update the data.
- View eForm: Click on this link to view the eForms which have been automatically filled using the information taken on the input page
- Fill eForm : Click on this link, an eForm will be displayed. Fill out the form and press Save Form button.
- When all forms are filled and saved, Sign Forms link will be enabled
- Click on the Sign Forms link. Submit to SECP page is displayed
- Documents (eForms) will be shown. Against each eForm following information is shown:
- Signatures required on the eform
- Signatures already done on the eform
- Select for Signature
- Select the eforms.
- Select your digital signature provided by NIFT from the drop down. (Contact NIFT for details of getting and installing digital signatures)
- Click Sign button. Sign process will start and show the progress
- When signature process completes,the Submit to SECP button is enabled
- Click Submit to SECP button
- All documents will be submitted to the SECP and the process will start once the SECP receives the bank challan copy
- SECP will review the submitted documents. In case of discrepancy, user will be sent an email to update the documents and the process will be shown under the “List of Processes Awaiting Response”. User can update the documents by clicking on this link. Challan form should be submitted only if the fee is changed. User will sign the updated forms and submit the documents to SECP. If the bank challan form is submitted then the process will start when SECP receives the bank challan copy
- User will be notified about the completion of the process through email provided at the user signup